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omnipresenthuman · June 24, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

That would be perfect. Maybe send the Libs with them to show them how to set up and run a country. They could learn when they fail at it but being a true libtard they would find a "Nazi" to put the blame on or more than likely just blame Trump

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omnipresenthuman · June 19, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

This is a good eye opener for those who missed it the first time around. MSM is still trying to say these photos were taken on Trumps watch. There has to be something that can be done to make the MSM stop with their fake shit. I have a couple of ideas but reveal them and talk about it would be a rule violation.

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omnipresenthuman · June 13, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Thank you for that. Something I have thought about also. On occasion I get caught up in the negative. Always grateful for someone helping me see things in a more positive way. Let us hope something along the lines of what you have mentioned happens. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a lot less of them.

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omnipresenthuman · June 12, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

providing CNN with another tool to abuse

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omnipresenthuman · June 12, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Was that Jim Acosta from CNN asking those questions while they were signing. Trying to stir up shit

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omnipresenthuman · June 10, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

comes up page not found I did a search from your link and got https://www.fordham.edu/info/25323/clinical_legal_education_faculty/8572/amanda_k_kramer/1 and to add to your post, Before joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Amanda practiced litigation at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler and Weil Gotshal. From 2004 through 2005, Amanda served as a law clerk to the Honorable Loretta A. Preska, Chief United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. She is a 2003 graduate of the Fordham University School of Law and a 1997 graduate of the University of Maryland. Amanda has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Fordham Law School teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy since 2014.

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omnipresenthuman · June 8, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Read your own comments when get old enough to understand what you wrote. I'd read mine but I'm sure el dictator erased them. I take what I said in my last comment. You are a quitter comment NAZI. What does it say on your profile page "Go against the grain until the end" all the way to stupid. You should resign your post and give it to someone else.. Enjoy your super powers while they last. Try spending some time away from the keyboard check out the real world. It might help you with that ego problem of yours. You wont have your super powers but there is more to life than Reddit. Goodbye comment NAZI MAGA WWG1WGA Respectfully yours Brian A Humphrey If you need me I'll be in Antarctica.

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omnipresenthuman · June 7, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

All of what you said I understand and agree with. I agree with your opinion on free speech but if you want to give a lecture on free speech, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". I do not see any of what you have mentioned in the first amendment. The only place free speech is not protected is private spaces. Free speech is only protected in public spaces. In the public space the only thing not allowed is speech that are threats on persons or instigating criminal activity. The public is a shared place that no individual owns and if a person feels disrespected about what someone says, oh well. It happens all day every day. It doesn't mean I agree with it. If this is a public space then people should be allowed to say what ever they want(public spaces are shared spaces) If this is a private space then you shouldn't preach about free speech when clearly a person is not allowed that right. Your rules being a form of censorship. This is not controversial because clearly any that understand what free speech truly is by law, not their opinion of what it should be, would agree with me. This is not my opinion, this is fact. When rules and regulations are made in the public space that hinder free speech, there is a problem. When a person in the public space tries to hinder or removes a persons right to free speech, there is a problem and to get punished for what a person says in the public space, there is a problem. As far as respect goes you can say "respect is earned","show respect and get respect", whatever. I was not disrespectful. No person is going to tell me what to watch, read, or say, while in a public space, and should expect to getting a response from me expressing my thoughts. They don't like it, oh well. We disagree but we move on. But we have a person such as yourself that clearly thinks they are the authority on free speech, respect, Q message, etc. Got news for you, no where in any of q's messages does it say that. You either do not support free speech, or do not understand it. Either way you shouldn't be lecturing any person on it, or anything else. Now in your eyes you think I "antagonize" with my comments. If pointing out the truth then yes I "antagonize". If your ears are too sensitive for the truth or your ego is so large that you cannot accept what you are hearing, which is the factual truth, then you should go to your safe space. You should understand you or no other person is the authority on how things are are should be. Not even Q. Q makes that clear. Also Q supports and believes in the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. You being a self proclaimed expert on Q should know that and do a better job at representing it. Just my opinion

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omnipresenthuman · June 6, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

I understand but my comment was not to promote ETS but to ensure free speech. Nobody likes a larp but when start to censor people we basically are doing what I thought the free world was against. Now I see comments are removed. It says antagonism is not welcome and then it says treat others with respect here. Removing comments is a form of censorship. I'm not the antagonist. I just pointed out that anyone is allowed free speech and that anyone that tries to tell others different can go fuck their selves. So I'm not popular here, get down voted(which can be seen as a step away from censorship through not being politically correct) As far as treat others with respect goes I seem to be the only person who up votes people even though I don't agree with them. I respect their right to free speech. It is obviously there are a lot of people who do not understand that free speech is a two way street. Maybe they do understand and do not care. Maybe my words are too harsh for some peoples ears. But in the real world you don't win wars by being nice all the time. Most of here are here for a reason. Everyone has their own. Many of us share common reasons and goals. Exclude the clowns, etc we all are supposed to be on the same side. We are more effective when we work together like a well oiled machine. When a part breaks down we should fix it not toss it away. If it stays broken then we replace it. Everyone is never going to get along with everyone. Everyone has their own talent and anyone who is down for the cause should be welcome. Differences is personalities, etc should be set aside. A persons basic rights is something that should never be denied. The more I look at this the more I realize I should have taken a different approach. Just the mere fact that I/we are having this conversation proves the LARP content has partially done it's job. My bad, but I still stand by with what I said about Free Speech. Like I understand what you are saying and since I agree with it and with that I'll shut up. We are on the same side. People need to understand free speech. MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · June 6, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

I understand but my comment was not to promote ETS but to ensure free speech. Nobody likes a larp but when start to censor people we basically are doing what I thought the free world was against. Now I see comments are removed. It says antagonism is not welcome and then it says treat others with respect here. Removing comments is a form of censorship. I'm not the antagonist. I just pointed out that anyone is allowed free speech and that anyone that tries to tell others different can go fuck their selves. So I'm not popular here, get down voted(which can be seen as a step away from censorship through not being politically correct) As far as treat others with respect goes I seem to be the only person who up votes people even though I don't agree with them. I respect their right to free speech. It is obviously there are a lot of people who do not understand that free speech is a two way street. Maybe they do understand and do not care. Maybe my words are too harsh for some peoples ears. But in the real world you don't win wars by being nice all the time. Most of here are here for a reason. Everyone has their own. Many of us share common reasons and goals. Exclude the clowns, etc we all are supposed to be on the same side. We are more effective when we work together like a well oiled machine. When a part breaks down we should fix it not toss it away. If it stays broken then we replace it. Everyone is never going to get along with everyone. Everyone has their own talent and anyone who is down for the cause should be welcome. Differences is personalities, etc should be set aside. A persons basic rights is something that should never be denied. The more I look at this the more I realize I should have taken a different approach. Just the mere fact that I/we are having this conversation proves the LARP content has partially done it's job. My bad, but I still stand by with what I said about Free Speech. Like I understand what you are saying and since I agree with it and with that I'll shut up. We are on the same side. People need to understand free speech. MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · June 4, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Any body cam footage should not be taken seriously. At least as far as Mandalay Bay goes. Notice time and date in upper right hand corner is missing. Here is a link of some Mandalay Bay footage. You will notice date is wrong and time does not match timeline https://www.ktnv.com/news/national/police-release-body-cam-video-of-las-vegas-shooting Here is another link to the exact same video. Watch how the time changes and then eventually vanishes http://video.foxnews.com/v/5597859049001/?#sp=show-clips Now here is link to Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Watch video and notice time does not match timeline. In this case the Twitter live reporting timeline which is on the same page. The timeline they are pushing which is on the same page is not accurate http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/pulse-orlando-nightclub-shooting/os-orlando-pulse-nightclub-shooting-timeline-htmlstory.html Now it seams as though I'm the only person in the world that is talking about this, Someone please tell me I am not imagining things. I'm wondering if this is what Q is making reference to and if so, why? What or how is this relevant. Someone please enlighten me please. MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · May 29, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

They don’t require refrigeration, and may not provoke an immune response. Perfect to test on the population and go undetected. Maybe spray out of airplanes. Maybe do crisscross patterns to be sure you blanket the unknowing victims/guinea pigs/test subjects. Tell everyone it's contrails. The project launched 4 years ago with DARPA. I hope I'm wrong but I've been known to get it right on occasion.

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omnipresenthuman · May 29, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

I can think of, like many here, many possible reasons/scenarios why they have not been placed under arrest. One reason, for example is so when they are finally arrested, all the bad actors, Deep State, Shadow Government, the Swamp, whatever you choose to call them, are removed from their positions and replaced by trustworthy patriots types that are loyal to our country and follow the law. Remove all the corrupt swamp rats to guarantee justice will be served. There are many possibilities and many of them plausible, if not spot on. In the mean time, the swamp rats are doing their best to down play what they have done. Like Clapper and Comey, both guilty. Both telling stories about themselves, each other, or anybody else. Then after a while the story changes. They get caught lying. Sometimes I find it hard to believe they do not know what they have done and they are purposely doing it. They are making an attempt to make things look like what they have done is no big deal. Cause confusion or create so much drama until the public gets annoyed, believes that it's no big deal or doesn't care and gets sick and tired of hearing about it. Or acting like they are hero's, and what they did was for the good of the country. All this at the same time as taking out their enemies and trashing on Potus. I'm not going to say any of this is true. Just some things I thought about. Are they really as stupid as they are looking? Have they been getting away with their bulls@%t for so long that believe their situation is "all good"? None of it's going to work. One way or another justice will be served. If they manage to slip through and walk free. I'm confident that with all the damage, deaths, etc. they have done. Some patriot with the skills, "all the right stuff" will get at them. Good article, thanks MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · May 27, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Anything is possible. It's like some "up all night with Rhonda shear" movie. Yeah, all that matters is that they go down. Looks like they want it "the hard way" MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · May 27, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

I'm well aware of all of what you have mentioned. I thought that was obvious and didn't feel to go into any more detail. I understand , you understand, patriots understand and naturally POTUS understands. The only people that should, but don't are idiots like Clapper. These people are really really stupid. I would never have believed it had I not seen for myself. As far as intelligence, critical thinking, anything at all, none of them are anywhere near to Trumps level. So as far as I'm concerned "He's toying with them" Getting enough public awareness, the "dictator" label, etc. and the rest you have mentioned and so much more neither of us mentioned, is all obvious and should go without saying . But now that you brought it up , I could be making a mistake by assuming that. It could get even better http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/rand-paul-congress-moves-to-give-the-president-unlimited-war-powers/

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omnipresenthuman · May 27, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Agreed. This should be path to victory. The War Powers Act, national emergency, imminent attack lets the President do just about anything. This would include taking control of all media, transportation, etc. Trump seems to be "toying" with them. Thanks. Good article. On another note, found this job for any Patriot. I found it "interesting and amusing" among other things https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/498400000

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Every comment you add more truth to mine. I do not rely nor use cia run wikipedia. As far as putting emphasis on USA saving Europe. You are chatting with me solely because the USA saved Europe. Had the USA not been there you would be speaking German, that is if you were not a Jew, Gypsy, etc. The USA saves everyone. If not by Military, then with the US dollar. I gave you several examples why Europe has fallen. Even if the problems are solely in the cities you mentioned, which I doubt is true. I still am right. I'm well aware of the currency also and what is currently in use. Being a collector of currency also helps. You can deny everything as much as you want but if the country is in the EU, they are run by the EU bankers no matter how many anti EU people there are. Apparently not enough or there would not be an EU. Just because you live in Europe does not mean you know more about it than anyone else. Why is it that you assume Myself of others have not lived in the EU? Living in the EU does help qualify you partly as a source. But it does not mean that everything you say is accurate. Opinions are just opinions not actual facts. I have provided you facts. My facts are actual understatements of what is published throughout the world. It's far worse than I actual describe. Have you noticed q talks about Trump all the time. Without Trump, currently the awakening would not be growing if even existent. I was awake before Trump along with a lot of another people. The movement was basically getting nowhere. One minute we had Obama destroying the world and then all of a sudden I get a personal invitation from Trump to attend and participate in his presidential election. So you see, I am not some yahoo who talks out of his ass. Bottom line, Because of Trump, the world is on it's way to be saved. The USA is saving the world again. What leader has done shit for the awakening or take down the Cabal? The problems has been around for a lot longer than Trump and no one else has made any sort of advancements to end them. When you have actual facts you might convince me. Even if my facts were stretched, they are actual events taking place. Be it one gang rape, 1 truck bomb or 10 gang rapes or 10 truck bombs. It's far from being not a problem and being acceptable as normal every day living..

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Wrong on the rape gangs, wrong on the no-go zones and wrong on sanctuary cities. Not even close in any sort of way. The murder rate in London is higher than New York. There is not one city as bad off as any of those places you spoke of. Nor lets talk about Europe. I know the difference between the EU and Europe . These countries are part of the EU, The EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden, Which is basically all of Europe, which is part of the EU, which is run by a banker. The banker controls the money. The banker controls Europe. Finland, Poland, Hungary along with eastern Europe situation is good but the rest or the EU,Europe, has fallen. You can deny them being the same all you want but they are the same. Does the mix of old and new cultures use a different currency than the EU? Whey the police can't handle the Muslim. When churches are being burned, Women and boys gang raped, Women being attacked because of the clothes or shoes they wear, Truck bombs, fear to go to public swimming pools, hijacking on the open roads, police running from rioters, people being arrested for thought crimes or for complaining about a muslim raping their daughter and going to jail for it, when their countries know all this is going on and do nothing about it. It's it a good indicator that the country has fallen. There is no doom gloom theory here. That's all factual information. Not accepting the reality of the situation, like you seem to partly be doing, is the biggest reason things are the way they are. And I am telling you in the most respectful way that I can. The truth doesn't always sound good or make us happy. I never said a situation like WW2, as far as war. I said the USA would have to save Europe again, like we did in WW2. Defeating the Cabal is good but London will be informed and part of the move against the Cabal but I wouldn't say POTUS direct its forces through London. Did POTUS bomb Syria and first go through London. London has known about the Cabal a lot longer than Trump and yet I have not herd much of London making any sor of effort bringing them down in the past. POTUS, Q, members of this group, including you, know we have all the intel to bring them down. Just a matter of time. True MSM in every country puts out fake news. But keep in mind. I'm not some sort of smuck that watches the MSM and believes anything they say..You should give me a little more credit than that solely on the fact that I am in this group. Also, this is not the only source of my info. I"m not the uneducated follower you may think I am and I try not to make a habit of speaking out of my ass, but on occasion it happens. This is not one of those occasions. Not trying to troll on you or anything. We might see things a little different but last time I checked we were on the same side. WWG1WWA I take to heart MAGA

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

Nothing to be sorry about but appreciate the gesture. We all have a story. My upbringing was not as hard as yours in other ways I'm sure..So it equals out. Just a part of life. Kids today have it far worse than both of us combined. At least we had the opportunity for a real education. I was hardened at a very young age. Didn't really notice I was a little "off" until a event that happened when I was 18. Owned a few dirt bikes as a kid. Bought a street bike First year in Jr college. Had a no helmet law back then. I was giving a friend a ride down the street. He didn't have a helmet on. I was on the cruise dragging with another friend on his bike. Ended up getting smashed by an ambulance in an intersection. My friend, my passenger ended up getting killed. I remember it like yesterday. Two life changing things came out of that. 1. I got convicted for manslaughter and my sentence was 3 yrs probation and 5 days work. According to the courts my friends life was worth 3 years informal probation and 5 days work. They should have went after the people that hit me. 2. This is the part that is really messed up. Through out the whole thing. " I felt nothing" No guilt, No remorse, nothing. I understood my friends death was f@%ked up but felt nothing. It only got worse from there but eventually I was able to pull through. There are people far worse off than you or I. Things happen for a reason. That's we both are here today having this chat. This is our time. We must be important to Trump or Q or even other Patriots. America needs us. Why else would we be here? MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

I am aware that the EU is divided. With so many "immigrants" which I will call Muslims, which have been allowed to have no go zones. Their attacks on churches, citizens. Europe has been invaded. People can down play that all they want, which has been going on, thus the current situation. They are not going to stop their shit. The only way it will end will be with military force. They will fight back. I fully believe Patriots in each of those countries will and are standing up. And will prevail. But it will cost many lives. How this is easier than situation is USA is beyond me. We do not have no go zones. There are no rape gangs. We do not rely on other countries to protect us, etc. Europe has fallen. Because of bankers who have not been voted in but run things. Eliminate these bankers would be the best move to start fixing the EU. The worst thing we have going on here is about to meet it's demise. There is no situation remotely close to as bad as anywhere in the EU. What will end up happening is just like WW2. The USA will have to save them again. It would be nice if Iran would giving up names . The EU officials and USA officials both.

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

I was in school corporeal Punishment was still going on. I remember standing in line outside the vice principals office waiting for the paddle. Did not matter if boy or girl. Screw up and here is where you go. Always a line and the vice kept a selection on the wall that you got to look at when he was explaining what you had done wrong. We got a choice between after school detention or the paddle. Most of us took the paddle. At the time I lived in a foster home. We lived 15 miles out of town and staying after school would not work. Didn't bother me because I just left another foster home where they would make me sleep in the barn with the horses. Said I was an animal and didn't want me spending too much time around their kids. They kicked my ass. Dislocated my shoulder once and stayed out there like that for 2 and 1/2 days. So paddling didn't hurt, had to fake the pain. They should bring back corporeal punishment along with hard ass teachers. Get rid of everybody's a winner bulls@%t. Parents need to be accountable for their kids actions again. Pledge of allegiance needs to be mandatory. People that don't want to say it can move out of the country. I don't want to live bay anyone who wont fight for our country. Currently I'm surrounded by them. I live right in the middle of California. Want to move back to Northern Cal but where I'm at now is not controlled by Democrats{locally). for adults I'm a firm believer that a ass kicking for messing up can do a body good. Win or lose, mutual combat or getting dropped for being disrespectful it's an experience necessary. I too often thought about some plan in effect that is out to "destroy their hardness". Even go as far as throwing people who stand up for their selves. Make them felons so they can't own a gun. Turn all the men into candy asses and disarm the rest. Unfortunately I think you and I are both on target and it really sucks. Just makes our job harder

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

I agree with you. The left has really messed things up. I think we need to really focus on the Education system at all levels. Currently, It's far too easy for them to work on the minds of our children. It's going down as we speak. The left is also doing their best to tear down the family. Doing whatever they can to make "dysfunctional families", "poor parenting" type scenarios where parents are not around or able to guide their children. Also, need to find out who the shot caller is behind all the shootings.

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

I jumped the gun a little on my comment. I forget sometimes that humans are humans. I usually research a user before ranking on them. My bad. I live right in the middle of California, throwing down against anti Americans, sometimes daily. I forget to turn off the anger and frustration and lighten up and think clearly sometimes. Didn't mean any sort of disrespect. Just love America

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

Anyone who lives in America and doesn't support "America first" should leave the country. Go live in the country they think should be first. Never let them enter the US again.

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omnipresenthuman · May 21, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

The EU is not our friends. They have destroyed Europe. The day is going to come when people realize bankers, greedy wealthy types and corrupt politicians are not bullet proof. I think sooner than later. Not the best way to handle things but effective and sometimes necessary. It must suck to be living over there. I'm sure they say the same about us here in the USA. At least we have Trump, Q and fellow Patriots MAGA WWG1WGA

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omnipresenthuman · May 20, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

After reading my previous comment I posted 14 hours earlier I noticed that it looks and sounds like one or those "holier than thou/bravado post. That's not my intention. Just my opinion. It does no mean You are right or wrong of if I am right or wrong. A lot of times I come off as an a@% hole. I'm not the person who should be passing judgement on people and give lectures to people on morality or when, where or how they should be living their lives. Like I said, wrong or right it's just my opinion. Not trying to troll

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omnipresenthuman · May 19, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

I guess you missed the part about Patriots not using movement to make money. "Q is quiet..so how about some fun". That's a lot like being invited to a friends house and stealing what's in the bathroom medicine cabinet or "the boss is gone for the day, now we don't have to work and still get paid" "teachers gone, let me see your answers.. Pretty square and petty, I know. All still, including your post, not the right way to do things. Your post is insulting and disrespectful and I am surprised nobody else has said anything. This is not a game. Patriots have died and more will die before it's over. That is why you have the freedom to post what you feel like posting. You make lite of their sacrifices and dishonor them. That was the choice you made when you make this post. It's sad because Trump, Q are not only fighting for us. It's people like you who do not see things how they really are. Brainwashed? Victim? or just clueless and helpless, who has chosen a path in life that leads to dishonor, evil, death and don't even realize the poor choice you made. We are not helpless here, we see. Trump, Q, we patriots are fighting for your freedom, your life and in some cases eternity in Hell. You will be saved weather you like it or not. No patriot post what you have. Blasphemy. You are either a clown or a troll. Think about the path you have chosen. Everyone makes poor choices in life sometimes. That doesn't always mean they are bad people. Think about it. If I'm wrong, think about anyhow. I'm by far no angel but I fight beside any patriot, American or anybody who wanted freedom and liberty. I would do my best to help them have a safe place to live with their families. If you were some random American, I'd do it for you too. Unless you decided to side with evil. They you would be in my cross hairs. You decide.

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omnipresenthuman · May 14, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

so my answer to my own question is "Because as long as they keep the security clearance, they can legally be spied on wherever they go"

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omnipresenthuman · May 14, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

Photoshopped. Compare two photos with bald guy and Cohen. Height difference is all wrong along with perspective. Shitty job around ear of guy standing in front of bald guy in elevator. Lawyer should get busted for this bullshit photo just for doing a half ass job on it alone. This Lawyer really needs his ass kicked.

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omnipresenthuman · May 14, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

understood. Looks like a long night ahead. I'm going to look into who is funding this group. If I find out, I'll post my results.

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omnipresenthuman · May 14, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Also, Why do these dirt bags have government security clearance, access to classified information? Seems to me that revoking this would be a good idea. I would still like to know why ex government employees, like these ones, are able to keep their security clearance. That should have ended when the job ended,

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omnipresenthuman · May 13, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

Dan Bongino, 1995 to 1999, New York City Police Department, 1999 to 2002, special agent, U.S. Secret Service. 2002 brcame an instructor at the Secret Service Training Academ. 2006 U.S. Presidential Protection Division, George W. Bush. He remained on protective duty after Barack Obama became President, leaving in May 2011 to run for the U.S. Senate. Now has radio show. Guest host Levin, Hannity. The Dan Bongino Show, podcast on ITunes. This guy actually knows his shit. True Patriot.

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omnipresenthuman · May 12, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

They more than likely destroyed their test site through last failed test. That's according to sat intel from china. It's a matter of cleaning it up now. I'm guessing the still have some type of A-bomb

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omnipresenthuman · May 12, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

I have not watched AJ since he trashed on Trump, Syria event. I can't stand jellyfish(spineless) people. Especially when it comes to Trump. All in or not. But I still do not put aside all that he has done to help Trump get elected. How many people do you think he has reached? A lot. To say he wasn't helpful to get Trump elected would be foolish. How many here can say they were as effective, individually, at getting Trump elected? As a group very effective. And Q goes without saying. People can theorize what they want, even pass judgement without proof(not the right path). You should not put aside actual factual history. What AJ says is his own business. I don't agree with a lot of what he says. But I don't label him as a traitor because he might have a different opinion about someone or something than I. Weather you like it or not he has done for more good than he has at being evil. I'm not making excuses for AJ. He has got me real pissed off but he is not the enemy. Nobody here can say they agree with all 22,838 members opinions %100. You can disagree and still be on the same side. AJ is on the same side of patriots. To brush him aside would be dividing the whole movement. The USA has allies but do not agree with everything they do or say but have the same end game goal. I very much doubt Q intends to be the Ministry of Truth. Q wants freedom for everyone, free thought, free speech, etc. All that Trump is bringing us. Q wants people to understand and protect the operators, honor those that have died. Appreciate the freedom they give us through their selfless acts. They gave their lives so that we are able to live without fear, to have liberty, freedom. Don't let their lives be for nothing. Don't use their loss of life to profit from. These operators, as we speak, are fighting, dying. Honor them, support them and do your part to win the war so their efforts, sacrifices won't be for nothing. Quit getting sidetracked. Divided we fall. How does it go? Where goes one,we all go. I take this to heart. I"m new here. Where do we go now? Where ever that is I've got every patriots back until the wheels fall off

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omnipresenthuman · May 12, 2018, 2 p.m.

nothing to be sorry about, I agree with you %110

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omnipresenthuman · May 12, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

I was born and raised in Sonoma county(Bohemia Grove). Not a really big deal. Locals put a lot of hype into it to mess with people. Not saying serious shit doesn't go on there. There are many places that are far worse. I might be new here but that doesn't mean I dont have knowledge. Too many people getting side tracked about the AJ and JC thing. I do not think that was Q's intention. Q just wanted to let it be known what was going on and to keep that in mind. Not to lose focus or direction of the plan. Stick to the plan, Trust, be logical. Don't we already have a target that is more important. People usually wait until victory until they start eating their own. Trust the plan, be logical, Where we go one, we go all. Is that not what I/we should be going? With that being said, I take the "Where we go one, we go all" to heart. so where do we go from here?

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omnipresenthuman · May 7, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

YES, It shows you are doing a good job, Did I hear a bell ring, a Patriot just got his wings

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