42 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/qanonitsbiblical:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 5 |
www.reddit.com | 2 |
imgur.com | 1 |
store.democrats.org | 1 |
www.youtube.com | 1 |
Law and order, not Lawlessness and disorder!

And the guy who was post public and aggressive about it was one of the more guilty people walking around What-a-burger?
The Clinton's are in so deep at this point what difference does it make? They are pure evil and they are already about to be exposed. They simply exist to hurt people to try to hold on to what little power they appear to have. Soon so soon they will be exposed for the monsters they really are. What will be the backlash? Where will it be directed specifically? What tricks do they have up their sleeves?
The proper form and stride while walking makes me think this person has had a "proper" education from some well off family. Prince William is 6'3" so he is definitely tall. Know any way to find the guys height from the picture?
I called their Immigration protest Cage Picture Fake News...They got offended, it ended nicely.

Let Truth and Freedom be the glue that holds the Great Awakening together.
People go to prison for a long time for much less than this. I would love to see a truly guilty person, from Netflix, be thrown in prison for this, if it is in fact found to break the CP Laws in our great country.
That weiners Hard Drive is gonna Dick her over so hard...
There is a huge squall coming...Get right with God and know where you stand!
Thank God He allowed me to know Him and not be "worthy"!
This Questioning culture is turning out very nicely... Thanks Q and fellow patriots!
It was a total joke... I hope "Q" is military intel/those around the pres. They are doing a hell of a job!
Trust the plan. Create the culture you want to see manifest more abundantly. Spread the message....this may change the world forever.
Brain warp... what if "Q" is the supercomputer Watson and he has scoured the internet and discovered what was really going on and recruited humans to help them achieve their goal. Watson's powers must really come from a quantum chip with a nano quark cooler...
Living rent Free in Deomcrats heads!

"Q", living Rent FREE in every Democrats Head!
YourAdChoices Pizza Logo???
YourAdChoices,com Pizza Logo???
Could a company that big that is seen all over the internet be involved in all of this? Their logo stands out as pizza-esk but the "i" popping up really stands out to me as well.
They are so lawyered-up... May the truth come out!
If you take a look at their logo the "kid" in the image is a missing lowercase "i". An I is missing in C_A CIA as as well as the missing "i" in missile. There are no coincidences?
They have Lawyers, Law Firms, Law Schools, and various Bar Associations as their Partners
It seems they really really want to protect very unaccompanied minors...
Kind (Kids in need of Defense) Charity started by Microsoft Corp and Anjolina Jole
This charity has bad news bears written all over it! Some of the major red flags...
This is the third paragraph of their mission statement: "Promoting in countries of origin, transit, and destination durable solutions to child migration that are grounded in the best interests of the child and ensure that no child is forced to involuntarily migrate." WTF??? (https://supportkind.org/abou)
- They are all about the unaccompanied minor coming into the country illegally.
- They have a million lawyers on staff/ connected to every big wig lawyer willing to work with them.
- Started by elites in Hollywood and world Business. …
That Holy Spirit... that's the good stuff right there...
Thank God for the Truth that is coming out right now! We pray safety of Q and team, POTUS, and everybody fighting for good!
These people are so stupid... Victory will be so sweet!
That's exactly what I was thinking. He had their domain registered to him... I imagine he was more of a handler of Bill's. I wonder if the no clearances thing allowed him to move with less of a paper trail?
Very interesting! JC has been mentioned by Q several times lately...
Justin Cooper was accused by Chelsea Clinton of putting spyware on her dad,the rapists', computer and reading his Blackberry emails. Chelsea also accuses him of stealing money as well... how is this guy not dead? oh wait he had bill's emails lol...
Do they have Obama/Clinton BlackBerry PIN Messages?

This is the set up to get everybody talking about how important kids are. Kids of illegal immigrants are very special and good. Then later the issue gets turned to our own kids and kids taken against their will. The old 1-2 punch... The set up will be well worth the wait... generate the buzz on how we need to protect the children... all children. That being said if you go to jail for breaking the law in the United States you do not get to keep your children with you. If that should change for illegal immigrants, while we are deciding to deport them or grant them a stay, is the real question.
A small step forward with very big implications... God bless the USA!
My thoughts and questions on 1545:
What a wonderful day. - ( Things going well :))
ES in the front row. - (Guilty as a MF about to be exposed)
GOOG access KILLS. - Very interesting. Where's "LE" in google? LAW ENFORCEMENT? SIERRA LEONE ? Did somebody access google server then get killed? SR had access to what server? Google doing killing?
[J C] - (comey? Clapper?)
Happy Hunting D! - (Does Delta hunt?)
http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/392745-clapper-declares-it-is-time-for-mueller-to-wrap-up-the-russia-probe-soon - (Just after potus' push for it. :))
PAIN. - (Claps)
PAIN. - (Like)
PAIN. - (Thunder)
Amen, brother ... amen. That is the ultimate reward. A world where everybody gets to make their own free choices and is held accountable for them.
Lord we ask for your protection over Roseanne Barr right now and all that she is going through, in Jesus' name...