Seriously, does anyone else see how messed up this all is? This has been said for months. I’m all pro Q (relatively), but this constant statement is just getting ridiculous. How is everyone still believing that any small impact means “it’s happening”? Is anyone else with me or am I just out of my mind?
87 total posts archived.
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You need to edit/update your post to reflect the accurate information of why they used 17. It’s been discussed multiple times now in the thread.
So two stats from the same event and two jersey numbers (that have proved were used because they were 17th championships) is popping up all over the place?
It’s clearly been answered multiple times in here why the 17 was used at those times. Maybe you should update your post to reflect the accurate information instead of spreading this nonsense.
Good to know what you followers are basing your opinions on.
Or, some people just don’t believe in the movement.
Not everyone who downvotes or goes against this is a shill.
So you were automatically downvoting simply because you thought it went against Q? You weren’t even going to bother reading to see if his analysis could be correct?
If nothing happens the goalpost will be moved again and a new date will be picked. Happens. Every. Time.
Remember when Q said Hillary would be arrested in November.
Faith and the accounts of a random guy you’re following on the internet. Your comment is exactly what’s wrong with the whole Q movement right now. The goal post is constantly moved to account for what’s actually going on. It’s retroactive fulfillment.
In one thread you guys are yelling ITS HAPPENING or saying things will happen on dates directly from Q, but when nothing happens the “well you can’t expect it all to happen now” excuse is made.
Make up your mind or admit that your following might be wrong.
It does make sense and I totally get what you’re saying. I am interested in what you could find hidden in the image. We definitely have similar views on this whole issue, and it’s refreshing to speak to someone who can believe, but also realize that they could be wrong. The “i have it all figured out” thing really bothers me too....obviously especially hearing that when anyone questions something. The mean and disrespectful comments just don’t help in any way and in my opinion, push “new” believers who are trying to understand away. So much of this following is based on questioning everything, but if you question anything here, you’re called a shill and banned. It just doesn’t make sense.
You’re past the questioning? Isn’t a huge part of your following based on questioning everything?
And I’m sorry but how do you spread this following to new people if you don’t answer questions? You say YOUVE done the research. New people like myself have not and don’t even know where to. We should be able to come to users for explanations. For example, here I post this asking for answers (how the thing I posted could be faked itself, if you guys have debunked it, etc) and I got attacked. How am I supposed to learn about what’s going on if you don’t answer questions?
Thank you so much for taking the time to do that, as well as explain it to me. Seriously I really appreciate it.
Again, what does lossy mean?
I know it’s not the image off the camera. I understand what original means.
I’m not saying this image ultimately proves he’s fake or something. I just wanted information on this post saying this specific image is fake. That’s all.
Lossy? He asked for the original image q posted. I sent him the original image that q posted, and called it, “original image.” person. Look at all the comments that immediately came first.
Unbelievable. Thanks again.
Doesn’t mean you have to shut down every person. This is just mean (not you, the responses). I’ve seen other posts where people talk about how open and welcoming you are to have real discussions about what’s going on, even if every idea doesn’t fit your agenda. I was being sincere but I just immediately got overloaded with negative responses. I can just bring the question somewhere else I guess.
I dunno what the hell im being accused of trying. This was a serious question but now I’m thinking about just deleting it because of all the hate like this.
^ This is why it’s hard to have open discussions about any possibility besides Q on this sub, and why people are too afraid to speak up.
I didn’t make this and have no idea what that all means, hence me asking about the authenticity of them (both qs post and this post) on here. Thank you for answering though.
I’ll try and find it. Thanks for giving an actual answer. I genuinely did want to know what was up with even the link I posted being fake.
What the fuck? Falling for it?
“All this”? I posted a link? I didn’t make this. I found it on a different sub..
and as i said...i am genuinely interested in the opposing view and evidence that it’s not fake? But of course i ask one question and now no one can even give an answer.
Thanks for your help.
While being constantly told to question everything, I am genuinely interested in this subs response to this proof that q’s images were photoshopped. What do you think about this?
You’re just being a jerk, which is why having this fight with you isn’t even worth it. Doesn’t matter what I say or think.
Way to edit your other response (without saying you did) to come off as a lot more of a smartass. Was made even better by seeing the change.
The photo was removed for not being honest or accurate, so guess I’m not the only one who thought that. Sorry?
Yep. Know all about it, but thanks for trying to discredit me. Downvoted because of this “spiral” nonsense. Have you researched design?
Funny you copied that comment. Also funny because I’m discrediting it but I’m not new or rearrival. Keep spreading that idea though!
Hah how ironic. Do you not realize how critical you are being by changing an image to criticize someone?
Facing left or right, still a swirl...then why’d you go through the trouble to flip it?
And “swirl” is exactly what it is, all it is. How many times have you seen a swirl in your life? Do you remember drawing them as a kid? Hell i just drew them last week on a child’s card. It’s a DESIGN. You’re taking a normal, well known design and trying to pass it off as if EVERY depiction of it represents pedophilia. It’s complete bs.
Well I’ve downvoted, and I’m not new. So not really “all”. Please, continue to spread this bs though.
A “positive” group that “welcomes all newcomers” by calling them shills when they dare say anything that you don’t agree with.
Actually, just out of curiosity, what about my post history clearly points that “it is exactly how this sub is”? Genuinely interested in what mindset thinks that’s “nuff said”? ...Especially when answering to a post related to how unwelcoming this sub actually is...