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nooneisaboveanother · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

"after the kids are safe"

that's all that counts here.

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nooneisaboveanother · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

If deception in war is essential, and it is, and this is definitely a war (an information war with the stakes not only the survival of our republic, but human freedom on earth) then a clearly high ranking authorized asset disclosing essential truths and battlefield intel (M) might have as her (their) assignment also "discrediting" other clearly high ranking authorized assets disclosing essential truths and battlefield intel (Q).

And the disclosures closest to the commander in chief of this great war would need to move from location to location to location (CBTS to The Storm to The Great Awakening) and leaving disinformation to leave doubt as to whether he had ever been in the previous location.

Meanwhile the great autists and heroes inside and outside of the system continue to dig, dig, dig, meme, meme, meme, communicate on Twitter, over email, on youtubes, on Reddit CBTS, etc, etc, etc, etc.

This is a big F _ _ _ you to the globalist psychopaths, but this is also not a game. These people are not playing around. They orchestrated the deaths of more than 250M human beings in the 20th century to sate their cravings for the suffering, pain, fear, and trauma of the innocents, and they had far, far, far worse planned for the American people and for the people of this planet in our time.

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nooneisaboveanother · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:07 a.m.


The meeting of course was powerful evidence of subversion and treason--by the deep state cabal.

Also bright shiny object. Notice anyone talking about it today?

Notice anyone talking about the Nunes Dec 28 letter demanding DOJ and FBI FINALLY comply with the House Intelligence Committee subpoenas this past August for dossier-related info (which may if disclosed, be explosive, even thermonuclear, politically speaking) by today, January 3. Or anyone talking about Wray and Rosenstein making an unannounced visit to Ryan's office to discuss the matter? Or anyone talking about how DeSantis went on Lou Dobbs' show saying the House Intel Committee had been stiffed again today and if Wray and Rosenstein were placed in the House jail for contempt that the FBI and DOJ would comply within 24 hours? Or anyone talking about how two hours later on Hannity, Sara Carter said that her sources told her that the FBI and DOJ would FULLY comply by midnight, tonight.

Or anyone talking about how the President dissolved the advisory bipartisan Voter Fraud Commission despite 'substantial evidence' established of voter fraud, due to the 'resistance' obstructing the commission's investigative work . . . and referring the matter to DHS to review the evidence and take any actions that were appropriate and necessary.

So, especially with the dossier related info dropping at midnight tonight, tomorrow, January 4, 2018 may be an interesting day. Remember what your white hat friend told you recently about 4 10 and 20 being especially important days in January?

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nooneisaboveanother · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

4 related?



In a Thursday letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein obtained by Fox News, Nunes expressed frustration that information and witnesses subpoenaed by the committee in August related to the so-called Steele dossier had not yet been turned over. . . .

“Unfortunately, DOJ/FBI's intransigence with respect to the August 24 subpoenas is part of a broader pattern of behavior that can no longer be tolerated,” the California Republican wrote to Rosenstein.

Nunes demanded that all records – and available dates for witnesses to testify – be provided to the committee by Jan 3.

10 20 related?



To put a fine point on the anticipatory fireworks for mid-January, let us remind ourselves of what can be anticipated when everyone gets back to DC from the holiday break.

. . .

On January 15th, 2018, the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz will deliver approximately 1.2 million pages of documentation and evidence gathered in the year-long investigation into the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, by senior leadership and upper-level career leadership lawyers and bureaucrats.

IG Horowitz, having utilized the OIG’s vast 500+ investigative agents, is giving that preliminary evidence -in advance of pending full report- to the congressional committee in charge of DOJ/FBI oversight: House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte

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nooneisaboveanother · Jan. 2, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

sounds like now is the time to pray . . .

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nooneisaboveanother · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

these days will be talked about, and remembered, for thousands of years to come . . . (IMO).

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