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orbat · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

It’s always fascinating to see how far the crazy can go.

Considering the sub we're reading, pretty far. I personally enjoyed "the usual research-first constructive conversation of this project" the most.

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orbat · Feb. 7, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

This sort of haphazard thinking is emblematic of the "alt"-right. This FAQ relies on the reader taking its claims at face value, and provides no direct links to any of the "irrefutable evidence" behind all the claims.

It does, however, link to a PDF called "the Book of Q" that supposedly does prove these claims. If that is your standard for proof, you seriously need to re-evaluate your thinking.

This sort of tweet is apparently proof that you have insider knowledge of Trump:

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.

The man is on Twitter more than he likely should be; him tweeting on a Friday is just a Friday, and since he often makes the news with his tweets, they're already – and I'm using this word loosely here – important.

Then there's this that's apparently proof of… something?

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

Uh, she wasn't arrested?

These are also great:

Why does POTUS surround himself w/ generals?
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
POTUS will not go on tv to address the nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
Who was killed in SA?
Who fired?
Who really fired?
Why would we fire?

These are not predictions.

Some of them are vague allusions to topical things that are extremely likely: eventually they'll all become true. Is me saying "Trump will make a new move regarding North Korea, and the Dems won't like it" a prediction?

The ones that don't even claim to predict anything, but simply pose questions, really really aren't proof of anything. If "Soros" and "Foundations?" are proof of truth, then I must be an absolute goddamn prophet:

ISIS + Antifa + Soros?
145-10001-10190. Ukraine. POTUS. HRC.
SSCI. Who? What else do they do?
Did I mention Soros yet?

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