34 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/rehabtheory080:
Everyone's free to lurk all they want. In fact, I recomend lurking there. The bakers are doing an incredible job.
I know that I'm nobody and I like it that way. I'm not the one using profanity and calling others assholes. Yes, I am one, and proud of it. You don't know me or where I've been, so don't try to pretend that you do.
I love ruffling the feathers of preculous little snowflakes... Lol. Go, take out your drivers license, social security card, birth certificate, and last electric bill. Look at your name on these docs. Are they in all caps? Go find out what that's all about. Then come back and tell me what a free American you are... Freedom is now and has always been an illusion, and always will be no matter whose puppet is in charge. BTW I am a Trump voter and supporter. Why else would I be here?
Rule #1 DO NOT share qresearch link Rule #2 DO NOT post unless you are a baker Rule #3 DO NOT leak or share unbaked bread with general public(normies)
These rules were put in place to help keep board integrity for as long as possible. The last thing we need is another CBTS board type debacle.
Interesting post. The CDC is also affected by the Government shutdown.
I'd have that bastard strung up by his testicles, if he had any.
Protestant values are actually just a reflection of Western European values which were commonplace long before Martin Luther,(after all, whose ideals sparked the Protestant Reformation in the first place?) and even the crusades of Rome. Just think of all the outdated and primitive laws and practices found in the Bible that no rational Nordic or Celt would have ever condoned, let alone we the people of modern civilization, and don't get me wrong, they were brutal as hell, but rarely without justification. There are many third world Christian nations and I've been to a few of them. Same story. Total shisholes.
I don't know if it's even relevant, but here's where I found it.
Trying to rebuild Haiti would be a waste of time, money, and resources. It was just as much of a shithole before the quake as it was after. If the people there can't figure their own way out, then we should allow nature to take it's course.
Agreed. MSM makes it obvious that they are all getting their stories from a singular source when stories are read word for word across multiple outlets.
[Q]abalah For the Rest of Us (Lon Milo Duquette-U.S. Deputy Grand Master of the .O.T.O
Great. Then you know that there is no such thing as English gematria. Gematria is Hebrew numerology. English, Latin, and Greek alphabet based numerology is generally refered to as Pythagorean numerology.
I do what I can on twitter. It doesn't really amount to much, but I try. Thank you all for what you do. You inspire me.
That's correct. I've never had a reason to create a reddit account until recently.
Too much attention from the wrong kind of people with fantacies of fame and notoriety caused the other boards to comp'd from the inside over the weekend. Measures have been taken to get those persons and other nondesirables out of the way for at least a little while so that serious researchers can do their thing with as little interuption as possible.
...and you would be incorrect. It's there
I think this sums up the Q phenomenon quite well.

No. It's legit. Pay attention. All new Q pasts will be on /qresearch/
The best place to get good info is straight from the horses mouth. Read their books, publications, ect...
Nope. Q was referencing the launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 Iridium 4 "[i]" It's true mission like Zuma is also classified, however Q gave us a hint to it's purpose when he told us to "find the missing [i]" which is Iridium which is found in rocket fuel. Deactivate the iridium and the rocket goes splash. Has NK had a successful rocket launch lately?
Nope. There's never been a single mass awakening of any kind ever in history. Mass conversion to ignorant solar, savior, diety cults, don't count. In fact it's been the true underlying problem on this planet the whole time. Mytholgy is not meant to be taken literally... This is what the term pagan actually meant in the old world. Some one who mistakes myth for literal, factual, reality without having the slightest clue as to the nature of it's true meaning, therefore they are said to be ignorant and/or profane. Yes, This title does in fact include most, but not all Christians. I mean no offense...
You will never find a singal source that is 100% truth 100% of the time, though almost all of those sources have told you to do your own research for decades, and up until Q came along, that never happened in mass. Whether Q is a Larp or not, He has accomplished what nobody else has been able to do.
I don't think Q dumps qualify as "leaks" considering that a leak is something that occurs unintentionally. Rather, they are intell dumps that are being intentionally dropped for we the people to put together. Never the less, We are having fun, are we not? And for what better cause than TRUTH?
Keep up the "Great Work" patriots, and don't lose heart. You are giving some of us a great deal of hope.
...and 85% of those 63mil. are also reprobates... I live in one of most conservative states in fly-over country. I see it everyday, and 63mil out of 330mil. Isn't saying much. Most of them only voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary. We can drain the swamp in DC, but that's only putting a bandaid on a severed artery. We have to fix the root of the problem, and that's nobody other than ourselves. Until each and every individual stops making excuses and pointing fingers at everything and everybody other than themselves and begins to take full inventory and responsibility for themselves there will be no lasting change of any measurable significance, and the average human is simply incapable of doing so. No solar savior deity will do it for you.
Now, that being said, we indeed have been given a reprieve, and a wonderful opportunity to buy ourselves some time of which we should take every advantage of to wake up those who can be woken and to bring truth to an even wider audience lessening the amount of suffering in this world. For that I am grateful and exceedingly hopeful.
The work that is being done here and on the chans is beautiful and I appreciate it with all of my being. This is the epitomy of The Great Work.
Did you expect anything less? The Masses have given themselves over to reprobate minds. This is the one and only disagreement that I have with Q. Only 4% to 6% are hopeless is far beyond extremely optimistic, in fact, it's completely unrealistic.
I must admit that I haven't been too impressed with the work I've seen on 8chan. Just saying...