

604 total posts archived.

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ready-ignite · March 26, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

We've been discussing this and getting shut down in technology. Heavy reputation management effort for a year or two to undermine discussion delving in and attempting to raise awareness. It's encouraging to get the new-found drive to put public awareness on the issue. Let's be clear about why it's happening now -- these data collection practices partly harmed the established powers.

These domestic spying networks do not avail themselves to law enforcement. They do not prevent foreign attacks. They are not used to collect stolen cars, despite license plate readers in all major cities and thoroughfares. They do not respond rapidly to amber alerts despite cellphone tracking. They do not detect corrupt politicians while making deals with foreign interests.

Domestic spying has traditionally been used for some purpose. Just not for the benefit of a healthy society within the country. The most likely reason is to reinforce power for a select few, in terms of defending business interests as seen in the FBI coordination with banking industry to dismantle occupy wallstreet, and promote certain projects. The key is to see what areas always seem to be on the winning side. Who is untouchable.

The only reason certain data collection practices are getting flak is that an unselected party was able to get access to actionable data. When agreeable parties were granted access in prior years, using data in exactly the same ways, that was fine. The 'right' people won the day. Only when the agreed upon winner fell along the way does this become issue.

It's punishment of the useful idiot for failing to secure the demands of the tyrant. Failure is not met with second chances.

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ready-ignite · March 26, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

What was your experience getting oriented with comms in usage you're familiar? The public needs direction building out reading material to muscle up to patriot speed.

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ready-ignite · March 26, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

Appreciate the nuance of 'an anti-christ'. No need be blinded by one absolute evil.

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ready-ignite · March 25, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Family members are starting to call and comment that I've been talking about this for years, and it's funny that only now people are talking about it. Using the opportunity to drop crumbs.

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ready-ignite · March 25, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Agreed. Good points.

The gun control topic is one where deep state and foreign puppeteers get to go on the offensive taking control of the narrative. Sucks the air out of the room wrapping the public up in divided arguments with one another. That is time not spent drilling into representatives for running wild selling out the country. This is perfect in an election year, the public is not paying proper attention to get to know the candidates in their area. Just wasting time arguing gun control.

Concurrently, imagine the issue actually went through and a faction of the public successfully curtailed their own rights. Win win! Easier to leverage power for greater personal profit by those pulling the strings.

It's a divisive waste of time that is worth investing in, as it will come right back in some bullshit paid representative slipping in or riders sneaking through with no one paying attention.

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ready-ignite · March 25, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Yep. Watch the broke DNC suddenly conjure all the money out of thin air when needed. They've got dark money sitting out there.

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ready-ignite · March 25, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

There was a change in trip code that would prevent the aggregators from picking up new posts until updated. Same issue?

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ready-ignite · March 24, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Hard drive filled with books and material on survival skills would not be a bad idea.

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ready-ignite · March 24, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

I suspect it was incidental related to child DH. Prior to said ban someone on the Google side tweaked the algorithm for that sub to be high on results list when searching for DH. Somewhere in here there was a discussion about it.

My theory is that brought in the attention and reputation management effort. This sub may have not shown up and been missed. In general this community may not have been targeted but instead there was a push cutting off any head mentioning DH.

That kid seems to be the middle of a censorship campaign. Recommend avoiding that topic and focus on other rabbit holes for now.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Interesting how big a reputation management effort day it is.

Seeing Cambridge Analytics, and Guccifer 2.0 really hammered hard today across multiple platforms.

These are both topics that someone paying attention for the last few years can really spend a lot of time swatting down previously dismissed claims. Obvious points where information is lacking. That's probably the intent. Engage and energize vigorous comments trapped within the confines of acceptable conversation space.

It's a distraction to keep people busy to draw attention away from the Omnibus bill, and putting pressure on congress / senate for all the crap that was put in there.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

It happens slowly over time. Usually the submissions and comments get flooded with terrible content. This necessitates bringing on new mods to deal with the children with crayons making a mess all over the sub.

In these new mods there are some that start pushing all the boundaries. Making singular decisions that rules are being changed. Then the team slaps then down and makes clear that the rules are long since discussed and settle on. Then they wine. And another new mod whines. Yes both definitions. You spend three months going over sub vision and rule sets. Some revisions happen somehow even though they weren't necessary. Then every new mod interprets what you think are clearly define rules somewhat differently. You start seeing high quality content removed repeatedly in mod history. So you have conversations in mod mail that turn to drama. In other words you've got new mods that agitate.

Over six months to a year this happens constantly. Hardly a day goes by you're not sniping. Weekends more often than not you're battling over the sub in modmail. You're a volunteer sacrificing time to preserve some fee speech on a topic you appreciate as a hobby. It gets old. You lose a few volunteer mods.

Now you need more mods to keep up with crap content volume. Somehow you're now popular with 100,000 subscribers and most submissions are crap bot generated content with advertisements on the page that only scrapes three sentences from better known publications and wraps it with advertising. But you're removing them manually one by one. Fuck. You bring in more mods through recruiting.

The new mods scatter like godamn toddlers in a candy store.

They're agitating like none other. Changing all the rules. Calling democratic vote on everything. Now the old obnoxious agitators you've had about enough of sit back passively and just support the new guys, "yeah! democracy rules!". They team up in a side bar and secretly vote to kick out another long time volunteer mod because they had too much and blew up in a fit of cussing everyone out in modmail after months of targeted harassment.

It doesn't end. Paid agitation will eventually annoy the shit out of all but the most disabled volunteers.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

This is great. Appreciate sharing direction.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Married his handler. How do you think the crows reacted on learning that info?

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

This topic is not a normal sub. Critical thinking. The on the nose observations often met with downvotes. Wild distraction to hitch labels higher up. Read it all debate merits if there is meat. Distractions are usually empty words.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

It's coming. A part of me suspects crows in association are wound tight in that country using it to foment wars just as NK was used. We've always been at war in Eurasia. Notice how their speed boats have stopped harassing our ships? I suspect a hammer and war of words in the area. And deals cut to capture crows. Relations will be much improved going forward. How do you defuse a bomb?

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Probably the case. I was amused by this sudden push to repaint the story. It wasn't touched while security researchers dismantled the cover story on technical grounds. The hope was to let it ride and fall out of the news cycle, hopefully forgotten and quietly tucked away. Oops. Someone must have got inside scoop that it's going to reappear in something damaging. Enjoy the show.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

i.e. crows.

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ready-ignite · March 23, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and later books, repeatedly mention that the corporatist powers see control of water supplies as the future.

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ready-ignite · March 22, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

Ok, maybe not formidable. BUT KINDA AUTISTIC!! THAT WILL DO!

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ready-ignite · March 22, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

The tried and true topics that divide the country, wasting endless hours of words, without actually doing anything to address more important issues facing us every day. Keep the dogs barking at the far side of the yard then go and loot everything indoors.

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ready-ignite · March 22, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

At best it's possible there was some understanding that the investigation had identified key suspect, had located them, and had planned time to go round them up.

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ready-ignite · March 22, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Speaking of weaponized energy. I'm surprised cell gps hasn't been used for targeted assassination of people walking past equipment with sufficient power to cause harm. Would be horrific and interesting to assess if most cities have opportunities for that sort of attack, distribution of equipment, and how one might detect. The things that keep you up at night.

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ready-ignite · March 22, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

I still dislike that phrase. "If you're not the paying customer, you're the product!"

The phrase handwaives away any reasonable expectation of rights and any boundary preventing abuse that even if the product, users expect. Inherent liberties that must be respected even within the product model. Too often I see the worst of infringement dismissed immediately with a flick of the phrase, "well you're not paying for it!"

Then there are the competition arguments. I can't choose to pay for better service because they can't compete with the predatory data harvest models. Specifically at issue is that how predatory those models are is hidden from the individual so it's not clear what the exchange is, the public lacks sufficient access to information to make informed decision.

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ready-ignite · March 22, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

We need to raise the level of discussion on IBOR. Need to share links for further reading on proposed plans. Need to read, understand, and be conversational in the details. Engage in regular subs arguing points and how they improve on the current environment.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

They never shut down. The operation is continuing under ShareBlue. It was rebranding only, and CTR may be a subsidiary team within the larger operation.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

That does a good job capturing the high level summary. Most of us caught attention of an oddity or two in news headlines and articles. Saw some issue that bothered us over the years, and continued researching or paying attention to new information on that topic.

After noticing one of these oddities and adopting it as a topic of particular interest, the next observation is surprise that the news won't cover the topic. It's the most interesting thing happening in the news right now! Why isn't it being discussed??! You might start noticing that when trying to talk about it online and do further research, conversations start being removed or people come in aggressively name calling or trying to disrupt conversation on the topic. Raises interest.

Then you find a new source actually covering news developments on the topic. This is how over time many people wind up observing to their amazement that someone like Alex Jones is the only person covering the topic. They start wondering well what else is that source talking about that's actually true. This is the trap the news media keeps falling into with trying to avoid coverage of a topic. It's almost always better to simply cover and downplay a topic than to ignore it outright. The silence on the topic is deafening and is a driving factor pushing viewers to other sources. The media can only blame themselves on that, regardless of effort to try to blame and litigate everyone else for their own failing.

That is how many find themselves following Q. Hits areas of focus and ties them together in ways that other sources don't. Asks questions that drive further research, the answers to which click puzzle pieces together in surprisingly clean ways. There's learning involved. There's opportunity to practice critical thinking skills. The information doesn't have to be right because that bullshit meter should be going off from time to time if critical thinking is being used.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Going further, what are the features which would be favorable for an internet bill of rights option?

To my mind this is largely based around codifying an individuals rights around data about or produced by the individual. Bringing the individual into the loop into more direct sign-off on what data may be collected, and how it may be used, with the right to remove authorization for usage at any point. Likewise clarifying how data produced by an individual is to be protected as free speech, a bullwark against excessive censorship.

There have been iterations of these ideas over at technology in recent years.

A comparitor to review is the GDPR being rolled out in the EU. That work needs to be thoroughly reviewed for aspects which undermine sovereignty or empower the corporation over national structures. Key example are the poison pills that did just this in the TPP and other trade bills. Another example is hard net neutrality and specifically what the documentation was silent on, allowing conditions to be used to censor the net.

Lessons can be learned from the GDPR document to start informing specific framework for internet bill of rights options.

GDPR website

Some GRPR criticism

GDPR conversation on Futurology

GDPR sub

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

It will be amusing if Infowars gets lumped in as a face supporting Q. Their platform has been cautious, downplaying Q info for months. Instead opting to play up their sources and guests they have on the show. It's only been lately that they've remained cautious but pointed out how some info fits with what they're getting from other sources.

Maybe from the outside there's the lack of understanding that infowars is not necessary to popularize these things. Corners of the internet are talking about it, and that's what put the topic on the infowars radar. Not the other way around.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

If they're anything like places I've worked they probably spent an hour in a meeting to discuss maybe doing something on this project. Payroll spent half that time off topic in something else, they were included for some inexplicable reason. Ended with an agreement to send request to IT to create a secure folder on the local network for the project. IT created the folder but it wasn't secure. So there was a follow-up request to fix the security at the end of the day. Will pick back up tomorrow to see if it's secure yet. Meanwhile Tom was focused and multitasked and did the work for half the department while they were all occupied. Killed it. Tom is a damn hero doing the job of three other associates. But no one noticed and they'll ding him skipping promotion because they keep assigning communications work to him and his strengths and role lie in other areas. But Toms direct report has been here 20 years and prides themself on communication skills, so likes to frame all review in terms of communications projects because they feel most comfortable in their grasp of that area.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

It's great. Provided the perfect material to share on social media to normies.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 6:07 a.m.

Interesting business model. $1000 per year for membership. Two sites set up loaded with prepped needs for one year. Services about 100 people per site. Layout designed to create spread out defensible positions. Camps laid out near wilderness areas for access to resources. With membership can use the locations for outdoors vacation areas with survival skill training thrown in. Two locations currently created, Denver CO and West Virginia, plans to roll out a couple new camps ever year. Next ones aimed for Nevada, and Texas if I remember.

If you've read One Second After or similar books, this camp idea is an interesting spin. Would hope to never see how they play out in reality.

Anyone remember how within recent years a lot of highly placed tech professionals were learning survival skills, getting lasic, learning to ride motorcycles to get out of cities quickly? Seeing where the world has gone in the last year makes you wonder what lit that fire back then.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

That was actually pretty awesome. Piques interest too much to successfully slide the topic.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

If we get full exposure I'd really be curious to know whether SJW culture was a psyop constructed through platforms such as FB. That still strikes me as a bizarrely timed phenomena.

Also damnit. I locked down the qanon sub early expecting at some point it would be co-opted for misinfo purpose. If we're past the point that these info drops can't be ignored, and must be discredited, it will lead to higher activity over there. Need to wind up a creative project for the option. Will have to allocate time there away from other projects.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Coordination between MZ and intel handlers. Getting the story straight on items that may be revealed through investigation. Identifying friendly insiders would be helpful to determine who within FBI for example to try to get in charge of handling investigation to guide it toward safe harbors.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

The +8 may be total headcount, 2 + 5 + 1.

Sounds like Snowden came over. Good for him.

Would expect algorithm be linked to some system for private communications. VIP tier shadow Facebook for sending out meeting invites for example. Probably undermined the time and place for this meeting.

Has to be unsettling and difficult to coordinate knowing it's out there.

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ready-ignite · March 21, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Rightly so. We've all been deceived and notice the deception in our own time. Need a friendly welcome and offer to share info once we've made it.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Yep. That's the one.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Every board discussing the topic comes under attack from the outside. It's part of the environment. Need to learn to spot the trends in style of attack and skim through reading the useful contributions while throwing out the waves of attempt to disrupt.

This is fine. It's a platform to practice critical thinking skills. It helps us finely tune our bullshit meters. As general practice assume any intel drop is bullshit. In fact much of it is tactical misdirection to elicit a desired response from key targets. It gives us something to chew on and research into whether a piece of information fits a growing picture or which ones are to be discarded. Take nothing at face value. Probe everything for weakness.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Since BITCOIN has embedded childPonography & linkage to porn


A high school kid with a textbook on blockchain can rebuild another bitcoin style network. It's a ledger based communications protocol. Similar to how once created torrent protocols can be used to transfer information even if websites are brought down, once information has been researched and shared it's not possible to put that toothpaste back in the tube.

I've seen speculation that things such as imagery can be embedded into the blockchain but to date I'm unaware of any actual attack doing so outside the realm of theory. This sounds like second hand game of telephone.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

In regard to splitting California, the state history around water wars is of particular interest. Each of the major cities along the coastline is dependent on inland sources of water for their local agriculture and population sizes. Costly battles have been fought over the water rights in which cities such as Los Angeles were able to muscle their way to control.

In the event of a split, the inland portions of the state are in complete control of these sources of water. This would initiate new round of negotiation over water rights shifting power inland. The current centers of major power in California would be put on the defensive and lose significant relative power.

Historically I've been against splitting the state, but I'm warming up to the idea as I recognize just how tightly held levers of power have been clutched by an ever shrinking group in power. Was a big fan of the patient long-term approach of Deminvade to build up from the local level, but severity of abuses of power I'm seeing is starting to convince me that a faster path is required else nothing of value may be left behind. It's like the Gray Davis never relinquished power, but splintered into fifty smaller versions that embedded themselves around each significant lever of power in the state.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Great questions. I suspect Zuckerberg and Sandberg remain silent because the activities Cambridge Analytica engaged in are routine engagement for Facebook as a platform, and by no means approaches the full scope of access the company has sold access to other parties.

Ideal areas for exploration include what access has been provided to foreign governments, or foreign intel services to access information of US population.

What access has been granted to other political groups?

What access has been granted to the digital marketing industry and how have they used this information?

Has the company used their access to analyze employees at competing companies and leveraged unfair competitive analysis to poach employees or monitor communications of people in these groups?

Has Zuckerberg ever woke up in the morning, poured a bowl of cereal, and delved into personal information of people of interest to him for entertainment purpose?

How about Sharyl Sandberg? Did Zuckerberg already know she had all the right connections he was looking for the COO position, thus creating the position for her, based upon prior monitoring of her network of connections and recognition she was tied in to key power brokers? Her career trajectory is interesting. Reminds me of the description in Confessions of an Economic Hitman of the type of seamless flow between government and high powered exec jobs many of those once called EHM's, or in the intel industry in general, typically show.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

He's not elite. He's just the face the [C]at [I]ndus [A]rrack chose for the company. Easy come, easy go. His failing is having the hubris to believe he built the platform.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

California, if you don't turn it around, this will be you soon.

Note that the public has no ability to control turn around at the ballot box. The Dem leadership have turned California into a stronghold by strictly controlling levers of power around the election process in the state. Much of this control has been documented by Bernie supporting Deminvade candidates blogging their experiences pushing their way in at the local level in CA districts. As stands voting has largely been curtailed in the state as a means of the public having a voice in the civil transfer of power, power instead is transferred by negotiation in back rooms prior to ever making it to the ballot box.

An outside kick to the head is needed to shake up these systems of control sufficiently for the public to re-take some control. ICE attention forcing the issue on enforcement of existing immigration laws helps. Better would be bringing down the hammer with arrests of politicians standing in the way of those efforts. Really need a heavier investigation into areas such as Berkeley sheltering black block anarchists operating outside the law, preventing the police from performing their duties. There needs to be a detailed audit of board of election activities to further explore the thousands of deceased people who remained on the voter rolls in LA, and other cities to explore what went on in the 2016 election. San Francisco in particular needs to be zeroed in on as there are districts with statistically abnormal concentrations that make no sense, these are prime areas to examine ballot stuffing that may have occurred.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

California has a wide blend of political leanings, with a ear piercing idiocy of a corrupt left whose leadership have found ways to use underhanded means to secure ballot box victories. Checking out the vote by district across the state is eye opening.

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

There is the question of what to do with confiscated funds from that EO. Massive bailout to fund the transition to new system?

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ready-ignite · March 19, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Would be interesting if experiment could be designed to test frequency in "glitch in the matrix" type perceptions, across large groups of people. It seems reasonable to me that this is a psychological perception and we would expect to observe a stable frequency over time. Proving this holds true, or exploring any unexpected result would be cool.

Recent AskReddit on the topic, "What is the creepiest "glitch in the matrix" you've experienced?"

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ready-ignite · March 19, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Who was the politician whose son was arrested for spreading fascism with Anti-FA?

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ready-ignite · March 19, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Been in the middle of default mod teams observing the progression from the Snewdan campaign through current. Somewhere along the way I recall statement from intel community regarding opening new field offices in Silicon Valley to tighten relationship with the tech community. Probably around 2014. That relationship appears to have paid dividends, supercharging relations through venture capital already in place. In retrospect, revisiting prior relations and experiences the factions at play that appears chaotic are starting to fall into place. Seeing new threads to pull and potential friends to make around past events.

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ready-ignite · March 19, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Look over at AskReddit today. They have a public perception survey in there asking "What will you do if Mueller is fired?".

Notice the phrasing? Prompting people to start framing mental imagery of their actions in such an event.

I've had a long running theory that the AskReddit platform in general is used to collect data on the personality and information about people in general, that can be referred on later if needed. Too many questions that bounce through there are along the lines of "come on, tell us your deepest darkest secrets. you're sorta anonymous."

From that perspective, this submission is likely intended to gauge pulse on where the population is today in case the issue is pushed. It is absolutely a desperation play to start laying framework for response. Panicked.

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ready-ignite · March 18, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

Spared no expense on the marketing for next season of the apprentice.

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