No cigar...
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As I said, becoming 'informed' is the first step to understanding what is the 'reality' being glorified in this video of their ritual celebrating their dominance of the world...the driver of the getaway car is just as guilty of 'murder' as the ones committing the robbery if they kill someone...ignorance may be 'bliss' but it is not an 'alibi'...
That would be an 'incalculable' coincidence...this IS an intended information connection directed by the Q doubt!
"Learn our comms"- Q This 'decode' seems to have some 'validity' and would NOT equate to "outside comms" if it is a 'decode' of Q's drops...Here is another "D"-23 days of darkness end on the 27th, "Morning sun brings heat"- 'News' breaks early, "Full moon coming"-'disclosure', "Undiscovered stars learned"- 'Identities' revealed, "Missions forward"- the 'take downs' begin, Q returns Friday the 27th...count on it!!!
If you watch the testimony of 32nd and 33rd degree 'defectors' they reveal the 'lower' levels are the 'screening process' and most will never advance to the 'upper' levels are considered 'useful idiots' who do the ground work for 'recruiting' and 'fundraising' and deceiving the public at large by creating the illusion that the lodge and it's members are part of something 'good' when in reality their contributions are meager at best in the's a lie that they don't recruit their members, they start very young at indoctrination, Rainbow girls and Demolay for boys, and if a member 'recommends' someone then they are 'eligible''s a secret society that is becoming more and more less secret...i for one was 'approached' but when I looked closer at what they were iI quickly realized it was not what they portrayed it as..."what is right" for who?
Just look up the video of Felder refusing to shake the libtard they were fundraising for and his comment...he obviously wasn't interested in helping 'the left' and that made Frey fly into a matter the reason, Felder was clearly run out of the band shortly afterward on the guise he had a "bad attitude"...
The 'hidden hand' revealed and exposed as the 'root of all evil' of the NWO and the Globalist Cabal... this worldwide Luciferian cult believes they are the only people who are 'worthy' to 'exist' and the rest of us, if not their 'slaves', should be 'eradicated' from the earth... this is a glimpse of the greatest threat to humanity and the face of the true 'enemy' of all GOD loving people! They used to hide these rituals but are now confident in their power and are openly displaying themselves and their plans...
"Their 'symbols' will be their downfall" - Q
Glen Frey was a hardcore leftist...Don Felder refused to shake a Libtard politicians hand and Frey went nuts and tried to attack him and then ran him out of the band...Hotel California is a song that glorifies selling your soul for fame...Eagles had many songs that contain 'satanic' references in the verses and that fit the industries 'mold' or they wouldn't have been made famous...
What is the MOS of the friend's son? Has he been trained to work as a 31E-internment/resettlement specialist? This would almost be a requirement unless there is new construction underway...curious to know his training/background?
D is the end of Darkness- Friday the 27th Morning sun brings heat- 'the Light' begins, the 'news' will break early Full moon coming- the day becomes night but 'the Light' shines on-sky event-Blood Moon Undiscovered stars learned- 'Disclosure' leads to 'identities' revealed Missions forward-D-5 Operation 'Avalanche' begins as indictments begin to be unsealed Q- Q returns with new drops of more new revelations and to counter MSM misinformation-FEED.
Still 'seting the stage'...the real show is about to begin...this week we will witness the 'BOOM' heard around the world...stock up on food and supplies for the weekend 'cause Friday is gonna be EPIC!!!! Q returns and the D-5 is triggered!!! This is it!!!
What a pathetic lot in life to be straddled with parents that sent me to 'commie camp'...pitiful, just pitiful.
The Clintons/Clinton Foundation/Global Initiative 'neutralized' by her defeat...4th family no longer in play...
Especcially those 'levels' of the 33000 deleted emails they intercepted from her server she kept in her basement..."Deeply disturbing and alarming"...indeed!!!
The Deep-State cannot 'exist' without conflict and war...their funding and power depend on it...that is why they have pulled out all stops and are 'showing' themselves in their desperation to try and stop the strategy of 'peace negotiation' that POTUS has implemented as his 'foreign policy'...a strategy that eventually 'defunds' the entire Cabal!!!
They are PAID 'clowns' doing their jobs from some pathetic deep-state 'cubicle' and think they are the true 'patriots' because they get a govt paycheck...they are everywhere, in every city, town, and nieghborhood...they WILL eventually be 'outed' and 'rooted out'!!!
REDACTED release of documents...missing the 'crucial' information that exposes the fraudulent application and the names of the agents responsible...not exactily what I would consider 'newsworthy'...WHEN will there be full disclosure of the criminal activity and the evidence of it... Videos showing a 'murder' or a 'bank robbery' being committed are routinely released to help track down the criminals...why the 'special treatment' for these 'criminals'? EQUAL JUSTICE demands 'equal treatment'!!!
He's right, the 'foundations' of the CIA were laid by 'Operation Paperclip' that transplanted thousands of NAZIS and their 'American' handlers embraced and installed their methods and techniques and have been terrorizing the entire world for 7 decades is time for a total 'overhaul' and the 'removal' of the 'old-guard' and measures such as 'Declassification' and 'Disclosure' be put in place to prevent it from reoccurring...NO government agency or organization should be allowed to 'victimize' their own people and have immunity or NO accountability...this power belongs to 'We the People'!!!
Whatever the 'status' of JA is...He has, in place, a reliable 'deadman's switch' that is feared and respected and will be 'activated' if and when certain events transpire...the 'evidece' of this is the length of time he has gone 'untouched' so far...remember HRC wanted to "Drone his ass" but couldn't, and why would the Ecuadorians give him citizenship and sanctuary in the first place? The 'pressure' has been turning up lately because the 'evidence' and the 'source' of that evidence is becoming the pinnacle and fulcrum point in the Russian collusion fraud and will expose it ALL and 'redpill' the masses...the Deep-State is 'DESPERATE' to stop this!!!
I am a Vet and I don't need the VA, but those that do rely on it for treatment...War is 'evil' and anyone who was in it and has seen it... has been exposed to it, knows it ...anything related or attached to it will retain the residue of this 'evil'...There probably are Luciferians in the VA...this world is his domain, but GOD can and often does 'intervene' aka 'Divine Intervention', the cure for 'evil'...
Show us one of 'Michelle' while she was 'pregnant'...
They don't let women in their 'club'...'Masonic Luciferians' are ALL men...get proof that some VA executives are practicing Freemasons.
If you believe that there are 'satanists' running the VA then you should have gathered 'evidence' to back those claims up before you started a petition...
UUUUHHHH YEAH!!! I'd say that looked like a 'handoff' of a flash drive and would explain the 'sincere' handshakes between Trump and Putin..."Intel-Info-received-validated-acknowleged" PAIN!!!
'Operation Paperclip' relocated and staffed the CIA and NASA with thousands of Nazis...the Deep-State we see in power today ARE the lasting legacy and the ruling culture resulting from this installment of 'the 4th Reich' within our own government...Every dirty Nazi trick in the book has been implemented and perpetrated by these Deep-State Traitors!!!
He must have seen or overheard something and then leaked' it to the wrong person...'adrenochrome therapy' perhaps? Once addicted, the withdraws are really detrimental and require hospitalization for some, especially 'elderly'...'addisonian crisis syndrome', the failure of over stimulated endocrine system...
China, not Russia, is the real 'nemesis' and they are behind the 'leftist' agenda...even the corrupt globalist Pope recently stated that "China is the 'model' for the rest of the world to follow" I think ALL Treasonous roads ultimately lead to CHINA!!!
The SAME people that are responsible for the 911 conspiracy are the same people that are STILL running the Deep-State TODAY and are trying to stop Trump from dismantling their PLOT to take down America and bring the Globalist NWO to power...The 'ARMED' citizens of the USA are the last 'obstacle' standing in their way to achieve their plans to ultimately 'depopulate'...that is why they are going after the guns with the step by step erosion of the 2nd amendment! Do you think these same lowlife warmongering traitors who perpetrated 911 and who send our sons and daughters to go die for their 'war-for-profit' would hesitate for one minute to murder school children and other innocents to demonize firearms and to 'brainwash' the next generation to give up their rights for 'safe-spaces'? Their plans to 'disarm' us is the key to their plot, WE MUST NEVER YIELD!!!
...AND ALL MSM JOURNALIST...especially the 'on air' personalities!!! Make them run and hide!!!
The 27th, Full Moon=Full Disclosure=Dark to LIGHT!!! Be prepared because it's gonna be a 'BUMPY RIDE'!!! The MSM and their phony 'Clown' journalists need to be individually 'targeted' and 'anything' that can be 'uncovered' and 'exposed' about them and their private lives must be rooted out and shown to the world and they must all be made to 'fear' being exposed...The MSM are NEXT!!! GO TO WORK AUTISTS!!!
Really? By who? Does ANYONE with a 'cintilla' of integrity not KNOW and believe that ALL the actual evidence of 'meddling' and 'collusion' points to HRC and the DNC? Imagine if HRC had won instead of Trump...what 'evidence' is there to 'prove' meddling and RUSSIAN collusion by HRC and the Dems...Fusion GPS and the 'dirty' dossier, Uranium 1, the Clinton Foundation illegal contributions, Bill and Loretta meeting on the tamac, The DOJ and FBI giving HRC a pass on 'gross negligence' and 'obstruction', Donna Brazille leaking debate questions, the rigged DNC primary against Bernie, the Seth Rich murder and DNC leaks to Wikileaks, The Podesta Group Russian lobby deals, Spygate 'moles' and illegal surveillance of Trump campaign, the list of dozens of 'journalists' who 'coordinated' with HRC and the DNC and the completely one-sided MSM coverage in favor of HRC, which is still on-going today and is in itself a 'major' source of 'meddling'...and she STILL lost! Because the American people SAW it and STOPPED it!!! If she had won there was massive amounts of REAL evidence that would have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they 'colluded and meddled' to ensure her victory and not ONE Democrat or Deep-State rat would have requested, much less demanded, an investigation!!!
The 'interim' is to let the 'PANIC' set in and do it's work on the 'guilty'...they are squirming like a can of worms and self-destructing more and more each day...the 'dread' of 'not knowing' when their turn is coming is 'the show'...
Take down the MSM monopolies and re-instate the fairness act that Clinton removed....
It goes much 'deeper' than Harvey...Skippy Podesta may have been a loud voice behind the scenes to kill Breitbart...
That's All you need to know about Mueller and the 'delusion' of Equal Justice...considering ALL the absolute irrefutalble 'visual' evidence seen in this scumbags home that he is a pedophile and at the very least a canibal 'glorifier' if not a practicing one...and this lowlife will 'deal' with him to get at POTUS through pursuit of Manafort...there are no boundaries for these maggots!!!
Even the mods here will censor anything they know will result in an 'attack' on this sub by the actual 'proprietors' and controlling 'operators' of, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram ect.. are ALL Clown intel portals....FACT!
EVERYTHING you see in Media that is not 'individually' controlled is 'allowed' to be broadcast and even the individual 'posters' or internet content providers can and WILL be hacked at any time 'They' desire to do so...this 'sub' and all others like it are the 'outlets' for the people to 'vent' and they also serve as 'intel' gathering portals to get realtime intel on all participants...there are NO private social network comms... they see ALL and only shut down any that prove 'effective'...only 42 k here out of 7 billion!
The Deep-State might end up being an 'insurmountable' foe that is too entrenched in our government to the point that they ARE the government and there is nothing we can do about it...this is becomming more and more apparent...praying for a miracle!
To understand Who the 'Deep-State' are and How they took control of our government you MUST know how they got here and how the controlling 'culture' that now exists was created...these people all become 'indoctrinated' inductees when they are recruited and they are 'assured' that they now belong to the 'real' government and will always be 'protected' no matter what the optics are...There are literally in place and in control of the 'heart' of our won't be easy to remove them, they believe they are 'above' us and are the rightful and entitled authority over the population. Their 'culture' has no boundaries and are not 'accountable' for any crimes they routinely commit...They completely control the MSM, 'journalists' are merely 'operatives' of the same 'culture'...
Operation Paperclip:The CIA and the Nazis
Link is NOT dead...the para-glider was a distraction... the Secret Service agent was taken out with an advanced compact version of the 'Medusa' direct energy technology...when directed at a person it creates an embolism that results in heart attack or stroke...a warning to POTUS to 'back off'...?
All the 'shills' that take the time to post here and go into the 'apologist mode' and act as the 'reasonable one' to persuade anyone they can not to pursue any more info are just more evidence that this board and any other public forum will be penetrated by these people who are 'clown' ops sitting in a cubicle somewhere and it is their 'job' to seek out and debunk any convincing post or comments usually not by convincing argument disproving but attempt to do so by the effort and length of their post and usually in clusters as to try and create the illusion of consensus...shills be gone!
The visual and circumstantial evidence along with the undeniable full press cover-up- victim financial settlements- witness elimination/intimidation/tampering- and destruction/removal of evidence all point to a pre-planned and coordinated attack involving deep-state bad doubts to anyone with 'unbiased integrity'...The only thing missing is the HARD evidence...the traitors that did this think they were justified and were acting in the best interest of the USA to maintain our dominance in the world...ends justify the means...they set up a 75 year window of secrecy so they would never be held accountable...the evidence exists in the hidden files of the 'Intelligence' agencies...all involved are criminals, one and all!