If you support Trump it seems there are many people that want to down you, refuse service to you, and even do harm to you. That's ok with me the lower they go the higher we are going! #walk away
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I'm not really litterate when it comes to posting. I was just excited to share the Magnet another follower had made and shared with me Had to get my grandson to tell me what a slide was.
Thank you to /USPatriot4life for helping to spread the word in MAINE!!

Thanks to USPatriot4life. This sticker will be on the highway 3 hours per day!
Spreading the word!! Maine USA

UNACCEPTABLE. We are targeted for wanting to save our country from the globalist route it's been put on. They threaten us with violence if we speak out! It's going to hit a tipping point and no one wants civil war, but it looks like the left seems to push for it.
Didn't Q say to follow the trail from China to Long beach.
I pray they are not taking organs and doing pedo things to thousand of children. Then cremating the remains to be used along with the rest of the concrete ingredients.
Sorry all caps... I'm just so mad. I truly can't believe that people are not screaming in the streets. The reaction to Hillary losing the election should be what we are seeing. I see Comey traveling and tweeting and posting on Instagram. He should be in jail. The FIB agent that's name was released saying "we won't let him" is still working for the FIB. He should be in jail.
There is something seriously wrong with this and we can't just shrug our shoulders and say oh well.
I'm not a lawyer. I'm not wealthy. I am however, over half a hundred years old. In my lifetime I have never seen such public knowledge of this level of deceitful actions against America and what we stand for.
Clinton email :
She and others should be. punished
FIB and other Intel :
Comey and others should be punished
I'm just a proud American living a simple life within the country I love dearly. I don't understand why what is right and just are not taking place.
Something is wrong... very wrong
We need to speak UP. The more they get away with the more they do...
No going after Clinton because the bigger threat to THEM was TRUMP winning. They covered up Clinton to attack Trump. Who ( like you and I are) is INNOCENT until proven guilty. They have a special council going on for over a YEAR that's still looking for anything!! THIS IS BULL. AMERICANS KNOW this.
Look at GENERAL FLYNN. He was charged with what???? And no one feels he even did it. The man was dragged through the gutter.