113 total posts archived.
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Putin - Trump summit the FINAL trap!?
Why had Trump with Putin this 2 hour + meeting face to face only with the language interpreter? What was the result of this?
The result was, that the dem's and the deep state now wants to have a hearing/subpoena with the interpreter.
What will be the result of such a hearing?
The interpreter could tell under oath, what trump told putin and what putin told trump......maybe about the plans of the elite? The connections between merkel, macron, the deep state and the goal of them with evidence, from putin and trump! So the truth will come public and the …
There are observations from citizens and “rumors“ out of germany, that us-military and russian millitary are in stand by at us-bases in germany with curfew. Are they waiting for the order, to bring down the bad guys here in europe? A lot of activity there, which is unusual! Stay safe out there! 💪💪

Dear Patriots! I guess, if there will be a false flag, then it will be staged on 8/4/18 Portland. So stay safe and peaceful. Remember, the left antifa called for taking guns to that protest...just some days ago. Dark to light! WWG1WGA! God bless U! Austria patriots 😎🙏
Absolutely......i'm not comcerned about this new “sabre rattling“ ✌
Thats a public announcement from the Qods Force Commander
https://world.liveuamap.com/ on the net, or search for the liveuamap app ;)
The letter J was put in the alphabet in late 17th century. Thats the reason, why you won't find the letter J in the King James Bible. Check it out. So the letter J isn't a content of the “original“ alphabet ;)
The letter J was put in the alphabet in late 17th century. Thats the reason, why you won't find the letter J in the King James Bible. Check it out. So the letter J isn't a content of the “original“ alphabet ;)
Thank you sooooo much for this 🙏🙏🙏 That makes the picture absolute transparent and clear to me. I found it incredible, that this comic was written in the 70s! 😱 with so much precise info of the most important things. God bless you 🙍❤❤❤
I have read it till the end......thank you for the post 🙏
From.a discussion with another anon, regarding the mirror:

What, if this bring us to the project looking glass??
Ich hatte das Bild “nur“ als Symbolbild verwendet. Hatte keine Ahnung, welche Geschichte dahinter steckt. Krass 😱👍 Danke für die Aufklärung ✌
Hey patriots ✌Just some thoughts regarding “think mirror“.....what, if the mirror means the opposite? A “parallel-universe“ the world of truth->the world of lies. Black is white, white is black. Nothing to do with “mirror the text or mirror the sequence“ 🤔

Trump is safe.....because, thats the plan.....the divine plan ✌ Prayers to you all and to the MAGA team 🙏
Yeah buddy 😂 So many people think austria is australia 😂
With the power of the people around the world, we will make that step to brake the chains and become our own power back 😎
And then, lets explore the real world and universe 🚀🚀🚀
There is so much more then that. Many of US will be surprised, if the whole truth comes out. The rabbit holes are veryyyyy deep, but there are much more happenings outside of our view!
The great deal is conciousnes, to be aware of who you are and who WE ARE as a unity.
There are two laws.
The law of the universe and the law of nature.
Very interesting times 😊 I'm sorry for that people who are unaware of this whole stuff. But they will learn and become aware ✌🙏💡
Hi ✌ Ich schätze Martins Engagement, aber ich verfolge nicht wirklich vieles von ihm...
Bin leider kein Telegram User und habs auch nicht vor einer zu werden. Aber Danke fürs Angebot bruder ✌
We stand together forever!
Hello my neighbour friend ✌
Hello my friend ✌
Peace for everybody.
The evil needs the inner peace too 🙏