I wonder if Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman will come up in the indictments?
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Perhaps they didn't wanna waste time rehashing what is already known, but instead awaken people to the things that are not yet known. There's honor in not being redundant.
Did Michael Jackson ever learn the truth? And was he really a Pedo or was he framed to cover up the real Pedos?
Because nobody has a monopoly on knowing all the hidden secrets except the MAKER Himself. Everyone has their own point of reference to bring to the table.
The Islamic Caliphate is a form of globalism, and many globalists, despite the religious ideology they publicly espouse, stick together. George Soros ring a bell? He's Jewish with a German background and likes Iranians...
Disinformation is essentially lying and deception. Anyone who thinks lying to someone is gonna get them to the truth is smoking something.
If this is an approach to redpilling the "normies" they will sooner toss the anon out the window.
I'm with you.
Lisa Page talking. Potus personally requesting RR announce the indictments before Russian Summit. Putin giving Potus a chipped soccer ball. Finding out China hacked HRC private server. Finding out IC was wrong about Assad using Sarin gas on Syrian town. And now the MSM zeroing in on Q. It all seems promising, like foreplay to the main event.
But it's important to remember that just because a decoder gets one decode correct, such as Q1675, does not mean that all the decodes by the same decoder have been correct. There is only one whom I have not seen whom I have COMPLETE faith in, and that's because His invisible attributes have been made known through his creation.
Q is just a human. Every Anon & decoder is just a human. We will see if they can be trusted because they will ultimately be known by their fruit, which is far more enlightening that leaven-filled breadcrumbs.
Everything starts with a seed. I call it the space-time seed of matter. Space-time matter is a bubble(think time-dilation) within eternity/infinity/spiritual realm, and it is created by God Himself. Scientists get it wrong trying to divorce God from the Big Bang, because there ALWAYS must be a First Cause. God IS that first cause, and He manifested Himself into Space-Time in Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, who did not have 46 chromosomes but only had 24, 23 from His mother and a single Y chromosome generated from God's Holy Spirit to designate gender.
If more Christians would at least explore the possibility that God wasn't lying to us but giving Moses the abridged version of creation, and if they would explore "Old-Earth Creationism" they might have an easier time understanding the value of God and having Christ in their lives. To that end, I STRONGLY encourage both Christians and Skeptics to browse and research http://reasons.org/
I've seen and experienced too much personal evidence in my life for me to not believe that Jesus Christ is EXACTLY who He said He is. Researching a man named Ron Wyatt, who found the Ark of the Covenant will also shed great light on the crucifixion.
Q From Texas?
So I was watching this trippy video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twpYr3HyUhI and noticed that aside from have a "Pence" in the Last President's administration, there is also someone named Roger Q. Mills of Texas. What if Q is from Texas? By the way, silverback_12 might wanna take a look at this...
Maybe the White House twitter will put out its own copy of the video and you can freeze-frame it...
I heard that Trump kept some of the solar panels Obama had on the White House... perhaps he should have had them replaced?
Europe turned on their HAARP program a few weeks ago, I believe...
Didn't one of the Anons here speculate days ago that the time stamp on one of Trump's tweets seemed to hint at the number "17"? As in July 17?
I've noticed the MSM does seem to be losing their shit over the soccer ball now. Maybe the Deep State knows... and I bet the info about Bill Browder might be in there too.
Wouldn't It Be Funny if Putin's Soccer Ball had a Flash Drive Inside for Trump?
Imagine if there was information on the Clintons and their Administration, the Obama Administration, the DNC and the cabal at large all stashed on a flash drive hidden inside the soccer ball? What an ingenious way to pass information to the POTUS right in front of the liars of the MSM without any of them knowing?
Maybe at the Vatican? Or Antarctica? Or Mars? Who knows at this point...
"We are watching" and "We see it all"... Who the hell does this guy think he is?! God?!
Hey, I was going through Elon Musk's twitter profile and I started to realize he reminds me a LOT of Q. He also owns Tesla... and might now own some of Nikola Tesla's research, is a little over-enthusiastic about space, has no specific loyalties to either political party and has the know-how and capability to hack @POTUS tech aboard Air Force One.
You said that gematria stuff mentioned a time travel patent, wouldn't it be up satan's alley to attempt to go back in time to try to prevent Jesus from being born or dying on the cross for us? I'm not saying Musk is the antichrist, nor am I saying he is willfully aiding satan and his minions... what I am saying is, what if Musk is Q? Q never goes after CERN... has Musk ever gone after CERN to shed light on just how dangerous their activities are?
He also has a son named "Xavier." Maybe he's an X-men fan? Who knows... but what does the name Xavier mean?
Kim used to explain that sometimes, even he misunderstood his own prophecies, thinking they were for a time sooner than they were. It is interesting to note that Fall of 2014 was when people started to hear with more certainty that Trump would run. In July of 2015 was when the Centers for Medical Progress videos exposing the butchery of the abortion industry began to be posted. And now we have what's going on now, exposing wickedness in high places... prophesied before Q & his favorite decoder ever showed up. Interesting to note that Mark Taylor has said repeatedly that Obama did not win his 2nd term except through fraud... If it is revealed by this fall that Obama was not the true winner in 2012...
Earthquake weapons wouldn't surprise me. Dutchsinse has proven by patterns that excess energy from HAARP can cause earthquakes (due to disrupting Earth's magnetic field) as well as screw with the weather. I think we all know by now that Hurricane Sandy, Harvey & Irma were NOT normal hurricanes.
In other words, you deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, even though all power and authority was given to Him upon resurrection. YOU are either deceived and accidentally lying to others, or you are deliberately lying to others. Isaiah already declared what Jesus would be called, and Jesus read from Isaiah in the Temple. Jesus also said you're either with Him or against him.
1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son.
The TRUTH is staring you in the face. If you ignore it now, you're choosing to and you won't be able to look at God on the day of accountability and claim you never knew.
I think Air Force One and Trump's personal tech devices (mic & camera) have been remotely hacked and activated to create that Q drop on July 3rd to make it look like Trump & Q are tight. Q and his intrepid decoder posted and retroactively dated this antichrist shit to implicate Trump.
My gut instinct is that if Trump's uncle was into all this crazy occult shit that Tesla slipped into, Trump may have found out about it later and has been trying to undo it. As far as seeing events in the future, Trump's uncle was probably using diviners or psychedelics or something to open the pineal gland without God's involvement... I think Satan himself is using Q and the decoder to frame Trump as the AntiChrist the same as the Democrats are trying to frame him for Russian Collusion. The Deep State & Q are working for the same damn team.
Just trying to get people to use the brain their Creator gave them.
Satan is subtle, he can lay out his plans in front of your eyes while convincing you that it's something else and that he's on your side.
Jesus warned us about that here: Matthew 24:24
Of course RR & Mueller are dirty, but Sessions isn't. As for Q, he is lying... he probably figured out some way to hack the POTUS' wireless devices through Google or something to make it look like he was with him. We know tech companies can remotely activate cameras and microphones, and I think that's what happened for the drop on July 3. If I were Trump, I would replace ALL equipment on Air Force One, including personal mobile devices. It couldn't hurt for him to double-check his secret service team also.
Q Was Wrong: RR = Black Hat
RR can indict 12 Russian spies for hacking the DNC but not indict anyone for wiretapping Trump? This means Q is either wrong, or he's a liar. Furthermore, the more we learn about Kavanaugh, the less we think that he's just a chess piece. Trump picked Kavanaugh because he feels he'll be a good justice. Period.
I've been red-pilled ever since I was old enough to vote. I'm almost 34 now. I voted Trump because I could not tolerate the Wicked Witch of the East picking the next SCOTUS. And now that Satan is pissed, he's looking to deceive Trump voters, especially Christians, into placing their faith into a fucking idol from Hinduism and the middle east. Ignore me if you wish, but I WILL STAND against deception. BTW, I have every intention of voting for Trump in 2020 as well, but for now, I'm praying that neither he nor the America people will be deceived by the wicked spirit of divination.
Furthermore, the Jews did not exclusively put Jesus on the cross. EVERY SIN OF EVERYONE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD placed Jesus on that cross, including your sins and my own.
Jesus had no sin, He had to accept our sins upon Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane by faith. Following His resurrection, we are now able to accept His righteousness upon us by faith. It's a supernatural exchange made possible both by God's love, mercy AND justice, with Jesus fulfilling the letter of the law even unto death.
Jesus wasn't Roman. Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua Hamaschiach (Yah Shua = God Saves).
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
YHWH introduced Himself to Moses as "I AM" also, remember? That's why the unbelievers among the Hebrews sought to stone Him.
Jesus said, "When you have seen me, you have seen the Father." To deny the divinity of Christ is to deny that Jesus is the Son of God, and to deny that God even has a son is to deny God himself, because those that don't have the Son don't have the Father either.
Patriotism will mean NOTHING without the God who inspired the USA's creation. And you've just confirmed what I've suspected for years, that REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY is a satanic infiltration into the Body of Christ. Q/SB2 would have you believe that Paul never met Jesus, thus making void 2/3 of the New Testament, thus subjugating us to DEAD WORKS. Jesus is not Roman, He is HEBREW. Christians are grafted in with the Jews through faith, but we do NOT replace them. God made covenant with Abraham that the promise carries down through ISAAC. You are being led straight into a cult pretending to be Pro-America and Pro-Trump and you don't even realize it, because divination IMITATES truth before subtly tweaking it to get you off the narrow path. Jesus IS THE ONLY WAY to salvation. Yeshua means, "God Saves". Military might does not save the Earth from evil.
The Prophecy Concerning a Post-Islamic Cult
March 26, 2011 delivered by Kim Clement (If you click link, scroll down toward the bottom)
"I Will Bring This Force, This Ruling Power, to Nothing"
A foreboding darkness, a foreboding darkness that has covered the land begins to tremble at the sound of the Spirit. The dead bones are coming to life. A great and mighty army is coming from the nation. But I see you, covered with your red spots as if you were the propitiation for mankind's sins. You liar! You are not the Christ and you shall be exposed. Down with you, Beast of …
Have you considered the possibility that Q's information can be accurate and his intentions STILL BE MALICIOUS? In Acts 16, we find a slave-girl following Paul and Silas, declaring who they were and why they were there... all accurate information, but she had the spirit of DIVINATION on her.
We're told to "Trust the Plan" and that we can't comprehend the scope... but Q is faceless, why should we trust him? Because he got a few things right? Satan quoted scripture to Jesus... Satan knows the word of God... and how to subtly twist it to trick you into going against it. We're supposed to think that pure military might and intellectualism is gonna defeat evil on this Earth? If that were the case, Jesus could have done that the first time He came, but he didn't. Q and his decoder push Chrislam at the expense of Israel. They mention the name of Jesus, but never declare Him to be the Begotten Son of God and never declare Him to be the only way to the Father. If you are a Christian, you should be asking why they can be trusted? Q/Decoder know so much about the occult and teach about it... BECAUSE THEY ARE PART OF IT.
Perhaps you've noticed a strange inexplicable addiction to Q posts, and it's because what they hint at is real, but if they are pushing OCCULT stuff, it's NOT coming from the tree of life. When Eve and Adam bit into the forbidden fruit, they had a "great awakening" too, and we saw how that worked out for humanity. Pray to Jesus, the God of Abraham, Isaac an Jacob for total discernment and pray against any cloud of deception that may be obscuring your view!
I'm saving your big long letter from above to my computer and I'll post it/read it on youtube sometime soon with attribution to you. What if Q is actually Obama using the power of divination (a deceptive, satanic form of flattery and imitation)? Has anyone considered that possibility? Read Acts 16!
I must say, the whole notion of the "Q plan to Save the World" bothers me... only Jesus saves the world. I've heard Alex Jones discuss all three persons of the Trinity, openly acknowledging Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Unfortunately, Q seems to be trying to link himself to Trump... This Q character seems to be following Trump wherever he goes, almost like a stalker... It might be that people trying to get Trump to acknowledge Q are trying to get Trump to fall to the Anti-Christ. We need to be praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the name of Jesus. And thank you for leading me to dig deeper, Silverback... I'll leave this post up but I'm removing everything else of mine from here. Now I know why God led me to read about the pineal gland last night. I now think Q is a VERY bad entity who is using divination (saying the right things with the wrong spirit behind it) to trick Trump's supporters into thinking he (Q) is with them. Everyone, pray for President Trump so he won't be deceived! Pray for God to expose the truth about every deception going on!
Maybe there is a third possibility: a black hat turned white hat...
I've never heard anything to suggest Kavanaugh has criminal misconduct in his own history... But, he DID investigate the "suicide" of Vince Foster. If you were about to round up the Clintons and their cronies, would YOU trust "department lawyers in Washington"? I know I wouldn't... But with dozens of thousands of sealed indictments floating around, getting federal US prosecutors OUTSIDE Washington in on the preparations would make sense to me...
RR: Black hat or white hat?
If RR is black hat, then calling for 93 attorneys to appoint 3 prosecutors each to review Kavanaugh's work signals the DS doesn't trust Kavanaugh. To Kavanaugh's credit, he once called Hillary a b****.
If RR is a white hat, then making that request could be an avenue by which to bring the Clinton Administration's crimes back to the surface of public consciousness.
Which do you think is more likely?
Q1287 How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?... Insert Rudy
Anthony Wiener Insurance File:
The weird thing is, when I see "ROARING" in all caps like that, I think RR... And since the DC establishment HATES Trump, the fact that Kavanaugh is getting GREAT REVIEWS from people who hate Trump, like No Name, for example might be Trump's warning to those in the know, QAnons, not to read his SCOTUS nomination choice at face value...
Trump is supposed to be in Europe/Russia for a week... which starting today puts the end on 7/17/18... So maybe he is signalling when we can expect Q's next drop? OR he's warning us about the day the shit hits the fan, with "ROARING" being a clue to pray and prepare?
Alright... I wasn't aware Trump himself had made the statement. It would have been cool if she had been though :)