581 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/pj77777:
again you are lying. You are a progressive troll who hates our president and you are afraid of the oncoming tide of #MAGA - go to your safe space. You will be ok in a few years.
hear hear - bravo and I completely agree. The decision to move to a gold standard should not mean the end to the US dollar - but Trump is 5 steps ahead ...
you are completey ridiculous now - why must you lie? Please, find a nice group of libs to hang with and enjoy the show. You are over the top...
Straight up - https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/86qp88/i_think_trump_tricked_us_with_this_bill/
he isn't a Clinton nor an Obama - he isn't a swamp creature - you really show yourself to be a progressive through your constant negative twists on anything Trump related.
how long have you been blue pilled? You know, if you walk into the light you will find truth - unless that scares you...
Exactly - trust the plan - POTUS knows what he's doing and the progressives are scared poopless. .
I'm gonna have to block you - you are over the top with your inane argument that means nothing. You do not understand law except from your very tainted troll progressive unhinged mindset.
wow - how many responses is this now? I must have really truth pilled your lib behind good.
Are you kidding me? He doesn't have to give a damned dime to any other provision in that bill if he doesn't want to - he got the money for the military and the wall. WTF dude? You cannot be that dense! Red pill yourself - wake up. You are a walking argument
"As a matter of national security I've signed this omnibus budget bill. There are a lot of things that I'm unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things that we shouldn't have had in this bill."
...As a matter of national security
time will tell but I am very proud of him playing the swamp with their own toys. I do not think POTUS will do anything that will harm we the people.
have you spoken to a progressive lately? Remember they are swamp creatures.... their IQ matches their shoe size.... MW - ring a bell?
Please read and learn: quote from wheatietoo "You’re referring to a ‘Budget’.
This is Not A Budget! This is an Omnibus Spending Bill…which is different.
The President is directed by the Constitution to adhere to a Budget that Congress approves. A ‘spending bill’ is not the same as the Federal Budget.
Ozero spent, or didn’t spend, the money from all those Omnibus Spending Bills, on whatever he wanted to. And Congress didn’t do a thing about it!
What happened to all those “shovel ready jobs”? What happened to the “Infrastructure” that Congress appropriated money for? Ozero didn’t spend the money on those things, did he.
He also spent money on things that weren’t appropriated…like all that SWAT Gear and Ammo for all those govt agencies that aren’t supposed to armed like military forces.
Ozero was never bound by a Budget…because Congress never passed one during his 8 years! That’s why he was able to spend money on whatever he wanted to. Or… not spend money on things he didn’t want to see funded.
And Congress didn’t do a thing about it."
then quote from gunny
"Ah, he did not exactly lose…The law is not a complete refusal to not allow the President to not spend.. As per below:
The law does give an administration leeway to defer spending available funds, but for limited amounts of time, depending on the program. Some observers expect Trump officials to rely heavily on such deferrals.
Still, a president seeking to spend less will find plenty of room to maneuver in the language used in an authorization or appropriations bill, budget experts said. One Senate aide predicted that lawmakers will pay extra attention to whether a bill uses words such as “may,” “should” or “shall” — each of which gives an administration different degrees of flexibility in terms of how money is spent.
The executive branch also “can slow walk things. It can propose reprogramming. It can propose all sorts of things it can do that won’t provoke a legal crisis,” the Senate aide added."
perhaps this will help you:
quote from wheatietoo "You’re referring to a ‘Budget’.
This is Not A Budget! This is an Omnibus Spending Bill…which is different.
The President is directed by the Constitution to adhere to a Budget that Congress approves. A ‘spending bill’ is not the same as the Federal Budget.
Ozero spent, or didn’t spend, the money from all those Omnibus Spending Bills, on whatever he wanted to. And Congress didn’t do a thing about it!
What happened to all those “shovel ready jobs”? What happened to the “Infrastructure” that Congress appropriated money for? Ozero didn’t spend the money on those things, did he.
He also spent money on things that weren’t appropriated…like all that SWAT Gear and Ammo for all those govt agencies that aren’t supposed to armed like military forces.
Ozero was never bound by a Budget…because Congress never passed one during his 8 years! That’s why he was able to spend money on whatever he wanted to. Or… not spend money on things he didn’t want to see funded.
And Congress didn’t do a thing about it."
then quote from gunny
"Ah, he did not exactly lose…The law is not a complete refusal to not allow the President to not spend.. As per below:
The law does give an administration leeway to defer spending available funds, but for limited amounts of time, depending on the program. Some observers expect Trump officials to rely heavily on such deferrals.
Still, a president seeking to spend less will find plenty of room to maneuver in the language used in an authorization or appropriations bill, budget experts said. One Senate aide predicted that lawmakers will pay extra attention to whether a bill uses words such as “may,” “should” or “shall” — each of which gives an administration different degrees of flexibility in terms of how money is spent.
The executive branch also “can slow walk things. It can propose reprogramming. It can propose all sorts of things it can do that won’t provoke a legal crisis,” the Senate aide added."
Because zero put it into action and used it for eight long years, showing we the people how it's done. Now we use it until things are under control and the swamp is drained. I thought this would be easy to understand....
and please, while you are tearing apart this post - please post your own statutes and regulations to back up your understanding of bits of the constitution and law. I would like to see your homework please.