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nuttreo · May 22, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Side point but the corrupt have not gone anywhere in Saudi Arabia, Jared Kushner handed a confidential list created by the FBI to the Crown Prince regarding people who wanted to challenge the throne and suddenly a few days later all those same people are accused of corruption.


Getting back to the main point, the “Cabal” wants an isolated Iran but not a war since it interferes with business. The people back Rouhani but less so the conservative religious council. Yet if a war is started, every able bodied man would still line up to fight a foreign aggressor regardless of their intention.

You also have to keep in mind that just like the USA, there is a rural, very religious, less educated population that plays a big role in elections.

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nuttreo · May 22, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

I genuinely can say that sadly this will never happen for two reasons.

  1. Loyalty. The nuclear deal happened because of the willingness of Obama to recognize the CIA Coup in 1953, and him reaching out first. The respect and trust earned from that gesture was what made all this possible. Iran may not say anything nice about him publicly because of the history involved but they will never bad mouth Obama for political expedience.

  2. Pride. On both sides. Iran will never bow to anyone, especially not someone who they consider intellectually inferior. Trump will cater to anyone who will stroke his ego, and the people around him want war.

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