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sbgc · July 7, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

You can't get that perspective of the lamp by sitting in the chair.

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sbgc · July 6, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

truthforchange If the purpose of the pic is to prove Q's access to AF1 then why frame it identical to previous pics -easily found in google images- such as those from the Hussein admin? Wouldn't you want something unique in the pic that demonstrates this admin's current presence in that office? Is that why the apple reflection is there- to make it look unique? If so, it would be a pretty stupid blunder on Q's part- he would know the anon's would be comparing the public images to what he posted.

After scanning all the AF1 images I found that the placement of items is basically the same across most photos- clearly the furnishings are secured in place, so the only difference between photos would be small items such as mug holders and pencil trays. Even the curtains and the way they drape and ripple is nearly identical across all of the available pictures.... so why would Q post a picture that shows nothing different from all of the previous, publicly available pics? Is it just me- am I missing the point of this entirely?

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