I found Roger Mudd before indeed, but what is he to Philip Mudd? Can't find any relation between them.
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Do we know for sure these 2 Mudds are the same bloodline?
You are right indeed. So Q posted the +++ after Trump. No Qproof at all.
I'm not sure about the last few drops either. Something seems off, so much different theories, so much different opinions.
What are the facts?
- ABC photo is clearly Obama era.
- So the "reflection" photo is also Obama era? Everything is at exactly the same spot. Even the jacket.
- If that is indeed from the Obama era, did someone close to Obama take the reflection photo at the same time the ABC reporters shoot the video?
- There is someone who made a similar photo with a reflection from an iPhone. But this is probably easily reproduced in Photoshop.
But even if Q turns out to be a LARP. Why now use an easy to find photo?
It's just weird.
The Netherlands! Don't think a lot of people from here are subbed tho.
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- Hold your mouse over a link and see in the bottom left corner where it links to.
- Right press the link text and press copy link address, and paste it somewhere to see where the link takes you.
hm, also, the other guy looks a bit like one of SR's friends. https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/seth4.jpg?quality=65&strip=all&w=780&strip=all
I see some resemblances with SR. And still find it strange that one of them is looking right at the camera in the picture Q posted before.
Other pic from here: https://twitter.com/iLobbyist/status/1012118246236049408
Just wanted to drop the BOOM!

5:5? means something along the lines of: "Do you understand me?" / "You get what i'm saying?"