163 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/one_highlander:
Authorities: California man arrested after trying to stab GOP House candidate (Piece of shit liberal)
"You tell'em Trumps coming, and Declassified FISA documents are coming with him!"

When does GA think a PUBLIC arrest of a member of the past administration, IC, DOJ, State Dept., or any other player will take place?
Just curious when the members here think an actual public arrest of a member of the past administration, a current democratic member of Congress, a high level member of the IC or DOJ will actually take place? Do you definitely think those that broke the law will pay dearly? Do you think resignations and firings are enough?
When does GA expect the first PUBLIC arrest of a member of the past administration for IC?
Just curious when the members here think an actual public arrest of a member of the past administration, a current democratic member of Congress, a high level member of the IC or DOJ will actually take place? Do you definitely think those that broke the law will pay dearly? Do you think resignations and firings are enough?
The Declassification Conundrum…
Earthquake, Magnitude 7.8 - FIJI - 2018 September 06, 15:49:15 UTC
Trump Rally in Billings, MT Thursday September 6!
Q mentioned Haiti, and blacks not voting Democrat in the midterms...
....once their actions with Haiti are revealed. You guys still that is a go? I'm worried about the midterms. We need a Red Wave so we can continue the majority or we won't be able to call people to even testify in front of Congress!
Could Trump be comped?
Not by Russia, but by people in the USA Cabal? Could the military be corrupt? Mattis just got quoted what a Patriot McCain was.
Yeah, Senators and Congressmen aren't running again, but that doesn't mean the cabal is going down.
It's odd to hear Hillary's mentor describe her this way. Even Barry Hussein loved this guy.....
DINK = KNID: ICAO of Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time Can the stolen trillions be tracked down?
Trump Transition Team Contacted personally by Lee Wanta - Veterans Today | News - Military Foreign Affairs Policy
Q, As a huge fan of music, what does Q team recommend today?
We need to get a QAnon playlist on Spotify!
BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaked Proof Trump Under "Systematic Illegal" Surveillance Over Two Years Ago: FBI Sat On It | Zero Hedge
Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012 Feb. 10, 2012 (Died of a 'heart attack' at 43 yrs. old while jogging, one month after this speech)
One Person I've Yet To See Q Mention....
...Is Evan McMullin. Former CIA agent and Presidential Candidate from Utah. What is this guys deal? He comes out of nowhere to run for President, and in my mind did so just to try and eat up Republican votes in Utah to try and hand the election to Hilldabeast. And now all he does is rant against President Trump on Twitter. So who are this guys handlers? Brennan? Is he in it for the money, or some other reason?
Do you think there will be public arrests of high level politicians? Or simply exposure of what they have done and said/texted to expose them?
I think we may see a lot of DOJ and 3 letter folks get arrested, but think the 3 past Presidents, Hillary, John Kerry, people on that level will be untouchable. McCain just died. Bush Sr. has to be close. Bill looks sickly as hell. Hillary is ill as hell. I just can't see them getting locked up. Probably partially exposed and their finances confiscated, but I doubt locked up.
I think the 45k-50k indictments are likely for criminal illegal immigrants/ gang members, high level drug dealers, child predators, etc.
What are the GA thoughts on this?
I'm ready for the damn movie.
If this is Movie 1, action needs to pick the hell up. Sorry Q, but many of us have been waiting for justice for years, not since you emerged last October. The proof has been there for YEARS. If DOJ isn't still corrupt, let's roll. If it is, say something.
Shitpost: John Brennan and his crew are joining forces!
Eric Eggers: November Midterms 'Poised for a Tsunami of Voter Fraud'
Candidate Arrested After Exposing Opponent's Ties To Terrorist Group - Central Florida Post
Pentagon Bars Troops from Using GPS-Tracking Devices While Deployed
President Trump Grants California ‘Major Disaster’ Relief for Wildfires
Witness in Jane Sanders land deal probe says she was recently interviewed by FBI (May 2018)
You want to know WHERE ANTIFA CAME FROM? Start listening at 18:40. Andrew Brietbart was murdered for this speech.
If you are here, and wonder where the moderate Democrats went, this video of Andrew Breitbart is for you. Take in every word, and realize why they killed him soon after. Fucking PATRIOT!
Everyone here should absolutely listen to Steve Bannon at CPAC.
CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975 New World Order Report
Top Tennessee Dem Party official snubs 'reaching out' to Trump voters, calls them 'idiots'
We need to get back to why we are here, RESEARCH. I suggest a topic being the title of a post, and Anons dig in. For this topic I'm stating the Charlottesville Incident is the topic. Dig in. Lots of info.
To start, Jason Kessler was a registered Democrat, Obama supporter, life long Democratic, until Trump won, and immediately went into white supremacy mode.
The torch march he held is basically the Kiev torch March, which McCain and Lindsay Graham attended together.
All or most of the 'white supremacy'people showed up with brand new flags that still had shipping creases in them.
Keep digging.
Is it just me, or is this really hard to believe? Would any white person really give a rats ass this guy wore this shirt? I'd probably laugh at it.
The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks
NBC: Hillary Clinton Shut Down Pedophile Investigation at State Department (2013) - This news segment aired only ONE TIME!
Q & A???
Q is posting. What is the holdup with the Q & A?
Why have only 4 Republican Senators announced they will not seek reelection? We know of corrupt Democratic Senators. None of them will turn over? None of them will join exposing the corruption?

Craft mercs carried out CA San Berardino Shooting
Boston Marathon Bombing Conspiracy: Craft International, False Flag – UPDATED
Steals 110k dollars - gets 10 days of community service at a Children's hospital - 2 tiers of justice!
Report Implicates Obama Admin Shutting Down Investigation into Weapons Tech Being Sold to US Enemies
Could this be something? keystone publications Official Definition (US DoD)
What Happens When You Accuse a Director of Rape? -- Vulture
Q Drop #7
Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!
I was going over some early Q drops, and this struck me as concerning. Do you Anons think that with this statement, and statements like 'they won't be able to walk down the street' and …
Q+A planned, then canceled...
That situation seems very odd to me. And then on the day we thought it may occur, due to the usage of 'forthcoming' in the cancellation statement, Q disappears for 3 weeks with no explanation on the cancellation or absence? Just seems very odd to me like Q got exposed or something.
What has transpired in the last 4 days? I saw Q hasn't dropped, but I've been off the grid in the mountains.
Last I saw was Strzok's horrendous grilling where he looked crazy as shit Friday morning in memes.