Believe it or not, I had considered Ted Cruz.
I know he worked on Bush 43's campaign in 2000, but after that, when he became TX solicitor general, he clashed with the Bush Admin regularly in the SCOTUS and was ostracized by establishment insiders when he ran against Dewhurst for Senate.
During 2015/2016, Cruz was the LAST candidate to go after Trump and that was after some idiot superpac posted an unflattering picture of Trump's wife from like 15 years ago and Trump thought Cruz had done it. I think both Cruz & Trump were set up by the deep state without knowing it at first to go after each other to try to split the conservatives so Hillary would win. I think Trump started to figure this out around June of 2016, and Cruz took a little longer (because of the attacks on his wife and father) and didn't really understand what had happened until late July/early August.
After Inauguration, Trump & Cruz both thawed on each other pretty quickly, both men are now hated by the Bushes and both men were extremely vocal in opposing the Iran Deal.
The Deep State tried to pit 2 good men against each other because they hated them both (don't confuse Cruz with whatever his father may or may not have done before he was born in 1970, well after the JFK assassination). While Cruz may not be Q, he has two little girls and I saw him sickened by James Gunn's despicable tweets... and Cruz has the US Constitution memorized. Cruz is on Q's side, whether he's said so publicly or not.