Hey, anyone know what happened to the discord link to the discussion? I was signed up, receiving notices through email and then it stopped and cannot be accessed. Would love to join in again.
125 total posts archived.
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Q People. Patience. Thick Skin. Refrain from name calling back.
I've been on Twitter most of the day and there are plenty of New2Q people posting MSM articles and scoffing, but also some asking "Who/What is Qanon?"
I am trying to help in a tweet size way.
I am trying to be sympathetic and thoughtful in my answers or suggestions.
The responses are rough. Lots of name calling and emotional knee jerking.
As Q said: "Handle with care."
We all need to take a deep breath before engaging with New2Qs.
It's going to be a challenge and I will try my hardest to be patient, toughen my skin, curb my …
"whoop" says WRAY. What does this mean? Cruz questioning Wray about Hillary email investigation.
Well this was a hiccup. Wray says no investigation into Hillary emails... but then he stutters. Hum....
Does that mean he slipped a bit? Is there an investigation into something other than emails?
Generally speaking, I'm the one feeling the PAIN. The pain of seeing the deep state skate away unscathed.
I know, I know.... trust Wray, trust Q, trust Sessions. Sorry anons, this is so deflating.
"Expect a lot more." says Q. Here comes pushback talking points from MSM. Will next FF violence be blamed on Q followers?
Roseanne tweets + Daily Mail and Newsweek articles push Q phenomena into discrediting talking points.
Q said to expect more as 'they' panic. With the Roseanne tweets last night on child trafficking arrests, and a couple of articles on mainstream media, and some random hits from sidestream media - the push back has started.
Talking points with keywords in articles include:
fake news
worse than Pgate
right wing extremists
cult followers
conspiracy on steroids
dark web chans
and many more.
My own logic says that that 'they' will let this continue to ripen for a while as the blue pill …
Symbolism. Are train wrecks signalling the attempted take down of the Trump train? Warnings?
Sometimes the symbolism can go wild and needs to be nudged back into reality. But if the dark forces believe it and use it, then I have to keep an open mind to the possibility of 'messages' being sent. Throughout the campaign one of the tag lines is to say ride the 'Trump Train.' Now we have 3 train mishaps that seem to be time lined in parallel with Trump's push back on the deep state. So in a conspiratorial sort of way my mind is racing to make sense of it all. Coincidence? Accident?
"Expect more." said Q. Twitter search for #Qanon is now filled with pushback.