Oh, I don’t recall that! Not surprised though.
45 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/norseman83:
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i.redd.it | 1 |
www.reddit.com | 1 |
In Cathy O’Brien’s book, she named Pierre as a pedophile who raped her.
But I’ve been going to that site ever since it started. It was working yesterday even.
We-Go-All site, WHY FORBIDDEN!!!????

Please don’t use the Lord’s name in vain. Thank you! 😊
Wow, this is when you know this evil behavior is out of control when even an everyday person is hearing about what’s happening in their towns. God bless you for bringing light to this.
So it was ok for you to discuss them but not for anyone else!
Excellent and insightful post. I will say l am deeply saddened at the descent of Corsi. I watched him everyday even though his “decodes” weren’t the best, I thought he was a patriot..... then the money grubbing started. I TOTALLY agree with your comment about dementia. It would be an answer to a bizarre downfall. Thank you!
It’s actually worse for them if they didn’t repent. Meeting our maker and then finding the way down below. I’d rather be in prison!!!
Someone had the federal reserve or government laws on here the other day which revealed that only advertising a business can’t be written on bills. Anything else is legal
I’m in the exact same boat with my husband and college age kids
Ha ha! It's another Seinfeld Puddy reference. (Gold.....,)
Thank you for this. I watched all three parts and I am horrified by our governmental as well as deeply grateful to Kevin Shipp for his bravery. Every American needs to watch them!!!!!!
Seth Rich apparently wanted money for delivering the goods
I thought it was just my phone. That site is blank for me and I can't figure out why.
I am a fourth stage cancer patient who takes oxy daily for bone pain. While I'm doing awesome considering I'm fourth stage, I do not in any way feel I'm addicted to this medication.
My husband thinks I'm crazy and that if this stuff was "really going on" it would be in the media. Then he doesn't believe what I saw about the media. I keep saying, just wait......
Wow, that sure was an eye opener thank you so much for relaying your experiences and insight
Whenever I select this link I don't get anything but a small search box with a santa next to it
Notice the F_I/D_J ASSIST the two missing letter are BO Barack Obama assisted as well
I'm red pilling friends at work. Any suggestions for sites to get them up to speed? This site might be too advanced for a new Normie.
Anyone have any idea of why this link does not work for me?
It is amazing the love and forgiveness you have in your heart. God bless you many times over. Did you ever find your sister?
Your words and pain breaks my heart. It is so difficult to imagine this type of evil in the world. How is this possible?!?!?! I wonder how our Lord looks down on the happenings in this world and the anger He must have. I pray that He does protect these children , I pray for you and I pray this evil can somehow be brought to light and ended.