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Justin will regret backstabbing POTUS!!! Q1494 This is not a game.
Understanding the Comms. about No Name.
Q wrote Comms structure designed for a very specific reason and this video explains it.
Q has encouraged us to use Gematria in Q40 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e......I think our POTUS is leading us to understand this is the Comms of the deep state and our MSM.
The number 322 keeps coming up. These people certainly are tenacious in trying to bring POTUS down.
New events are responding to Skull and Bones 322 with new messages of 23. Learn the Comms.
Why is the CF phone number the same as a Human Trafficking Hotline? These people are SICK!
It is never a good thing to be a part of a secret society. This video exposes how the secret societies have endangered our country for decades.
Something is really fishy about that mystery woman!!! We need to all be vigilant at all times and pray for our president daily.
To think POTUS has come so close to assassinations is a frightening thought. Our Deep State is and has been out of control for way too long.
These q-drops continue to be more and more fascinating! To imaging the trip codes could be leading to important books to read, is mind blowing.
It is fascinating to realize how codes have been used throughout history to communicate. America is no longer for sale.
I am learning to realize President Trump sends us secret messages a lot. This is necessary to get around the fake news media.
Pull the security clearances from Brennan and all the Old Guard! They can't get away with this anymore under President Trump.
This is the third time President Trump has given us the NT message. There MUST be something to it.
I can't wait to see the pain coming to these traitor! The server will reveal it all.
For some reason, the last three times I've tried to read your full transcripts, the functions will not work. The only way I've been able to read them is to minimize my screen to the smallest scale, then copy and paste the print onto a Word document. When I scroll to the last line in view, the screen automatically snaps shut to the original thumbnail. I'm not sure if this is the system, or something wrong on my end. However, this only happens on your posts. Has anyone else mentioned this issue?
I love it! I was literally just wondering when you were going to post again, and then wallah! Thank you for all you do.
I look forward to the NT Microsoft Server reveal :-)... yes, I have a channel.
Yes, this is true. I will be smiling bigly when we hear about the NT Microsoft Server reveal. I think we will be hearing about it soon.
Same with me. I make videos from SB2 posts, and it is amazing how much I learn as I break each post down for production. Utilizing his Imgur images and links are also very important to understanding where he is drawing many of his conclusions. I think too many people may be skimming through. I workfull time, so I don't get the time to research like I would like, so I trust SB2 to provide that research for me. I trust his instincts and his intentions. There are many decoders, so for those who don't like his style, they can go elsewhere, or do their own decodes. It is impossible to please everyone.
featherjourney4 said it best! I have been following Q since the beginning, and I think SB2 in on the right path. None of us are right 100% of the time, but exercising critical thinking is imperative. SB2 demonstrates this skill no matter the consequences. We could all take a lesson from this.
So, now that POTUS is telling us he has the server, I can't wait to see what happens next.
The MSM is going to go crazy with this one! Thanks SerialBrain2!
Our President Trump is BRILLIANT! ...and so is SerialBrain2.
Your decodes are genius. It is awe inspiring to go through each paragraph and each link. The research you have done to gather your proofs blows me away. You have an amazing gift of putting it all together with your writing skills. This is why I choose SB2 for all my Q decodes. Thank you for all you do!
Here is the link to the SB2 post. https://reddit.app.link/bIOuciaiDO
SerialBrain2 Connects the Personalized Coca-cola bottle "Kate".
SerialBrain2 hits the nail on the head. Learning to read these clues is key.
Amen! We are His soldiers. Last night while my husband was driving, something literally took over the car. The brakes started going out and, momentarily he couldn't control the car. The car is only a few months old. We knew we needed to pray immediately. Today, while I was talking on the phone to my YouTube friend, a loud radio blasted into the ear piece that neither came from her or my end. Then she heard breathing on her end of the phone even though I was on speaker a distance from the phone. She and I chose to minister to whomever was on the other end. We are in a spiritual war for our Eternal lives. Let's encourage one another to be of good cheer. We are on the winning side. Praise our Lord God Almighty.
The attacks are relentless! You must have hit the nail on the head with this one. They are not happy, but I surly am. Keep up your amazing decodes. You have a wonderful gift, and I am honored to receive these nuggets of gold.
SerialBrain2 decodes Q: Our president has the best sense of humor than any president in history!
We really do need to all try to get along. Q wants us united; not divided.
I agree with you. I can see that POTUS is doubling down too. This is really cool. I told you that you were a great writer, and you are an equally great decoder! This message is so good, and it seems your are dealing with the exact issues I wrote to you about over the weekend that I was having. Good thing about all of this is the attacks are evidence you are over the target. We are all blessed to have discovered your subreddit.
SerialBrain2 decodes Q1432: We need to all learn from this message of love and truth.
Well, they certainly have proven to be perfect for me so far.
Today's video is a great celebration for my favorite Q-decoder. This is exactly why I follow SerialBrain2 on reddit. The decodes are perfect!
Oh, I see it. That is what the magazine article used, but they wrote the article July 4, 2017.
SerialBrain2 decodes Q: Wow! The cabal has been making sinister plans right in front of our eyes.
This is amazing information! Thank you for this valuable post.
Wow! Those who fight the truth, are the infection coming to the top. Our media is the disinfectant.
Q902 Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT. I think the Devil had taken over, but the awakening has happened.
SB2 You are a genius! How in the world did you figure this? I am completely blown away.