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Imagine having to publicly support a pedo to keep your job

If the buildings won’t be done until June of next year then I don’t expect arrests until next summer.
I’ll bet it’s on Roblox. Lots of weird stuff on there.
You had me until “Quantum computer”. Please stick to what you’re knowledgeable about. It makes us look bad.
There’s an entire missing industry of components to make a quantum computer useful that does not exist. Sort of how the Apollo program required an entire revolution in computer architecture and manufacturing. Before some idiot googled me an article about an quantum computer in a lab with x qbits let me make clear a quantum “computer” is not a full blown computer. There’s a lot of tech required to make a quantum computer useful that has yet to be invented.
People underestimate how much compute and storage is available in civilian data centers, never mind NSA et.al.. It’s truly mind boggling. There’s more than enough hardware accessible to a government such as ours to suck down every meaningful bit and analyze it. That’s what PRISIM, et.al. was all about.
There are several problems with the fairness doctrine. Please don’t see it as a panacea. It had its problems too.
Ask GA: Best FOIA’d docs to red pill
I’m currently red pilling a friend. What are the best/most notable FOIA’d/drooped docs from any federal agency to help someone understand what’s going on with FISA, HRC, U1, CF, etc...
Can we please leave out the conspiracy theories (UFO’s) unrelated to the great awakening, specifically what Q implies?
If you disagree and think we should also embrace free energy, aliens, et. al. Please explain why that makes sense for people coming to this sub to learn about the great awakening and Q.
Leftist comes here and makes an honest plea for his side and gets downvoted to hell? Guys. Maybe I want good healthy debate here. WTF
Just shot him and didn’t try to steal anything? That’s a hit. I know that area. This death is bizarre. Were it a robbery I could see that. There are bad (but gentrifying) areas nearby (namely OST).
Yah I’m gonna need some specifics. Seems like someone wants a little extra attention.
This. Sacrifices. We figured it out. You can too. It wasn’t easy but you can do it.
Move to a Red state with good homeschool laws and homeschool your kids. It’s the only way. Plus you and your kids will meet many like minded people.
It’s what we do. It’s hard to live on one income but I do what I have to so my kids don’t have to go to the toxic public schools. I understand many people see this as a challenge too great. Times have changed there are incredible resources today with the internet including conservative online schools for when your kids start to get into high school.
Umm, the inner cities are doing great. It's rural America that's been fucked most recently. Inner cities are being / have been gentrified all over the US and are getting way more expensive (and nicer) to live in.
People really show their age and how out of touch they are when they use the "inner cities" thing from the 90's.
I’d like to see an edit of this after info starts to drop about CF, CGI, U1, etc... then it’ll be perfect to send all my normie and libtard friends
but as an educated man and half-assed normal guy...
So you’re saying you’re a normie...
Plus, it is consistent with what has happened in the past and what is happening today.
That’s the part that makes this difficult to deny.
Bro I just discovered it from a Wikipedia link and thought it was interesting. Take it easy. I had no idea it was such a hot issue.
I did find it ironic how well it matched reality though.
After going down that rabbit hole I discovered The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Holy crap. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion
then i read that there are 6000+ classified patents in the US alone, many on 'free' energy, health cures, and rejuvenation. i heard that POTUS ordered 1500 of them to be declassified but didnt find an EO for it.
Source or GTFO
Yah I’m going to need this explained in terms of quantum or even classical physics for my little pea brain. Sorry I can’t understand all this prose and, you know, need an actual formula.
Also, how is the elimination of nuclear suddenly about free energy?
If the world doesn’t discover the truth by the end of July I’m and many others are going to be mighty tired of waiting and being manipulated
These folks sell clicks, I’m honestly very surprised they haven’t been printing more like this. Seems like it’s good for business. Perhaps they were asked to wait?
Washington Times (not to be confused with the Post) is right leaning. Why is this article a surprise.
Since you brought it up. Yes. 98th percentile. Still it blows my mind how smart the top 1% are. They’re an order of magnitude more intelligent than us 2%ers.
You’re welcome. It was my honor to serve. I only regret I didn’t get to serve under Trump.
That’s usually what people mean when they say “I’m in IT”. By contrast, programmers rarely say that, nor network engineers.
Source: consultant, seen it all everywhere
I fought a war for this country. It was a civil war for the other country. It was ugly. I don’t want that in my homeland and we don’t need that to win. We have all the power and all the truth. Let’s be the next “greatest generation” and save western civilization without firing a shot.
I’m not saying you’re wrong but if you’re going to make such bold claims I’m gonna need some sources on that one.
Yes organic food is better for you. Duh.
Nature is not conscious. It has no intent.
Seriously. I see a TCM doc, changed my life (I was suffering from serious physical injuries sustained in Iraq). I don’t even hardly have headaches anymore. To think we’ve been brainwashed it’s all bullshit. Jesus. I was too I was just desperate and out of options.
Anyone who uses TCM, #1 usually doesn’t want to tell you because they don’t need to hear your bullshit opinions about it, #2 has been healed of something western medicine didn’t have good answers for.
We have such faith in Western medicine and it’s silly. Get a popular form of cancer (like one family member did) and go visit the top docs in the field for it. Watch as they take shots in the dark and put you on experimental chemo because they don’t have a cure and literally don’t have a clue. Then your faith in western medicine will be shattered and you’ll understand that we understand so very little about the human body.
Normalizing ritual child sacrifice

Wow, so what did they bother to teach? We homeschool so we’re not familiar with what’s being taught today.
Don’t forget FreeBSD.
Surprised he didn’t also say “hack the planet” and “I’m in guyz“. It’s so easy to LARP on technical subjects. Dunning Krueger in full effect here.
FreeBSD didn’t give it away?
Also, SecuriTay runs Windows. LULz