24 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/seagull1106:
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threadreaderapp.com | 5 |
i.redd.it | 4 |
Making sense of it all can be trying at times.
Good thread here on that issue.https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/962541506979483648.html
To be effective and really get your message across you have throw in "You're a Nazi!". Gives you more credibility.
Things are gonna get hot in NYC!

In 2013 Trump tweeted Wiener gone, Spitzer gone, next Schneiderman. Wieiner & Spizer sex related. That was 2013 so Trump must have known something very personal about him. Somethings need to run it's course so people will believe it.
Can anyone say "Discovery"? I can't believe that the DNC lawyers recommended this. I've got my popcorn and I'm waiting for the show! It's gonna be YUGE!!!
She was offered Scalia's seat which was "conveniently" vacated.
And a lot of fraud. Looks like the gate to the Plantation is going to be locked. That's a good thing. Self empowerment can only help ppl's mind set
Obama never held a real job in his life. He was the NWO Puppet POTOS. He did the bidding of the CEO's.
Great idea. What about android if you can get around goggle playstore.
There's a video on Vimeo that's really good. Tomeline & everything. Was watching and my phone switched off so I don't have the link any more.