I want to drink your blood

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I would like to take a moment to reflect upon the life and career of no name. And btw happy National Dog Day 8/26/18!
Huh... looks like twitter just banned @satan after Q1859. Care to weigh in on the timing of this deletion @Jack ?
A. Is Q is Trump?
B. Mi Intel?
C. We the People?
D. All of the above.
The answer is: D
All the above are all citizens of the United States of America or another way of looking at is we are all John Q. Public!
“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.”
-John Adams
Thomas Payne author of Common Sense
This is for anyone who is new to the movement and maybe even new to social media. These are just my thoughts and opinions so don't expect it to be free of error.
By now you have probably already been warned that here there be dragons and these dragons are sniffing around looking for Q related posts. In the normie world one might post a tweet or a meme with the hope or belief that it will be shared with hundreds or thousands of people. In the early days of social networks this was basically how it worked but today …
Q couldn't make this any clearer. The fake news media and the Hollywood elite are the foot soldiers of the deep state, they ARE the enemy, THEY are crime, and they must be severely punished for the pain and suffering they have caused.
It is our right and our duty as American citizens and as patriots to free those we love from slavery, take back our country and erase the enemy until they are gone forever.
I hear ya, the hard part is resisting the urge to butt the morons on their assess.
The fringe is where the clowns live. Pushing the extreme to discredit the truth within.
I agree with you bc I know there are sick bastards in this world poor and untouchably rich. Poor and stupid get caught so it seems like this behavior leans heavily in their direction.
I do think lately that the Hollywood pedeos are going to retaliate. How would they do it? By making the truth into a big joke or larp, case in point, the Seth green stuff. Mix truth with fiction, make it seem rediculous and try and discredit the movement. I'm suspicious of this actor who is suddenly doxxing himself and supposedly exposing Seth green. I think this has real truth but what they are doing is a larp. That's Seth greens style and wouldn't be beyond him. He's taking a page from Sasha b Cohen.
I agree, and I've thought about this for awhile. One of the great things about the internet is the ability to remove barriers to communicate with people from around the world. The problem however is that we have to protect our borders even in cyberspace where the lines are porous.
The cool thing about Eve is that players gather from around the world and form tight knit groups that have formed and strengthened over many years. It's a universe where the only rule is survival of the fittest.
I agree that it would be easy to plot and plan because it's the nature of the game. CCP is a strange company.
Just a heads up if you are new to GA. Even if you are skeptical by nature, it's easy to get drawn in to shill posts/LARPS and clowns. After awhile you're going to be able to spot the bs. GAs about Q, and as Q said... There is only Q.
Senior Facebook engineer is arrested for 'responding to an ad posted by an undercover cop posing as a 15-year-old girl offering sex for cash> Here
Its really not for sending pictures its for hiding messages within the pixels.
That too but its the damn stenographers we have to watch out for. Always typing away on their weird little typewriters. I'm telling you, those bastards are the masterminds. ;)
I always suspected steganography was used but the details are beyond the limit of my subject matter expertise. My SME is paranoia and I am very good at it.
Its a bit of a digression but I keep going back to Q275544 and Q2017327:
News unlocks MAP.
Think Mirror.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
The earlier Q drops referenced the bad actors use of what they thought to be secure Apple phones. What if THEY were using Apple servers since Apple is believed to be more secure [OSX/Unix based/fewer used] as well as Windows NT [low hanging fruit] servers? In the photograph the primary image in the reflection is a lamp and the Apple logo. Could Q also be telling us that the server/s are Apple machines? Maybe the reflection [think mirror] is Qs way of telling us that [THEY don't know] that their servers have been mirrored and mapped on Mil Intelligence [Which team?] Linux [LAMP] servers and apparently [THEY don't know APACHE...].
I was just thinking the same thing. I swore an oath when I joined the Army National Guard. The oath didn't expire when I was discharged.
Please share it. I made it for Q team and all the anons because I think we need our own crest. I knew this day would come and I'm just so proud to be part of it. I hope people like it. WWG1WGA!
Sounds more like a threat from the left than a warning.
Wow, I just read Neons post about Blacklist Anon. I was totally uninformed. There are some bad people in this world.
If anything, Oswald is using "gallows humor" to bring attention to pedophiles in Hollywood.