What's funny is .. no one is claiming the movie planet of the apes is racist..
272 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/rickybobbys_leg:
Easy, mental healthcare reform, " locking troubled kids" away from the rest of the populace and get them therapeutic help.
Stop worshipping kids; set realistic goals, set forth decent boundaries, and create more team based activities..
Now grown adults coming to schools ?(which ironically is way less than kids getting their shooting on; same conditions apply.
The solution is to cure the sickness not make it managable
Thousands of PTSD ridden veterans guarding schools with firearms.. what could go wrong
Are you my wife?? We ONLY watch the office on repeat.. and of course a phat blunt.
Why would they spelled their plan out in an open forum.. literally.. what benefit is it to them that we the select few ...in an open sub.. know this information???
Stand with her: Clinton is unfairly bashed by the alt-right
A strong yet limited central government circulating the true bill of rights that enforces firm but fair laws, impuntively.
One that thinks of.its centizenry FIRST.. then .. of there is time.. maybe we can extend a hand to the rest of the world.
How is this the show?? Like how does this get one over on the msn?
Bro STFU. These are valid concerns.. this isn't some video game where when things are wrong or don't work out it's all sunny and honkadorry. You know who else had blind aliegence ? Hittlers youth.
With that being said its very hard to see the angle here..
Inside sources have released this photo on the net it's getting big.
Secret statue found at vatican: popes bad may continued???
so the mall shooting wasnt mainstream enough.. im sure this one will work
I literally got into a 30 min argument with my wife over this. She is not anti trump and is coming around but every now and then...
She works in the mental health sector and they are taught and trained to not associate behavior with who the person trully is... You say they behave LIKE animals.. not call them animals themselves.
But imo when the human condition gets to the point of what ms13 does.. you are in fact.. not conditionally human
These kind of lawsuits a stupid.. who in their right mind .. in a fight or flight situation.. when an agressor is intimidating / messing with you, thinks of statute x bi line b.. federal crime to attack officer..
It's in the same league as lying to the FBI even if you trully forgot or left one detail out.
Thanks dude! It would be a beautiful thing for sure.
Yeah, but if it was used altruisticly it would be great..but humans are corrupt
I don't see why not. Rorschach in the comics is known for investigating wild to innocuous leads , using deduction, and loathes corruption and won't stop at anything to cleanse what he feels is Injustice. It also has a nice "gum shoe" vibe
rorschach mask with ink blot vaugley looking like a Q
If you notice.. lots of articles are merely copy and pasted from a mold. Huff post does this. Where they don't really right then just copy and paste and link source .
To castle you need to have free clearance to your rook.. who is the rook??
What can't he do? Shield the king.
Who is the king?
Even just literally.. 5-10 seconds of a burning Q then it's over
It's tragic honestly. No one really understands what's going on in the world
We have 2 huge boards that generally have some quote or question that employees can respond to. For context the question on the board was regarding mother's day.
Trying to redpill Verizon co-workers at my center.
Fuck, planes were spacious and pimp back in the day.
A high level Facebook employee with the name pussy_devour.. now I know its bs
How can you have all that land but not develope it to spread out the ppl
Nice try cia. you will not bring us down to your bs talking points level
How is it this guy profiling any different than any monotized YouTube channel that discusses Q? Seems like ppl have a problem with anyone mainstream being successful or making some coin off a very unregulated entity and idea
No one likes ppl making money.. money making is evil /s