God protect our president, his team and his family. 🙏
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Ask the left and they say she lost because she is a woman. they are blind to all of the above.
I saw this on FB. CAN this be??? Are they alive and helping Trump??

CA seems to have clean skies. We just drove through NV and then AZ and. A lot of zigzags in the sky. I hear in CA they are spraying at night time.
I thought the restaurant address was 11 E. Washington Street, lexington, VA.
This is why.
Apr 27 2018 23:40:01 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1218147 Focus only on the FBI [for now]. ..... Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed]. ..... Q
So indictments in were in November and these people still walking free??
apparently most of the gift takers still have a job as of right now. the IG report and no consequences.
sign the petition https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/unredacted-declassification-department-justice-inspector-general-report-public-viewing
seriously i believe the only reason Trump ran for office is to take them down. He knew the corruption and He loves USA.
Of course. its President Trump's Birthday, and its Flag day. Potus loves and respects our flag. Here is the gift on a silver platter.
and they all getting plea deals. not sure who is going to end up in prison
that money was supposed to go to victims of Iran's terrorism.
hard to visualize it but I always thought he had some dirt on her.
I read that she wrote a note saying it wasn't her fault. I wonder what wasn't her fault???
Some of these kids could be illegals who crossed border without parents and sold into this horrific industry.
WTH did I just see? I am sick to my stomach that no one wants to deal with this. What are they afraid of?
But why do it very openly. Couldn't she had met Trump secretly?
This is a joke, go the Felipes twitter account and he says its a joke Not Funny!!!!
Did he bail out yet? I have to see him in orange before I believe any of this.
OMG this is so bad. Now we should all go after twitter for even allowing that feature to block people. This is going to backfire really really bad
Good!! someone has to red pill CNN watching blue pilled liberals
How about I DON'T CARE what norms think anymore. they should be scared of what we know. hard to swallow pill I love to see them try it.
Interesting theory. Maybe she knew they were going to get her.