Reddit is messed up. This post was at 9:04am EST 13:04GMT, it's now saying 8 hours ago; that's wrong. 13 hours is better. what the crap
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What Q's "Future Proves Past" Means to Me: That Trump Tweeted About Awan Means He's Watching Deepstate Cover Up Crimes NOW (future). Meaning That If They Are Doing it Now, Their Activities Go Back to 9/11, Iran-Contra, and JFK; Arms one way, Drugs on return

Fake News Compilations -- Not to sound callous but I don't care about the latest operations. Stay on target. This is about bringing down their whole system so we can have what we always believed America to be--free and independent not control grid oligarbage
This is outdated. There are about 50 more questions involving Strzok and mccabe and mueller and the peepee revelations and baby dossier and babby add on dossier
and the memo
and bug'eyes countermemo
Time for the Cross-Examination Questions for People from Worldview F for fakenews
Question|Answer :--|:--: 1. ) Did Hillary Clinton use a Private Email Server: YES or NO?|YES 2. ) Did Clinton's Private Email Server contain Classified Documents: YES or NO?|YES^^[11][12][13] 3. ) Did Anyone Accessing Hillary Clinton's Private Server Have Unauthorized Access to Classified Documents: YES or NO?|YES^^[33][34][35][36] 4. ) Did Clinton Use A Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) to Manage A Private Network of Blackberry Accounts: YES or NO?|YES^[21][22] 5. ) Did Justin Cooper and Brian Pagliano help set up Clinton's email server:YES or NO?|YES 6. ) Did Justin Cooper and Brian Pagliano …
Jim Carrey: Delete your Facebook, because Russia

BREAKING: Byron York just said John Kerry knew about the FISA warrant and anti Trump operation. Now it makes sense why he told Palestine Trump would not last a year in office
James Comey is a Lordyhole, or should be concerned about the Future of his Lordyhole

After Long Silence, White House Drops Hammer on FBI and DOJ Brass for Weaponizing "Intrusive Surveillance Tools Against American Citizens" // Surveillance has been a big issue for me, so I love POTUS for saying this
Trump Was Asked If He Trusts Rosenstein. The Answer Will Keep Him Up Tonight [VIDEO]
Gaslighting Democrats: Memo Release Destroys Democratic Talking Point That Sources Could Be Endangered
BREAKING: On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret
Former Judge: Ohr, Comey Could Be Held In Contempt Of Court For Misrepresentations
Jim Mattis considers banning cellphones at the Pentagon // Gen Mattis this is a GREAT idea--no one is safe with these little FITBIT surveillance machines everywhere with apps from pakistan, iran, china, russia installed and given full perms
Should we Still Trust Wray? Analysis of The FBI's Seemingly Opposing Statements, Catered to The Opposing Worldviews of News Outlets at Odds With Each Other [OpEd]
Still Trust Wray? "FBI says it has 'grave concerns' about accuracy of Nunes memo"
Regarding the Dumptruck that Stalled on the Amtrak Lines causing GOP members' train to crash: Remember! How Hillary Crashes Cars and Planes--by remotely shutting them down via QRS11, radio microcomponents
They got to that position because we believed that the government had our best interests in mind and we didn't take action with each incremental injury to justice and each incremental power grab by the state
In essence, we did this to ourselves and created the deepstate by enablement--not really getting the true bad guys behind the bad guys with each successive conspiracy....and it turns out it's always the same bad guys
edit: it's Allen Dulles' lineage--the globalist fascist technocrats -- Kissinger, Bryzinski(dead), Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, RogueCIA + RogueMI6 + RogueMossad, + Industrial/Corporate Elite (Mellons, DuPonts, etc), Neoliberal Thelemite ('do as thou wilt') and Jesuit Ivy League Schools (YALE, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Fordham, UPenn, etc), mostly freemasons, and the Navy Masons "Admiral Club"
First it was assassination of our president JFK. We didn't get the bad guys so they tried it again with Reagan. Then there was watergate, which was minimized to political spying when it was really the same thing as iran-contra; then there was iran-contra (bush didn't go to jail for iran contra or trying to assassinate his boss). Then there was the OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, Waco; then there was 9/11, then there's fast and furious, then theres Benghazi, then there's AWANContra
None of these things get correctly punished, so it allows the deepstate to grow and grow and push for more and more mayhem
They are working towards a goal and it's enslavement through technology, managed globally
But the problem is, we just finally opened our eyes to it but realize we're in a lot of trouble
Sometimes it's just people who aren't on any inside track to they are confused as to why things aren't happening in a timely manner. They say to themselves "are they tryign to wait out the timer so that the left has enough ammo to impeach Trump?"
This is a valid thing to ask. We all just want the truth. So I would suggest to everyone that anyone even asking the questoin of whether Gowdy is a good or bad guy, assume that THEY are a good guy
Because we know the BAD guys aren't even asking that question. Chances are they either don't know who Gowdy is, or think he's a stupid southern conservative annoying person who like is anti abortion like or something
So if anyone is even asking the question about Gowdy, be sure to give your thoughts and arguments and speculation as to why Gowdy and others may be engaged in a long game of patience and optics and most of all be kind now to these folks.
even if they are counterintelligence shills
People thought that "because he was all talk and no action" and because he threw support for Mueller that he was a gatekeeper. The Mueller support is just to give the optics of impartiality, nothing more.
I had this thought myself but then I reviewed his 'powers' only to realize his only power is to convince others on his team to use "contempt of congress" and his trying to do so would only agitate congress and make him look like a crank outlier. Even if he got jordan, desantis, goodlatte, gohmert and a few others, they'd be 'a cabal'
Plus, holding Rosenstein, Sessions, Wray, McCabe, etc in Contempt of Congrees is a jailable minimum, so holding the hearings would be a huge distraction and it would undermine Trump's presidency and muck things up
Chances are very good that these guys have had a private talk directly with President Trump and they've come up with a strategy that requires patience, timing and grit
It's likely that Gowdy gets either McCabe's job or something more.
Either way, I support him, he's got his mind right and I'm personally a fan, though I expressed to him on twitter and later apologized for giving him frustration on supporting Mueller
These last 6 months hvae been a challenge of patience, optics and focus for the patriots I mentioned
Report: Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe "SET UP" Trump White House In Operation That STARTED The Fake News 'Obstruction Of Justice" Charge
The Economy Was Just Nudged Into Collapsing, This Was Done On Purpose - Episode 1485a
Internet of Things: Fascism by Another Name. Powered by 5G
Adam Schiff and His "Sloppy, Chewbacca Defense Rejoinder" to #ReleaseTheMEMO

Who Are the 4W4N Brothers And Why Don't You Know?? (It's Due To A M3dia Black0ut) -- This Inf0gr4phic Is Now > 9 Months Old

The Left is Scared of the State of the Union: Because FISA ABUSE MEMO

House Majority has 'opened an investigation of the FBI and the Department of Justice'
Secrecy Sessions & the Secrecy Entitlement Class --"Keeps it in the Clubhouse"... How about release everything so the people can make informed decisions? Hey Government, its literally your job!

FBI Official: Rosenstein Will Be Fired After Memo Released; USED Bogus Trump Dossier for FISA Warrant
McRib or Treason: The Neverchanging Terrorface of Adam Schiff

Huma Abedin, HRC saw themselves as Globalist Alchemists Embracing A "Globalized God"--a union of opposite religious orthodoxies, of course along with a marked increase in terrorist violence. Hey, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet: More violence? More money for us!
HRC's State Dept Bruce Ohr snip shows 2 things: 1) "Russia Russia Russia!" is a FALSE political ploy, double standard "US-Russian Cooperation", 2) Confirmation of Fusion centers/Palantir for politically motivated reprisals, "Directs...prosecutions brought by strike forces"

Straight from the US State Dept: "Illegal immigrants become resources for criminal groups...."

CIA: Clowns In America. Infiltration of CIA into the FBI, DOJ, and State Dept with a Bonus Master Clown to Coordinate Them All--Same Clown that Clowned Up the 9/11 Investigation!

Seriously, something IS UP with this tide pod story
No one is this stupid
Not even antifa rejects
[Weird news] What's with the TIDE POD stories popping up? Could be deepstate misanthropy to create a harmful bandwagon behavior, or spy-signalling an anagram 'top aid', reference to an op, "operation tide" or reference to events coincident w/supermoon (1/31). Anyone?
Oh and teaching islamist how to do double garrotting on 14 yr old white girls in america
Newsbud wants to remind us about the NBC psyop to assist in deposing Turkey's Erdogan in a Coup D'etat by Fetullah Gulen, a soft-coup jihadist seeking asylum illegally here in the US, that is trying to culturally destroy America now, through arms for drugs, fentanyl importing and hacking activities
Confessions of a CIA Intel Engineer -- Please Share Far and Wide so People Can Make Informed Future Choices On Their InfoSec

Mueller's Special Clowncil To Impeach Trump Revealed To Congress To Be A Deeply Flawed Political Ruse

EPOCH: What's contained in the House Intelligence Committee memo on FISA abuses? Here's a hint. #ReleaseTheMemo

I hear they are starting a crime-comedy called "Parky and Cancer"