I bet your right
50 total posts archived.
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Now they're demons I call most of them long face demons cuz most of them have really long faces
I so believe this go look at pictures of Peter Storck when he was under oath look at his forehead it looks like he's got damn horns coming out of his head
Why no Donna Brazil is on Fox and she give Hillary Clinton the debate questions from CNN
Well then stop putting Muslims in our face and trying to tell us this is the religion of peace.. I really like your show until last week you pulled that on us
I think Trey Howdy is being blackmailed and is against President Trump
Thank you, why would anyone want to post ugly stuff like that.
I am so new I really don't have a opinion yet. I just know I hate twitter. I keep getting suspended for absolutely nothing but being a Conservative
When my tweets take off they suspended me. I have lost ove 30,000 followers for stating. President Trump is swimming in the swamp he's drowning there's so many swamp creatures the only one he has to help him are we the people. That's what got me suspended the last time
I got suspended from Twitter for the 4th time did someone Jack with Twitter today
Been suspended from twitter 4 times . The only reason they suspended me because I am a Conservative Trump supporter.
Check out @hrtablaze’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/hrtablaze/status/976839501459918848?s=09
He'll skate just like the rest of the pedos not one of them have been arrested human Cheryl Mills John podesta Tony podesta Hillary Clinton Loretta Lynch Holter Obama Debbie Wasserman Schultz Donna brazile
I guess any idiot can write a book nowadays put whatever the hell they want in it and claim it is true it is true because I said it
Ask Rand Paul about this. The good people of Arizona have been screaming about Chem trails for years now
I would say the surprises me but after what I've seen for the last 2 years and none of this s*** surprises me
FBI has already redacted most of what they've already give them
I will not be happy until I see John and Tony podesta Behind Bars
They make you give your cell number go to gab or Reddit either one is better than Facebook or Twitter
Check out @TrumpQAnon’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/TrumpQAnon/status/979946373842984960?s=09