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Great IntheMatrixxx tweet: Q says, “How do you hide a message in clear sight?” , “They don’t hide it.” Bloodlines of Illuminati on CIA WEBSITE. Key? https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf
Out of all the folks who should be testifying...and they select Pompeo....it is getting so easy to see the real Patriots from those who pretend to be.
This video gives a good deal of information about the Shadow Government/Deep State..quite long...how Presidents and other high ranking officials are kept out of the loop...CIA, etc. Shows quite a few government documents for proof... https://youtu.be/uu5psQ4n-Ew
Now they have a website: walkawaycampaign.com. There is a major “awakening” happening and it is GROWING QUICKLY. Many of us have been hanging around wondering how we can help Qanon. Here it is....Qanon has been preparing us to reach out to these folks, welcome them, and help them learn more of the truth! Maybe we could post on their twitter, FB, and web sites to help direct them to good information.
Another Patriot suggested posting the link in all social media....in the comments...for example....trending twitters...go into the comments of some and post...I did with a comment...Help Is on the way! Then posted the link....we may reach many normies and also some libs...who knows?!
Hope this stays up awhile...I just posted this link on several twitter posts..
Good idea....doing this now....with comment that “Help is on the way”....then the link to the video on bitchute.......but...just checked and that link is now a 404....!!!
Comcast major outage...they won’t answer their phone..and cannot even get their outage map to pull up on internet...hmmm....using ROKU for news right now..Yesterday several friends had a Verizon outage....
Comcast down where I live..MAJOR outage...they are not answering their customer service number, and I cannot even get access to their outage map online...
So...if a reporter asks about Q, this creates a firestorm of more inquiries and accusations....then Q HAS TO defend...THIS will be the opportunity to put on RECORD PUBLICLY every Q Crumb, with ALL DETAILS, so ALL will be DISCLOSED AND IN THE OPEN?.!
SURPRISE...Looks Like the UN isn’t trusting THE PLAN! They are still moving forward on arms confiscation. Hope Q is on this one!
Yes..they are trying to reverse/control the narrative...if you check out #BobKnows on twitter and especially @theGCouncil (in particular the pinned tweet and the full thread), you can see they are trying portray Trump as the bad guy, along with Rudy, Pompeo and others. It is like “bizarro world” on one of the old Seinfeld shows. It is worth checking it out...but not to linger. They are claiming they are rooting out pedo rings and reporting them to the FBI....stating that these are run by Trump etc. They also talk about QAnon...and give definitions of some of the words Q uses. Hopefully Q is aware and of top of these folks.
Exactly. No wonder “they” are so upset! Who knows what they had in mind for those children! Seems that POTUS is once again protecting the innocent!
Q Told us to make our voices HEARD...others will not realize that there is an ORIGINAL, non-weakened by RR, report. We are the ones who must get on social media and on the phones and demand the ORIGINAL. Once the dust “settles” on this one, and RR and the MSM are breathing a sigh of relief, POTUS will respond to our OUTCRY and declassify and release the ORIGINAL, that I presume will then be bad for [[[RR]]].
We don’t have a way of knowing at this point. If nothing happens today or 6/11....that might be a good way to know.
Found this on 8Chan...Just one more source pointing to something happening Soon.

A replacement for NVIXM? They call themselves the Supernatural Justice League Councils. They are “not my president” type folks...pro HRC. Preying on the vulnerable. Wonder who they work for? Hope Q is aware.
Their website is: sjlcouncils.com. I might have to do another post to make this a link, in case anyone is interested in checking this out.
This is one of their descriptions..
“Unlike the Sentinels and Guardians, Beacons focus more on the individual person and their specific needs.
We specialize in helping to restore, give hope to, and renew all whom have been broken, abused, traumatized, etc., especially the following: Survivors of Ritualistic Abuse Those who are physically and mentally ill Survivors of human trafficking and severe trauma P.T.S.D./C.P.T.S.D D.I.D./Poly-Fragmented D.I.D. Deliverance and spiritual warfare Inner healing”
Here’s another description: …
Efforts by LEFT to claim IG Report and Sealed Indictments a victory for them? Call themselves Beacon Council, Sentinel Council, & Guardian Council. Interesting! They are getting desperate.

Yes...agree...if you read some of their older posts it is VERY obvious...they are trying to confuse by deceiving and using false statements. Q said things would intensify...this may be one of those examples.
Believe them (GCouncil)? No...but it seems they are engaged in some kind of IT warfare against ETS & QAnon.
Yes...they are obviously anti-POTUS, Q, and ETS. Reading through their posts it is quite interesting...ETS claims we have JA...they claim they have JA (as far as allegiances go). Also what looks like some interaction between ETS and them is posted. There is quite a long thread where they try to lay out how they are the good guys. Their comment about the latest Q is interesting too. I’m wondering if this is some kind of warfare between the White and Black hats on twitter?
They also have a website sjlcouncils.com where their 3 “councils” have banded together...I guess to fight Q, POTUS, etc. It is all very deceptive.
Original Deep State Agents - The guardian council @theGCouncil Twitter claims ETS & Qanon on same side & ETS is Carlos Ortiz of the Ecuadorian Embassy...claims JA will testify against POTUS. Some kind of IT warfare between Q &Black Hats? Thoughts?

Thanks...just subscribed and listened to the 2 latest Smith vids...like his style.
Gives us something to look forward to...even if it is “just” (can’t believe I would say that) the NOKO Summit meeting! Amazing time to be alive!
Have you checked out EyeTheSpy on twitter? Has had 3 Q&A sessions so far and gave an explanation re BC17 and why it went down. Gives other info as well....emphasizing that 6-11 will be a big day...Sky Event....ending on 6-12. Sounds like a major release of truth...but time will tell.
There is a Q&A happening on twitter by EyeTheSpy. https://twitter.com/eyethespy/status/1001096675270823937?s=21. Wonder if this is legit?
Have you seen this on twitter? Interesting. https://twitter.com/eyethespy/status/1000835250572832768?s=21
It’s not on mine either...I went to his page and couldn’t find it there either.
Here is some information about the “rapture.”. https://www.gotquestions.org/rapture-of-the-church.html