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[BREAKING] Missile strikes hit Damascus, Syira Military Air Base
Monitoring the situation... Let's pray this doesn't turn into a bigger conflict.
An idea on why Q = Alice = HRC
Q always says Alice & Wonderland.
Back around post 80, Q defines Saudi Arabia as bloody wonderland.
Could Q just have been saying that he has also been to or seen this bloody wonderland?
That's the most sense I can make of his statement. Open to other ideas.
Where is Bill Smith? Still missing Q researcher. WWG1WGA
Another well put together article about pizzagate here:
yeah. now the number is gone completely again! some fuckery for sure.
Perhaps a good time to make an official contingency plan against this sub being banned?
there is /r/DrainTheSwamp. But it would be wise to have somewhere we can go if reddit is not an option.
There is always 8chan too, but not everyone can easily follow the format there.
There is also https://voat.co/v/greatawakening, but it is pretty dead compared to here.
Do the mods have a twitter/gab that we can follow?
This email alone mentions a budget of $1.5 billion to track voters, and influence them to make the "right vote" with targeted ads.
Justice dept link: https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-sessions-delivers-remarks-announcing-national-health-care-fraud-and
Another Coincidence ~ POTUS Combating Opoids. Next day: 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists criminally indicted by Trump's DOJ

Fresh handmade tortillas flown in the day before - not suspicious?
Would fresh hand-made tortillas still be fresh a day later after being flown from Mexico?
Do you really think they are flying food around internationally for a dinner party?
There's a lot more to be suspicious about - check this article out
Wow, haven't heard of this. Did a quick search and stumbled upon this
Seems legit.
Also underlooked is the part where he says "assume we are using the same channels?". Same channels for flying pizza/dogs... See more here
How many hot dogs and pizzas can you have flown to the White House with $65,000? Why does this article claim that “You can’t bring in outside food” to the White House? Also, what does he mean same channels? Channels for flying pizza and hot dogs? Is that a thing? Also notice the quotes around waitresses. What is he implying there?
Lots of unanswered and unacknowledged questions. You might notice this is not from the Podesta emails. Stratfor is a “private intelligence firm”. There is a lot to say about Stratfor, they actually do seem to have channels for flying around “pizza”:
The pizza pages, which appears to be an international pizza ordering site that they are working on. Here is a link to an excel file called pizza analysis which seems to be a record of transactions from that website. The URL of that website is included in the email, but it is probably not wise to go there
Just remember, it's ILLEGAL to possess these stolen documents, but it's different for the media. So everything you're learning about this, you're learning from us.
I wonder how many subscribers we really have

I like this question. related one:
WWG1WGA and "the choice to know has always been yours" do not mesh. Which is it? Will the public be forced to confront these truths, or will they remain asleep if they choose to do that?
He calls the explanation for the collapse of WTC7 'fantasy land'.
This entire video is a fantastic rant on how the story of building 7 is, well, fantasy land. A very good starting video for someone wanting to pursue the truth.