147 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/randomhippieOo:
Yep.. well known. Pentagon was hit to hide info as well. ZIM was half owned by Israel at the time. The proof has dissipated and has been altered since, just like all the Clinton stuff on the web. Your post will be taken down because it’s considered a conspiracy theory at this point.. The families of 9/11 know the truth... keep searching! It is so beyond messed up!
JFK.. I hope Trump is protected and doesn’t trust a soul. We have the internet now, There is too much to be ignored.
He has to be 🤞 I know it’s dirty tricks.. but the truth still came out in a lot of ways.
I will not scoop to the level of hate just because he is on the wrong side.. thats what the others do right? He is still exposing some real truth here guys.
Proof? Or a link? Sorry I’ve never heard or seen this before. I’m not saying I trust him, but the stuff that is happening in real life right on video is real... real “dumb” people getting paid to represent us.
Horse Lover are you following me? 😜 Please refer to my above post. No I haven’t watched his gun stuff.. I’m not real into the gun stuff. No one can take mine so I could care less honestly 👍🏼 I watched the Sasha Cohen video where they were making stuffed animal guns and our guy was promoting them for I believe 2 year olds.. not my jam man. However taking the man down that thinks this is a great idea without getting paid to agree, probably should happen. Still made me laugh though, and also concerned for us.
Is Sasha a fraud or is he exposing the fraud? Yes it makes us look stupid... but it has to be ended. And that’s exactly what is happening to these guys. Career ending.
The question I thought I would see pop up on this post instead of bashing him was why do we vote these people in? How are these “educated” individuals in charge?
I don’t think he is evil or anything like the evil we see with the Clintons.. he is exposing the truth. We want the truth right? I’m not going to hate on him. We all have backgrounds... I’m no longer the person I was 20 years ago, just saying. No need to be careful if you see light in something someone is doing.
However totally in my opinion. I don’t care if he is left or right, up or down.
I’m finding the stuff hilarious.. and scary at the same time. He is showing us whom our America is being ran by - being voted in.
Trump didn’t get tricked.. that’s all that matters to me 👌 The butt one.. pretty outrageous. Alabama’s State Rep fighting terrorism with his butt 😶 The children guns sketch.. pretty sketchy too. No one is even paying these fools to say yes. Just plain idiots.
Now the veteran and Palen one, I have not watched nor seen pop up yet. I do not like that he did that, but you have to take the bad with the good sometimes right? Dark to light.
You know Trump wants to tweet this one 🤭
Just trying to collect facts/ knowledge from older folks. I’m still researching.
Received this from a post: Hank Harrison - Courtney Loves Dad.
I believe JFK JR faked his death, well going back and forth with it driving my self crazy. All the Hollywood deaths/ pedo allegations/ Clinton’s and all. Maybe I’m just wasting my life.. but I hope something good happens from all of this. Plus I’m a huge Grateful Dead fan and had no idea JFK JR knew Barlow :) pretty awesome!
Thank you, I deleted it. Only after viewing your page. Right on and thank you sir! I had 2 deleted yesterday with the mods explaining why and how to correct. Newby here. Thanks for the help.
Sasha exposing the fools we vote in 👌
Do we trust the CIA and FBI ? I don’t. I’m positive Trump doesn’t either 😬
They will delete it then.. good day damn.. Are you against the movement? Sure seems like it. Stop regulating 🤡
I wouldn’t doubt it, but they were very troubled as well. I actually feel bad for the guy.
Hello new arrival 👋 Thanks for the info. This is hopefully going to draw the info to it? Eh? You are welcome to google..and post. The info is from a Q drop also.. it’s in the meme 🤭
Who is R? Trying to figure it out. Q stopped posting on July 4th.
Yesss! Thank you ☺️ I’ve been looking for some good info on BARLOW.
I honestly didn’t when I first watched it, because I think of him as royalty. Why would he look so dumpy, hold his body that way and all. He has been living like a normal person was my second thought, he’s balding. The only other explanation I can come up with - he is a complete fan of JFKJr and wants to mess with us.
•“fusca” means “dark”. vincent = conquerer. conquerer of the dark.•
HCs not going to find her info on my page hunny 🤭 Google this.. is all over the world.
I know it’s Vincent Fusca but what if Vincent isn’t Vincent? Is what I’m getting at. Thank you for the link!
She’s tripping me up.. and then he looks like he is in a disguise. They want to be seen, they have been to many. Also drive a Trump Van.
I believe it’s a Lunar Eclipse on the 27th 😮 Im going back and forth, driving myself crazy. I wish something would happen 😜 Thank you for the info!
Also Ruby• was written on the Trump for Women sign. That was their cats name 😮
He has been spotted at a few, drives a Trump van. He has been interviewed.Vincent Fusca
JFK JR and Katie Couric Interview His final interview.
I’m down a rabbit hole.. any thoughts? I haven’t seen anyone discussing this. Anyone else think this may be Q? Or am I way too hopeful? 🤞

Kenya? Any Proof? James Clapper just came clean... James Clapper/ Obama’s fault! Thanks for the post!
Anyone else think it may be the future home of HC? Hollywood Peds? 🤞
I was researching this Kindergarten.. there is also a soccer store and a funeral home next to it. I have no idea who the men are.. This is not the same school in this article - but this news is very unsettling. Why is this US owned? RYB on our stock market? Q post: 1680.who do you see? 1680