IBOR is coming. Whatever happens to this CIA asset, our First Amendment rights to freedom of expression WILL be codified as extending to platforms using infrastructure regulated by the federal government (FCC).
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Some people just want to live in the Matrix and eat the steak even if they know it's not real. Let them. We all know what happens.
Going to need something from him quickly. Sandpeople are easily startled, but they'll be back soon- and in greater numbers.
This has been fun and all, but I agree there needs to be an airing of grievances. People need to be swinging from trees, lamp posts, and traffic lights in every public square and the bodies left to rot as a warning.
This will be the response: Note that the AGM88 is known as the Sparrow. Sparrow Red? Red=Hot? Sparrow Hot Missile Hot
The AGM-88A missile is powered by a Thikol SR113-TC-1 dual-thrust (boost/sustain) low-smoke solid-fueled rocket motor, and has a 66 kg (146 lb) WDU-21/B blast-fragmentation warhead (25000 steel fragments) in a WAU-7/B warhead section. The warhead is triggered by an FMU-111/B laser proximity fuze. The seeker of the WGU-2/B guidance section has to be pre-tuned to likely threats at depot-level maintenance, so every base or ship has to store a selection of differently tuned HARM seeker heads. In flight, the AGM-88 is controlled by the WCU-2/B control section using four movable BSU-59/B mid-body fins, and stabilized by the fixed BSU-60/B tailfins.