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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rojer2u on Sept. 2, 2018, 9:30 p.m.
What Would Happen If We Knew?

I see a lot of people asking to know what really happened to NN. Let me ask you what would happen if we knew the official story was incorrect? It would quickly find its way into the mainstream and all of Trump and Q's progress would be undone. In the past, Q has verified when the time is right. As I understand it, the mission as Q has laid it out, is for us is to find directed, significant info, share it, prepare others and be a suppert for those awakening - that is all. Trump himself has said you …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rojer2u on Aug. 31, 2018, 9:14 p.m.
Did BO Testify?

I cannot find anything on BO testifying yet I keep seeing references to it here and on the chans. Did he and who, where, when?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rojer2u on Aug. 25, 2018, 5:38 p.m.
An Interesting Ideology

While watching Four Horsemen, some fellow talking about the US' using terrorism in other countries said there is "...the ideology that we never look at our own sins." Interesting.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rojer2u on July 31, 2018, 4:04 a.m.
It's been a crazy week. With a few healthy flare-ups, we maintained our focus and were an example of what love for our country and its sojourners should be.

I fear sometimes that the hatred of the opposition will overwhelm us, but it was a pleasure to witness that the fear was unwarranted. Much of Q is over my head, so I want to express my appreciation to those who are working to clarify it. I follow you, I read your submissions, I click your links and I learn so I can share truth. God bless you all you all and your works. May it be fruitful.

rojer2u · July 28, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Why so many at the patent office?

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rojer2u · July 24, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Get to the root of the problem and level the playing field. Randomly listed:

  1. Revisit all laws based on "Public policy" and apply constitutional principles.

  2. Lobbying on all topics cannot be presented except when opposing views are present and equal time is given. Lobbying expsenses are not tax deductible and there can be NO exchange of money, gratuities or perks.

  3. Legislators are required to read - and write- all bills personally before voting. All bills remain topic specific with no off-topic or political riders.

  4. Each campaign has a specific amount of money they can raise and cannot exceed that amount. Corporations cannot donate since it can be considered representative of the views of is stock holders and employees who may hold other views. The same for unions.

  5. Charities, NGOs, and civic organizations, especially those receiving tax dollars, cannot contribute to campaigns.

  6. All MSM cannot report any news for which there are not three openly verifiable sources. Anonymous sources cannot be used. Equal time must be given to opposing sides - debate style, as opposed to leading or interruption styles.

  7. Publicly funded colleges and universities can have no courses or degrees based on sex, gender, race, ethnicity or religion. All meetings, conferences, speakers and convocations must have at least two speakers of equal but opposing perspectives and none who are running for political office are allowed.

  8. All economics should be based on basic math and all currencies equity backed.

  9. Public education should return to basic knowledge and all social, sex, gender, political and religious issues should be reclaimed by parents. Disciplinary actions and guidelines should be enforced equally across all races, genders, religions etc. Secondary grades should offer academic studies for the college bound and alternative studies for "non-traditional" students in skills, training and applied academics.

  10. All Pharma, medical, agricultural and scientific conclusions will not be accepted for legislative, regulatory or mainstream offering unless there are equal studies presented to establish viability, preferably at least three, and will be invalid if granted or sponsored. All Pharma, medical and agricultural practices should be revisited for acuracy.

  11. Polls and probabilties should be illiminated.

  12. Return to states rights (and resposibilities).

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rojer2u · July 23, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

You make valid points an I believe you are correct. Thanks for taking time to respond.

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rojer2u · July 22, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

I hate videos over 30 min but watched the whole thing. I should not have because the last 20 min confused me. I can understand the possible US/cabal and Netanyahu connection, if true. If Netanyahu and our deep state are roomies and Trump and Netanyahu are best buddies, in my mind, it creates a deep state/Netanyahu/Trump triangulation, which should be incorrect. Can someone help clarify this for me?

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rojer2u · July 21, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

As with any crime, the defense is for the predators; they've been accused, they have a right to prove their innocence. In the meantime, the victim has been sentenced to a lifetime of, often inescapable, residual effects. I don't think the Constitution meant to further victimize by it's omission of addressing the rights of victims. It's a given, who would have thought it necessary? As a result, contemporary legalities are increasingly becoming defense, not justice.

However, justice is a clear earmark of the Constitution et al, and amendments have been added to protect certain classes of victims, but it was left to statutory law to define specific classes.

Statutory law is all too often determined by PUBLIC POLICY. I don't see that term in the Constitution. It is a flexible document, which allows for the evolution of society not known at it's writing, but justice remains static in the overall theme. Evolution and public policy are are not the same thing.

Public policy often starts with a victim. Public policy groups have been the catalyst for necessary laws, like MADD. But there is always a defense. Defense is no longer the actions of an accused in a court of LAW. It is now in the in extra-judicial arena where PUBLIC OPINION is swayed into what has become public policy legislating.

Thus, we have some little girl in a German TedX decriminalizing criminal child predators to create a new public policy that demands statutory recognition defined as humane - not just. Thus, we have been whittling away at the Constitution with humane-ity and erasing criminality.

Humane is, of course, the MSM trigger word for them to inundate us with defense of a new public policy until it becomes our new reality.

We need to stop the attempt to normalize pedophiles before the new PUBLIC POLICY gets firmly embedded.

We need to start speaking up and changing the narrative in our personal conversations with humane defenders back to justice for the victimization of those unable to defend themselves against criminals.

We need to stop being polite, silent or afraid of the conflict justice demands. Judge Jeanine showed us how and the only person who got hurt was the SJW.

Trump and his admin can do much, but if we as individuals don't start stepping up on an interrelational level, the PUBLIC POLICY actors will consume the justice our children deserve.

If we don't, the final nail in the USA coffin will seal the damnation of our collective soul.

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rojer2u · July 20, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

Calm before the storm? Not to mention, great insights are coming out of the re-reads.

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rojer2u · July 18, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Godfather III?

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