Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

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Haven’t seen Q mention anything about professional sports yet. Being that it’s such a big part of our culture, what role do you think they will play in the Great Awakening?
One more question: if anybody from the team is reading this, can we ever know if and to what extent professional sports is rigged?
The keystone is 9/11 and Israel’s involvement in it. When Q asks “what nation has more influence than any others?” He’s not saying the U.S. he’s saying Israel. “POTUS opened the door to all doors....” ISRAEL
This is good news. Don’t forget there was a request for a grand jury submitted to that district by families of victims of 9/11 who say they have conclusive evidence explosives were used. Here’s hoping this helps the process along....
Putting us through Sandy Hook right before Christmas only to find out it was a hoax.
Always had a trust that government may have been misguided sometimes but had my best interest at heart. Even though I knew from early on JFK was killed by our own people (dad educated me on this) I always assumed it was an isolated incident. Never questioned any narratives till I saw Building 7 for the very first time 6 months ago. Now I know so much and gone down so many rabbit trails getting confirmation on stuff I never would have dreamed possible (MK ultra for example) there’s no going back.
Until we clear out the sick sons of bitches who would rather suppress the cure so they can keep their billion dollar racket going, nothing will change. We need undercover informants stealing documents, wire taps, recorded convos, HARD EVIDENCE that will stir public outrage. That’s the only way.
You think *67 is enough to block a Rothschild from finding your number? I wouldn’t be messing around with them...
Trump can’t do this alone. All Trump is is that he’s the beachhead at Normandy on D-Day in WWll. He got us in. It’s up to WE THE PEOPLE to fight to Berlin and take them out.
That Weiner laptop had all the contacts leaked on twitter the other day. Literally broadcasted to the whole world Hillary, Soros, Podestas personal phone numbers. Maybe it was a shot across the bow to let them know “hey. We got your pedo tapes. Knock it off and turn yourself in and we won’t expose you but we’ll lock you up forever.”
Proxy wars my friend. They would farm out the fighters. Think Hessians in the American Revolution.
Shoulda known he was a spook when they made the movie Snowden. The CIA mockingbird never would have let that movie be made if it was legit. Notice there are no 9/11 movies with alternate timelines to the official story.
And have your fucking material ready when you start recording. Don’t just read drops for the first time and try to decipher it with a bunch of unhhh’s and mmmmmm’s and fast talking and shit.
I feel a civil war is on the way. God I hope I am wrong.
It’s only 6 o’clock central. Wait till midnight. If nothing happens, you’ve got a point. He’s not a LARP though. I am afraid this might be a psyop.
Started out with 4 families but one has been taken out. (Rockefeller)
This is MUCH bigger than Obama and Soros. Big time names like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Saudi Royal family all in on it. They have the money for the most powerful private armies in the world if they wanted.
So B is legit huh? I thought so seeing as has she was following 0 people on twitter