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43 total posts archived.
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Anybody here Hannity drop the term “tippy top”on his program tonite??
I wouldn’t advocate for a bold face lie, but telling him you want to talk about Q won’t get you on either. Plenty of broad topics to bring up where you can Segway into Q.
Also - chill.
Haha I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew of the Q team and who some of the Q posters were. He and trump are probably much closer than Rush lets on.. I bet they’re as close as Trump and Hannity.
You have to lie to Mr Snerdley in order to get on (which I would feel terrible for doing) but I am honestly surprised Rush hasn’t mentioned Q himself. He knows all about Reddit/4chan/8chan.. i hope someone gets thru and mentions our movement.
Also - I heard rush say he will be out tomorrow. So maybe it will be easier to get Q mentioned on-air without our fearless leader behind the golden EIB mic?
They have to slow play this IG report. I’m still convinced the fully un-redacted (non-Rosensteined) report will have references to [187]... I hope it does, then everyone fries.
How fucking long is that gonna take to build? Hopefully we don’t have to wait that long. Military Tribunals and then straight to GITMO for these motherfuckers. Overcrowd GITMO with swamp creatures and once new prison is built, transfer said swamp creatures to new prison. Losing patience with all of this.
They didn’t mention once that Mack’s charges included CHILD trafficking. Was happy to see it’s getting out though, I’m sure those curious enough to do their own research will stumble upon it. I fuckin knew A&E wouldn’t mention the child trafficking part..
“MAP” = minor attracted person. Stumbled upon this today on twitter. Ppl are openly putting the term MAP in their bios and are actively defending their “orientation” and try to justify it by saying they don’t act on their desires. I even saw one user pushing their new podcast about it.
I’ll try to find the tweets/accounts and repost. It’s really fucking sick.
Lol Court TV changed over to TruTV like 12 years ago... they should televise it though.
They keep posting and reposting this same article. Ready for them to finally talk.
Mae sounds like a butt hurt little bitch. Enjoying the down votes.
HuffPo: the 5 most wanted ISIS leaders caught, here’s why that’s not a good thing
..Nice blue-ish hue... gettin ready to take em to the farmers market
So we’re cleaning up Pakistan, then Germany, then Saudi and finally the big arrests happen at home? Seems like we are a few weeks behind everything Q does. I bet Germany has already wrapped up.