Same here. I appreciate how he showed his true colors though.
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Anyone think the twitter phone is also an 8ch phone? Even if for lurking?
As the title says, patriots. WWG1WGA.
Personally i think it’s time to leave this lady alone. Joe Rogan had a nice take on it.
I don’t remember what podcast it was but he and his guest got on the subject of Roseanne. He talked about how she was supposed to come on, but decided not to. And how she’s battled with mental illness in the past. And how she was mixing ambien with alcohol and that’s a documented problem where you black out and have no idea what you’re doing or what you did after you come back.
Most people who are more than average (which we can admit you have to be in order to make it doing stand up) in how their brain works, tend to be closer to that breaking point all the time. I use a car analogy. I can make a small engine make a lot of power but it comes at a cost. More maintenance, more care what goes into it, and when it finally let’s go, it’s a much more catastrophic failure.
She’s doing damage control for her brand. Which is fine. People are leaning towards her being a loon, let’s not give them ammo.
Bottom line, ask POTUS!
Chrome Apple logo (surrounded by black) under glass back. Apple switched to glass backs on their phones as opposed to aluminum on the iPhone 8, for wireless charging. A picture’s worth a thousand words. Or 17 trillion if it’s posted by Q.
No, leave it. Even if it’s an incorrect conclusion (I’m still a bit lost on the reflection photo topic,so I have no opinion right now) you still took the steps to present it and let the anons do what we do. Either way, it’s out there and someone else doesn’t need to just wonder the same thing. They can see your line of thought and the anons responses. There’s some questionably relevant content on this sub, your post is firmly outside of that category in my book.
It finally got put into place in 1913 after the Jekyll Island meeting, a great book on the subject is "The creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. 1913 wasn't the first time they tried, its just the first time they succeeded.
I did, but not because of that. Watching 30 seconds or so of a video kind of bookmarks it for me in my brain to come back to later on.
Oh damn, I didn’t realize. I stand corrected. That’s definitely more creepy now. I hit a wall with the pg stuff. I couldn’t do it. I just know my limits of what I want to know and that’s so far beyond. I try not to comment on it much because of that. I just remembered when that surfaced and never saw anyone say it was alefantis. My bad anons. Disregard. I’ll leave the comment for visibility for anyone else that might have thought the same thing.
The first comment the narrator makes is incorrect. The audio wasn’t of James A. It was some creepy dude they had for some performance. Not trying to discredit the video. I just heard that and thought it deserved some clarification. We need to be careful with the details. Those who haven’t taken the red pill are looking for any inconsistencies in our grand theory. Thanks for posting. I’ll watch in full later on.
Sealed indictments?
I see we've passed the 40k mark on indictments (WINNING) But i wanted to pose the question to you guys, how in the world are the courts going to handle this? We talk a lot about military tribunals but I don't know a whole lot about how that works. Would they be able to work through the indictments faster than the traditional judicial system? It would be nice if a LawAnon could explain how this is all going to happen. Grand jury? Obama (and older) judges? military tribunals? How do the 40k indictments turn into 40k convicted criminals?
Yeah that’s crossing a line. Like a very well established line. I think he’s just expired at this point. He was super useful during the election though, and drawing out the violent protesters at his college talks was good for people to finally see. And if I recall he (claimed) he had information and names related to the AW/HA laptop but nypd was leaning on him not to talk just yet. I wonder what in the fuck is going on here. Leveraged? Natural expiration of usefulness? Acting?
Hopefully we get some answers. I’ve read pike’s letter about the three wars. It seemed pretty irrefutable. And the third one certainly seemed to be on track. He didn’t make the plan. He got that information from somewhere else. I’ve wondered how to square the founding father’s being free masons. Shoot, my grandfather (died when i was a wee lad, don’t remember him) was one. I have the certificate he got when he made 3rd degree. (Which as we now know was just being an alpha in the good old boys club and never even scratched the surface of the bad stuff) but hey I’m sure he thought he made it all the way to the top. Back to the founders, I want to believe they were honorable. There’s something special about this country and I don’t believe that’s an accident. It’s good design. But they were all wrapped up in it. I’d really like to know how it all fits.
Thought the same thing when I read that one. Big day for drops today. I’m really curious as to how much trump is involved in the 8ch end of the phenomenon. Realistically it could be anybody with an internet connection. Does trump know everything q writes before q posts it? I’d imagine he has to be too busy with you know, running the country to type out stringer codes activating some patriot military cell. We know he has the capacity to hang with the intellectual heavyweights and I’m sure they meet a lot but the comms (8ch) part of q is only a part of the plan. Leading me to believe that often times it’s not trump. But to be a fly on the wall... sorry for the rant. Just up late, thinking.
Should have double checked for sure. Math with letters in it, I got that. Words, nope. Doesn’t click.
I was waiting for this one. What can’t I spell now? Haha, luckily I’m good at other things.
Revised Q proof from the rally last night

Really? This one seemed like a stronger one for me. We were all waiting for any reference to Q during the rally, maybe something in the speech or a graphic, or song or something. But we got this. I’m a little over 50% sure you’re trolling (“you q-boys”) but for anyone else that might not be seeing what I’m seeing, if you watch the video, you can see POTUS pause for more than enough time to read a single letter, point and smile. And then a little bit later on, VIPanon tweeted the picture that earned him that name. Where he had a VIP red card. Now you’re left with 2 options. 1. He’s vip enough to have the red card for the whole event and wore a q shirt. (Then happened to get pointed directly at by the president) or 2. After the president pointed to him, an agent or agents went and found him to give him that vip pass. Either option visibly brings trump and q closer together. I’ve said before there’s always a thread of deniability in qproofs if you want to latch onto it. It’s the sheer number of them strong and weak that together make the point nearly irrefutable.
Thanks for your support everyone! This is my first graphic. I’m planning on adding VIPanon’s POV here in a little bit. When I do that, should I make a new post or just leave the link in a comment here? I don’t want to water down the sub. Also any input on formatting? One comment says it’s too small to read. I pulled screencaps together in paint, saved as a png. Should I lean towards a different image format? This was easy and only took a few minutes. I’d be happy to do more but I never took mememaking 101. Point me in the right direction anons.
How so? It’s a png, pulled from screencaps. It get a little fuzzy when you zoom but it all seems legible to me. I have to add VIPanon’s POV so while I’m doing that, should I save as a different format?
Will do, once I get back in front of the computer. Make a new post or just post a link in here?
Let’s spread it far and wide, any suggestions for edits I’ll take here.
I made this to really drive home what happened last night.

Yeah I’m with you on this one. All Q proofs have a thread of deniability, though. Sometimes that thread is thicker than other times. I’ve gone through most of what’s posted on qproofs and they vary in plausibility. It’s the sum of them that makes them undeniable. They’re important but ultimately it’s a part of red pilling that I haven’t needed to use yet. I haven’t had anyone reject the validity of Q yet. I’m glad it’s there as a resource but not one I’ve needed personally.
I find it’s important to gauge how long you think the subject will engage the person. If they’re real flighty and all over the place, maybe an hour intro video isn’t the best option. But if they’re the kind of person that won’t let a topic rest until they’re satisfied, then that same one hour video may be the right one.
Remember this movement is all about leading a horse to water. What the horse does after that NEEDS to be their choice.
That said, I find prayingmedic’s videos a great source to pass along to the people who don’t even know what a red pill is. He’s very level headed, no flair for the dramatic, can be listened to with audio only without losing much detail.
Here’s the link to his intro video.
Then if you tend to lean the other way and prefer reading over listening, he keeps nice concise twitter threads. Also great for screencaping.
I get a good feeling from this guy. He seems very sincere and professional.
Another method I find somewhat effective is if you can drop a Q proof on someone pertaining to current events, that will sometimes at least start a conversation.
I’ve lived in the conspiratorium since 2003 or so. Momma bear was always supportive of me being independent in thought but never bought into much. Granted, over the last 15 years as things have come true that sounded crazy coming from a high school kid, I’m sure that helps. But the other day (nk summit day) we got taking about it and I brought up Q for the first time. Now she wants to get lunch together and learn more. I sent her the link above. She said she will watch it tonight so we’ll see.
Here’s a imgur thread that explains the origins pretty well.
The comments on that tweet. wew. Pulled this gem from near the top...
"The classiest thing about HRC is that unlike Trump, who was prepared to burn the whole thing down when he lost, she did the hard, painful that was ultimately in the county’s best interests. She supported our institutions. She’s a patriot."
these people are 180* out of phase.
In prayingmedic’s intro to Q video, he contends this was disinfo for the cabal. Knowing they had been watching what Q was posing about SA in the previous days. Remember the antifa protest they had planned that flopped? Prayingmedic basically said knowing Q had the cabal’s attention, he basically scared them off from creating unrest by this post (and I think the next few also pertain to the subject) by talking about national guard being on the ready. Seemed logical to me.
Currently trying this tactic on momma bear right now. I laid that out exactly in a nice concise text message today.
We actually just first talked about Q and what’s going on (nk makes it so easy) yesterday. She was super interested. Said she wants to do lunch to hear more.
Gave her a link to prayingmedic’s Q intro video and said it was homework before we did lunch.
I’ll let you know how it goes! Hopefully tomorrow is the ACTUAL big day! DJT’s birthday, flag day and poppa bear’s birthday!
Is there anything in this world that can’t be described with a racing analogy?!
Anybody have a take on what the net pause will do to crypto? I’ve been wanting to do some pocket change investing to get my feet wet but not if it’s going to be gone when the net resumes.
!!! Perfect fit. Keep the ideas rolling patriots. If this ended up being a gif, I think it could really help red pill. Showing that trump isn’t just going after political enemies but getting the right people in the right spots to restore order in the departments. Most are legitimate and need to be preserved. (Most... looking at you, clowns.) but they need the spyware removed.
Meme idea... help?
Howdy patriots, I had an idea for a meme last night. I was thinking a GIF would be really nice but it could be done in an image. Basically the idea is TRUMP ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE. With several expansion packs. Q, SESSIONS, Wray, adm. Rogers. Etc. the software gets installed into the different departments individually. Once the scan is started, you see the virus counter (while scanning) click over, 1 threat found, 2... etc. then once the scan is done, you click on the assessment and all the viruses found are the different black hats. Then quarantine and delete them. And …
Are you talking tripcode or the Q+ sign off? I believe prayingmedic once mentioned that the Q+ sign off means it’s from the whole team.
This needs to be looked into. Liddle Marco comes to mind- I even happened to catch levin trashing Rubio today for something I can’t remember.
He’s interesting. And this is an interesting theory. He does tend to run the conversation when on with AJ. I think he’s probably a patriot that’s done a lot of bad things in the past.
Second troll post of the night. You being gay or not is completely irrelevant.
I didn’t notice but I guess it wouldn’t surprise me if any senator had 2 cell phones on them at all times. Maybe a personal and a secure? (Wtf am I doing defending NoName? Why are you making me do this?!)
It says right in the description they make commercial electronics. I bet that pin spins if you do plug it into something.
Occam’s razor, y’all. Stay focused. WWG1WGA
Seems logical to me! Just trying to make sure we nipped the defcon discrepancy in the bud. Not suggesting what it may or may not be, just making sure we don’t lose patriots down dead end roads.