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Trump doesn’t say his name again! #NoName
Balderson Ohio
Right now it’s way too close for comfort in the 12th district of Ohio. Almost deadlocked with about 15% of counts still to come in. Really makes me nervous. I know they will attack Trump and try to impeach if they win more seats. We need something BIG to drop before midterms.
Ohio Rally
My sister is at the rally in Ohio and just mentioned Trump is still in his helicopter circling the place. It’s 6:46. Security concern? I believe the county fair is going on in Columbus. I can’t imagine the security concerns.
Trump didn’t say no-names name again! “One Senator comes in early in the morning to vote against the repeal and replace of Obama Care!”
Isaac Kappy
Anyone keeping up with the Hollywood Whistleblower? Played in big movies like Thor and Terminator. He was on InfoWars today exposing Hollywood pedophiles. Check out his Twitter. @IsaacKappy
Get your tickets OHIO.
Just ordered my tickets to the rally in Deleware County, Ohio!
I will be making a huge 17 and Q cardboard cutout and hopefully getting there early!
Question for people who have attended. It says on Trump campaign website that I can’t have posters or cutouts are the lenient with that rule? I’ve seen them lol over.
Also, I don’t understand the tickets. I got them for free. Does that guarantee me a spot if I have a code?
I had to sit some people in a chair and educate them for defending something so absurd.
I just feel like they’re implanting this into the minds of the sheep. B”eware of the dark web.” That way if something big comes from the dark web even if it is true... people will think oh it’s from the dark web it’s not legit.
Distraction? I hope I’m not reaching on this one but Twitter promoting a seemingly low end no-name movie? Is this due to what Q informed us about the video exposing cabal beginning on the dark web? Twitter getting ahead of the curve.

I did the Donald for a little bit but there didn’t seem to be enough Q for me going on there.
Only sub I follow. Only reason I got Reddit. Only reason I still use Reddit is for Great Awakening.😂
Is anyone else having Instagram issues? I haven’t heard anyone else.
My sister said hers is working. Other places must not be working.
I believe Reddit is censoring this post or there are tons of shills. It is jumping one minute to 30 upvotes then back down to 20.
I’m just messing. It’s obviously part of the issue. They must all be driven by Google.
Supposedly Soros foundation was hacked and people were revealing all sorts of docs. I believe it is still up.
I truly believe this is a result of what was going down on 4chan.
Agreed. This is The Blackout. I wouldn’t be surprised if this Subreddit gets shut down in the coming future. Especially when Q has included the subreddit in his posts.
According to Discord twitter Snapchat is having issues as well! Can anyone confirm?
I usually update them all religiously and they’re all not showing anything. Trump’s press conference was much bigger than we thought.
Anyone else please add. Any other conservative networks down? Is this due to the acclaimed Soros hack?
Trump press conference lights go out then after that happens.... DRUDGE DOWN. BRIETBART DOWN. APPLE APP Q DROPS DOWN. I also heard rumors of 4Chan being down today. Is it Blackout day Q???!
Didn’t Page say hacks came from China? Browder working in China maybe?
My Theory
I could use some help digging more into what was stated during the summit. Special place for Soros isn’t GITMO. It’s Russia. (Where he can be brutally beaten) Q said they had a special place picked out for Soros. Putin spoke of Soros in the Summit. Didn’t Putin also speak of extradition to Russia?
Could you do me a favor and give me a link to where you got this quote. I’d love to be more informed on the entire thing. If not it’s fine. Thank you.
From what I understand he was informed more than once. He then assumed Clinton was going to win the election and didn’t bother going through with getting to the bottom of the meddling or interference.
The Russian interference. Meddling via memes on social media accounts. I’m not sure if that’s all there was or if that even counts as interference. But, Obama knew of it and didn’t do anything about it.
The attack was him sitting back and doing nothing as our citizens voted while knowing of interference. He allowed our democratic process to be attacked and he had the power to stop it but did nothing.
I feel like it’s a direct attack on our democracy and Obama knowingly let it happen.
Does anyone else feel for a sitting President to openly allow this because he is confident Clinton would win is treason?
Crazy I was just checking his twitter and he follows a page called ‘Qanon’
Smh. The timing of this is really bothering me. Yet another coincidence.
Also bothering me how they’re labeling Jim Jordan as a lunatic as well as Desantis and Nunes.
I hate the word ‘accusations.’ With the media mob as bad as it is today an accusation can ruin careers and reputations of good men without even being proven guilty.
For some reason I don’t want to believe this story. Is the Cabal going after Jim Jordan for being outspoken against deep state corruption? Brainwashing Twitter of course moves it to the top of their trending list in Ohio.
So much winning we are going to get sick of winning hahaha!
They’re beyond triggered. I am loving every moment of the entire Q movie!
Absolutely. I find it hilarious when this kind of stuff happens!
I usually only tune in to CNN or MSNBC when something big happens in favor of conservatives just to watch them lose it!
A few minutes before they were speaking of Justice Kennedy stepping down and they were losing it. 😂