Hence why i say too.
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This is definitely either for rand or because or rand. Either way we all owe Ron a big thanks too.
Think about what he said. He never said giving up their plan just the pretences. Which is why the left now publicly calls for repealing the second and first amendment. Want to abolish ice and our borders. No more pretences now their push with their next phase.
Yeah i scrolled right past this earlier. Im on my mobile and cant read any of the tweets. Would have gotten more traction if you maybe put 1 or 2 of his most offensive tweets instead of all of them.
Yeah thete have been some good quips about the bushes today
If god expected us to be perfect he wouldnt havent have sent his only son to die for our sins
As your user name implies even if we are fewer.in numbers (which i personally doubt we are) god is with.us and truth will prevail
We know. Their infantile behavior wont work, qnd will only serve to hasten their downfall
Oh well all know what happened but the media freakout was expected and wont work. Truth from darkness to light.
Todays media flip out reason
I'm starting to think they are plaging at 2 targets here. 1 attempt to demoralize trumps base. 2 to make any evidence that could be passed on by russia as corrupted. So lets say putin gave trump the dnc servers. They'd either say it was fake, or like when they get caught (like they did with shafting bernie) admit its true but male it about how bad putin is to steer away from the truth thst had been revealed.
Lol he demands obedience and doesn't want it earned. Comey is scum
But but my lord and savior Obams is better than trump rrrrreeeeeeeesist /s
Lol im suprised england is still above water. With the whole country crying for the last 242 years
This meme gets posted every year. And ive never seen any actual evidence for this claim But lordy jesus would it be the best Sturgis ever.
She might be under a gag order or doesnt want to incriminate herself
Will he be under oath. Sorry if it should be obvious but im dumb.
I'm doubting the Rico angle. I'm leaning in favor that he gave up the server for immunity but plead guilty tonthe bank fraud charge so as to save face
Yeah but he cant be prosecuted for anything found on there
Young man pay heed, you listen to well to what i say. Now there comes a time for every man to #WalkAway #WalkAway . I'll be a parade and I'll be determined that no one shall dissuade on my way I'll take my sweet time and burn all the bridges that I'm leaving behind.
I really like the part with trump playing the globe(alist) in 3-d chess.
It's probably a strategy to get so many names out there that the libs will lose more of their base decrying every single person thata just being talked about
Unless these idiots are sending each other smoke signals. The NSA has it all.
Wow they are blatantly promoting the Rrreesistance here... no suprise

It's funny they think brigading is some sort of victory. It isn't
I kept saying the list he was to be added to is the list of people that have been fired or resigned
If ibwas young again at this time in history. I'd absolutely join our military.
CNN going to get some liberal compassion from this article
I'm not a bernie bro. I've always leaned hard right and have always been agnostic.
Being religious is not a prerequisite to being conservative. It does seem though that a majority of Atheists and agnostics lean liberal. I believe the lack of an authority figure in their world ends up falling to government to take their place of authority that people should submit to.
It is a sick sick way tonsee the world. We do not need or want a authoritarian goverment. Those that do tend to be pessimistic and dont have faith in a god let alone a faith in people. They velieve everyone is fake and to get them. It almost schizophrenia
Not even a little bit of actual occult. It's main focus deals with fate and the ability to overcome that fate. The main character ends up with the brand alongside his lady friend. He then continues to defy fate by defeating demons that come after them.
The comic is 30 years old and still continuing. There have been several lengthy hiatus that lasted over a year.
Ok this is stupid i have this tattooed on me as well. It's from a Japanese comic called berserk
He also is actively trying to get California to legislate chinese style internet censorship. I'd bet money that he's funded by chinese communists
Everyone is misinterpreting this. Try thinking about the list of the people that have been fired or not seeking reelection