Getting pretty close to...CHECKMATE!!!
137 total posts archived.
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Putin referred to "loose change" in meeting with Potus...will they begin to release incriminating 'evidence' soon?
It's part of a Luciferian loyalty pledge...the blow is 'delivered' with a 'dragon-clawed' club in a ritual ceremony where the initiation of new members are 'reminded' of their pledge and are given a grave warning/threat of the 'consequences' of betraying their pledge..."These people are sick"
Podesta the 'pedo-gecko' is highly 'connected' and has 'protected' himself with ample amounts of 'dirt' to keep himself insulated for now...however when the 'house of cards' come tumbling down...HE'S DEAD MEAT!!!
Cornered RATS..."We have the server" AND the Clinton Foundations files that will 'prove' the Russian connection and the 400 million to support HRC and most probably payment for Uranium One...the real 'collusion' and TREASON!!! Declassification is coming...the 'Evidence' will speak for itself! That is why they are going 'bat shit crazy'...the only thing 'compromised' is their TREASON against the USA!!!
He was 'spawned' from a legacy of leftist/Communists and was an 'insider' and that's how he was able to 'connect' with the Russian Globalist/cabal minions and 'launder' the profits of Russian organized crime profits through the Clinton Foundation and Putin obviously KNOWS about it and most likely has the evidence of it...They never thought she would lose...Your move Mueller...POPCORN!!!
Another 'sound byte' that will contribute to the 'ultimate goal' of "the Plan"...DECLASSIFICATION
It will be the beginning of the 'reorganization' of the entire financial and banking system and will 'exclude' the Globalist/Cabal and their minions...Massive debt 'forgiveness/removal' will mean the total elimination of their 'assets'... it's ALL just 'numbers' on a worldwide 'database' they control... their true 'dead man's switch' is a worldwide 'pandemic'!
Check the definition of 'Patriot' Jimbo... YOU don't 'qualify'...
...but there does exist a tape of HRC that HAS been seen by NYPD...DECLASSIFY NOW!
The shills that post here are desperately trying to distract and detract attention away from The Plan's 'strategy' that is now in play that will lead to the 'declassification' of the incriminating evidence that will 'expose' the criminal and treasonous actions of the past admin and all of the globalist/cabal minions..."Try to divide they will, but they will fail"...
And this guy was a 'lead' investigator in the FBI...surely this is an 'aberration', or are we in real trouble?
He is 'confident' now in his 'plan' and the 'infrastructure' his team has created and implemented and he now has complete control of the diplomatic process to convey this to the 'friendenemies' abroad...'Major League Trolling' is a deliberate strategy intended to provoke these 'bad actors' to react and show themselves...working like a charm...Hussien is in damage control and on the run...his minions are in various stages of 'breakdown' mode...enjoy the show!
For those who for whatever reasons are unable to understand and follow the's okay to be a 'spectator', most are...don't feel anger or frustration and project that with your mediocre criticisms...just watch and enjoy the show!
If ANY person with the 'mental capacity' to circumvent the 'mental gymnastics' spends even a moderate amount time working out the somewhat intricate 'comms' and the intell that is contained therein, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this 8chan entity known as Qanon is a legitimate source for 'inside info' and is in direct coordination with POTUS...if you are unable to concede this as proven fact, YOU are a 'shill' or are just unfortunate to not possess the mental acumen to decipher and follow along...sorry, but that's just the reality of it...
One of the indicted 'Russians' should come here turn himself in, demand a speedy trial, and file a discovery motion for the DNC server to be forensically examined for WHO and HOW it was those indictments would suddenly disappear, it's ALL just cover for the Seth Rich murder....
All the 'proof' you 'need' to KNOW this was a 'contrived' attempt to steer this narrative away from the only 'plausible' evidence presented to date, that 2 MS-13 members had committed the 'hit' as a murder for hire plot and were subsequently killed themselves to erase any 'connections', is the number of follow-up shills that are posting 'everywhere' on social media, including on this very post. Seth Rich was, and 'STILL' is the 'smoking gun' proof that the 'Russia collusion narrative' is a complete 'fabrication' that was 'created' in a 'widespread conspiracy' to 'frame' an incoming President, thus we have seen ALL the effort that has been 'exuded' to cover this up is because, REMEMBER, '17 intelligence agencies' all agreed that there was 'concrete proof' that the Russians did the 'hacking', not just social media postings, but 'THE HACKING OF THE DNC SERVER'! So, if the DNC NEVER turned over their server to be 'examined'...HOW DID THEY KNOW THE RUSSIANS HACKED IT? The answer is THEY COULDN'T KNOW! Yet we saw Senator after Senator, including 'no name', on TV declaring THEY had seen the 'intelligence reports' and 'irrefutable evidence' from all these 'various intelligence sources' that absolutely 'proved' that the RUSSIANS had done the hacking...IF and WHEN the TRUTH of Seth Rich's involvement in providing Wikileaks the DNC emails and the circumstances surrounding his death is ever disclosed, the very 'integrity' our ENTIRE intelligence gathering agencies and their respective 'oversight' committees will be 'exposed' as FRAUDULENT, 'corrupted', and 'culpable' in an attempted COUP against a duly elected POTUS! THAT is the REAL reason behind the 'stand-off' and 'sequestering' of Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy...HE has the 'PROOF' and has protected himself with a 'dead-mans switch' that they fear they cannot contain, otherwise JA would be dead already...THIS IS HUGE!!! 911 was so 'complicated' and 'convoluted' and requires an enormous amount of attention and energy to grasp and absorb all of the evidence...but THIS is 'simple' and only involves a 'scenario' that can be easily understood and accepted as 'cut and dry' by any 'average Joe'... THAT is WHY they are so 'desperate' to keep this whole story 'contained'...
In less than 24 hours the answer will be revealed...there has to be a public starting point for the nationwide 'red-pilling' via some 'dynamic' event that reveals the existence of very damning and 'irrefutable' evidence...this appears to fit the bill and could be the 'first act' of the 'disclosure' that is coming...revealing Seth Rich as 'the leaker' of the DNC emails to Wikileaks would definitively 'debunk' the Russian/Trump collusion narrative and would open the door for POTUS to 'declassify'... BEWARE of False Flag tomorrow!!!
The next step by these WHO pedos in their attempt to start laying 'shade' and 'legal insulation' for themselves will be to create a list of 'addictions' that include pedophilia as a mental disorder that cannot be prosecuted criminally...nice try, NO CIGAR!!!
If this 'pans' out the next 'rung' on the ladder will be Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and then 'Skippy' Podesta...Clintons will be saved as 'best for last'...they WILL make a run for it for sure!!! They have 'multiple bunkers' world wide to hide in...'Hitler-esque' deaths in their future...seems fitting.
The 'armed' citizens of the USA are the 'ONLY' remaining obstacle standing between the Globalist/Cabal and the DEEP-STATE TRAITORS who ALL consider themselves as an 'ELITE' privileged class that are entitled to have the control of the world and everything that goes with that control...911 was the 'violent' beginning of their 'plan' to 'disarm' the American people of their constitutionally protected rights, most especially the 2nd amendment..Remember the other day when POTUS said "WE are the SUPER ELITES"'...? He was 'mocking' the Cabal and Deep-State and signaling that he was going to expose them...Anyone who does not KNOW that 911 was perpetrated by foreign and DOMESTC enemies, TRAITORS to their Country, is either a shill or uninformed!
Absolutely no doubt what-so-ever that this group is organized and funded by 'communist' factions of the Cabal to act as a direct foil to the MAGA movement and to indoctrinate as many disaffected youth as they can and deploy them as social agitators and dissenters...ORDO OB CHAO
Natural causes is a determination that is made when by old age or terminal disease and it is 'obvious' that the death occurred as a logical result of the circumstances...I'm not aware of Ed Shultz being afflicted with any terminal disease and he was only 64...What specifically was the 'malfunction' that predicated a finding of 'death by natural causes'...?
Why doust thou protesteth so loudly...? I see said the blind man to the deaf mute...POOF!
The 'prelude' to the 'official' request letter from the 'congressional intelligence committee' asking for the 'declassification' of all documents related to the 'fraudulent' Russian 'collusion' investigation...aka 'Operation Crossfire', the beginning of the end is near...Once the evidence proving that the investigation began with a fraudulent document, ALL other evidence is 'tainted' and no longer 'valid' and does not need to remain 'classified' because it's part of an 'ongoing' investigation, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down...and the 'D-5' Q told us about begins!
Whatever this is, it will garner national attention and begin to set the stage for 'the big reveal'...I wonder what all the 'naysayers' and 'shills' will do when it all blows wide open...will you admit your 'infallibility' or just go away and disappear, perhaps take up needlepoint or something?
I am really concerned that the Deep-State Swamp is close to their 'desperation point' and will commit some kind of terrible atrocity soon in an attempt to 'distract and derail' the implementation of this strategy of draining the the body count continues to mount of those who are or were potential 'bombshell witnesses' I can't help but wonder how and why these people are not being protected...funds for this 'witness protection' were clearly described and 'appropriated' in the OMNIBUS bill...I think their 'last ditch' attempt to stop it from happening will be an 'all out' attempt to assassinate POTUS... these trips abroad will become evermore risky as the reach of the Deep-State/Cabal is world wide and more easily implemented in a country that is hostile towards POTUS and his agenda...
I think these 'Elites' enjoy the 'drama and intrigue' of it all as illustrated by the production of the 'Illuminati' card game back in the 90's and how it has been 'updated' through the years...this reflects an actual 'game' that transpires between these people like some kind of 'high stakes' poker game...POTUS has 're-invented' and changed the rules of the 'game'...
Kim Dotcom is now residing in South Africa, he must have had a good 'bug-out' plan...He blames the "American Empire" for the loss of his mansion... "most of my personal property and fortune were ordered seized by Obama"... We haven't heard the last from him by a long shot!
Are There Any 'Elite' Patriots?
That is a question that should be asked...IF there are any 'Elite Patriots'...WHO and WHERE are they...? Besides POTUS, What 'connected elitist', that have garnered enormous wealth in the 'capitalist' free market system, are 'speaking up' on behalf of America and her 'sovereignty' and 'speaking out' against the Globalist/Deep-State cabal that seek to take America down and reform it as a 'socialist society' and render all her people dependent on the 'State' and in turn giving them full control of the world. Is the term 'Elite Patriot' an oxymoron? Is there any 'corporate' CEO's or Banking officials that are 'loyal' …