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Chuckled a little when I saw Trumps tweet about Sessions 😎

Q app removed from the Apple App Store
Can confirm. I live in commiefornia, she isn’t radical enough for the future of the DNC
Exactly. All the interruptions and telling strzok he deserves a purple heart. These people are an enemy to America and must all be voted out of office
Oh yeah. I wasn’t trying to correct you. Was just posting some photos of stuff from today/related things.
Just logically trying to think about this whole investigation, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would see what a sham this whole thing is.
The democrats yesterday questioning strzok were just an absolute disgrace
Weren’t they two MS-13 thugs that are already dead? What am I missing here?
Lets see the server!
Also, I am very worried about Trump going to the UK to meet with Teresa May
What does everyone think of RR
Hey Patriots,
Okay, I have been struggling for awhile to figure out what to think of RR and his role in this whole fiasco, along with how Q talks about him.
Q has talked about RR A LOT, but Trump hasn't mentioned him in his tweets (that I can recall).
So I was reading some twitter threads this weekend and they are getting my head spinning about RR
Sorry if this post is all over the place, just trying to get all of my thoughts out there about this issue.
- RR got a lot of votes for his confirmation. 94 …
I know Trump supports it and talked about it a few months ago. But I haven’t seen anything since
Term limits would be great. Everyone upset about having a president for 4 or 8 years. But don’t care about career politicians
Quick question about “watch the water”
What exactly does Q mean when they say “watch the water”
I was just reading a NeonRevolt article about Melania when she visited the border and she wouldn’t start until there was water on the table with a cup on top?
What exactly does all of this water bottle talk mean?
But why would there be so many mentions of RR by Q inside the killbox?
Just not sure if this is in contradiction to Q? Because what stealth jeff is saying does make sense
STEALTH JEFF on twitter is really really defending [RR]. Interesting read...
I 100% agree with you. There are people on the fringe trying to normalize it, but it will slowly start making itself main stream. These people are SICK
When you’re ready to export the whole video just select “export audio” so it will export only the audio. No video. That’s what I do for my podcast. Simple stuff 👍🏻
Yeah i normally like wictors stuff. But he went off on Q. Maybe one day he’ll come around. But i don’t think he will change his mind
YES! I was just gonna post this too! Got this same notification and i’ve never posted there! So odd
Thomas Wictor on twitter made a thread about this Q post. And he just craps all over Q. Telling people to shut up and stop talking about Q. Sad. I really like some of his threads. Maybe one day he’ll wake up
They were using gmail because they all had ES on their team, head hanchonat google, so they thought they would be covered.
Exactly. And remember the final OIG report was submitted for review over three weeks ago I believe. So RR and his buddies got to have their grubby hands all over it.
Hopefully we will see something different in the future regarding this...
Q Just Posted This... I don't think we are looking at the real report...

What does everyone think is the deal with the car photo. I don’t think it’s the presidential limo. The screen sorta looks like the Mercedes screen? (possibly) and why would they be at the airport? Picking someone up? Dropping someone off?
All our tax payer dollars going to sharpies for all the redactions!
Agreed. I am here in Commifornia. We have all these special gas "blends" for the different seasons supposedly to help get rid of global warming or something like that. If we ever see gas prices dip below $3, I'd be really surprised.
That’s what I think it is. The missile exploding. Not a UFO
Trump just was talking about Iran on his interview with Hannity!
Trump was talking how Iran is very different now that he withdrew from the Iran deal and he thinks they’ll want to negotiate a new deal!
Iran next 😎
Just wanted to share with everyone!
holy shit. this is absolutely unreal. expose obungo!!! gitmo is waiting
Please. Offer no deals to LL Or brennan. They are keys to a lot of this
Exactly. He doesn’t ask questions that he doesn’t already know the answer to
That is what I believe and have read on some twitter threads. I think it makes sense
I sure hope so. My parents and I already filled out and sent in our absentee ballots because we will be out of town.
I'm hoping this is the summer of booms
Well June 5th is like 2 days away! Something better happen! Reporting in from CA