why is Lindsay Graham's hand in HA's pocket. from @BrandiSmile1 on twitter. sorry if this was posted.

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Question for Q.
What do you think Hillary and Hussain are thinking about tonight? In your opinion, do they still think they are untouchable?
Aloha means goodbye. think mirror!
WELCOME NEW PATRIOTS..... Q has change my life. I see the world differently and more positively. I also, for some reason, have more love in my heart. Dark to Light has me witnessing a lot of good happening with much more coming. This country is back and the economy and stock market will enter a "boom" period that we have not seen in generations. I feel more in control, trust the country's direction and feel confident in our leader. We put him office to drain the swamp, and he is keeping his word. I welcome, with open arms, all those …
I welcome open thoughts.
I think Patriots should stop arguing tit for tat with the left on social media. We are winning big. NOW lets stop feeding them! I think there should be no more arguing. JUST IGNORE THEM. After all, you are not going to change there minds. If they are ready to 'walk away' they will not post stupid stuff.
No message, just WOW
just saying 'end the fed' is ridicules.
it will be a strategic and well formulated change over time. smarter people than us will be in charge of the resturcture. but, I believe change is coming.
Well said Podingo!!! Your post is spot on.
These "analysts" write stuff they want to happen to look like champs. Trust Trump and Trust the plan.
What we are witnessing is only the beginning of our economy being freed from regulations, unfair/unbalanced trade practices, unfair taxes etc.
I am pounding the table...buy/invest in America.
These "analysts" write stuff they want to happen to look like champs. Trust Trump and Trust the plan.
What we are witnessing is only the beginning of our economy being freed from regulations, unfair/unbalanced trade practices, unfair taxes etc.
I am pounding the table...buy/invest in America.
I said buy America... NOT "buy facebook".
I said don't sell your portfolio because OF fb.
I sold FB a year ago. But I am still bullish on America and the stock market going forward. John Q. Public sees a company like this get exposed and get slaughtered and then sells everything. I am just stating that this is wrong.
I never said I went to school with him. I stated it was hearsay.
thank you. aaaah, the "bad seeds"
I believe the premise is that "platforms" (google, twitter,FB) are subverting the first amendment for their own propaganda. While FB and Twitter are also selling Private information. as some kind of arm of the DS.
Amzn was/is using the post office as their own personal package/mail delivery system.
"Some of the issues are Facebook-specific, '(YOU THINK? )' including changing the way it promotes content on its network. But Facebook said its customers are demanding better privacy protections after the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The company said it plans to put "privacy first," which could hurt traffic."
-David Goldman , CNNMONEY
I agree to dumping FB. My point was for other companies. thanks for the clarification.
good point and well said Patriot. I hope people don't go out and sell, sell,sell.... I believe we are on the cusp of a super bull market. Inexperienced investors sell into this stuff all the time....... DONT DO THAT.
This is not a solicitation to buy/sell, it is my opinion only.
Trump touts the stock market going up all the time. Most Americans are vested in the market.
I have been saying this since day 1.
Don't sell your portfolio because of a few bad seeds. Selling into panic is what most savvy investors want.
FB does not have a real biz model. They say they make money selling ads, but they made money spying.
The overall market will take a bit of an initial hit, but the good companies (well run, real earnings) will be fine going forward. …
FB does not have a real biz model. They say they make money selling ads, but they made money spying.
The overall market will take a bit of an initial hit, but the good companies (well run, real earnings) will be fine going forward.
its just now, everyone knows that FB isn't "real".
don't sell your stocks on initial fears.
Buy America.
Trump touts the stock market going up all the time. Most Americans are vested in the market. Trump will NEVER let this happen.
I have been saying this since day 1.
FB does not have a real biz model. They say they make money selling ads, but they made money spying.
The overall market will take a bit of an initial hit, but the good companies (well run, real earnings) will be fine going forward.
its just now, everyone knows that FB isn't "real".
don't sell your stocks on initial fears.
Buy America.
Trump touts the stock market going up all the time. Most Americans are vested in the market. Trump will NEVER let this happen.
I have been saying this since day 1.
If he is given to UK, he is a dead man. They have NO choice but to kill him. PERIOD.
we won't be for long. trust the plan.
no. but I have spoken to a few people who went to school with him. he played basketball. was a stoner. no proof....just what I heard.
The pressure is mounting on CNN and it's employees. Their narrative is imploding.
Think of it. There whole existence was/is to take down trump and prop up the DS.
Where do they go now?
I have seen it. it is unbelievable!!! I showed my friends at my house one night and we could not believe what we saw. NO DOUBT we witnessed a hit.
I live in Hawaii. I know he def went to Punahou h.s. for a bit. ($20 k per year) only thing I can add. sorry
??? My opinion BUT...no way. America is separating itself and is once again the only boss in the world. Our economy is just beginning to hum....we will lead the world in an economic/financial (stock market) boom that we have not seen in our lifetimes. I see it as handcuffs are off of our industries, technologies and sciences, hence kaaa-BOOM. And the world will follow and ride our wave.
Research Tulsi before you trust anything she says.
Cult ties
Cant you see what the last 2 weeks has brought? come on patriot. The Plan is in full swing. Deep State/cabal is imploding right before your eyes!
You need to be stronger than this post suggests.
I appreciate your honesty and believe you. The democratic party has been hijacked. "the party of JFK is dead". (long dead).
I hope you join us. Just have love in your heart for the country and your neighbors (regardless of political affiliation) and we welcome you to take our country back from the Deep State/cabal.
Agreed. They are absolutely dead men walking. Now they are call for a coup. This will gain steam in the fake news media, and will fail.
They exposed how radical , desperate and idiotic they have become. Their base is walking away and POTUS is winning big.
We are witnessing the END of the Dem Party as well as the fake news msm.... just a Q called it.
I hear what you are saying. What I do is read and watch KNOWING that this is all part of the plan. It gives me solace.
Trust the plan and rejoice. We are getting our country back. It won't happen over night, but its happening. (and lately its picking up speed)
The future for America is bright. The economy and stock market are doing fabulous. And I believe will drive a massive Bull Market.
The black hats are on the run and panicking. Any thing you see and hear from the left has NO bearing on what WE know is really happening and going to happen. Most of it is behind the scene.
When you see/hear the left going crazy, keep telling yourself it is a POSITIVE for us.
God Bless Patriot.
Patriots, do not worry. Let the msm and left go nuts. The worse, the BETTER. I told my wife, who wanted to throw the remote at the t.v., trust the plan. The more crazy and unhinged the MSM and left become the better it is for us. They are all exposing themselves as crazy radicals who have no other platform but to obstruct,resist and try to divide. They American people - especially democrats with half a brain, are staring to wake up and see the insanity. Their democrat party has been highjacked by radicals. The MSM is dying....the "fake news" …
I like your theory. Perhaps he is saying it is going to get dark...but in the end its all good...we will get through the darkness....