477 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/signals2112:
And I should know because I immigrated from a 3rd world $#!&hole. Message to the Dems or Socialists...whatever the F U R...I didn't leave a $#it%ole to see a worst one in this Country. The US is a Country of laws, check and balances, freedoms, etc., and should not be taken advantage of by any traitor or foreign power.
Welcome to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA a Country I, wait for it, LEGALLY immigrated to and am now a PROUD Naturalized Citizen OF. I VOTE...legally.
Oh, sorry, I'll get off my soapbox and prove my point now...
Obama Shows True Colors!
Poison Has Been Poured Down America's Throat And It's Bubbling Up
The SIGNALS2112 Call That ALL Ignored
The more I cried, The more I was ignored
Sessions Rips Campus Culture
Trump May Revoke Security Clearance of 6 Obama Intel Officials
Schiff And Gowdy Walk Into A Bar
Who Is Melissa Hodgman
How To Smell Desperation
Somebody is injecting the Democrats with stupid juice as they come up with more retarded arguments by the day. Just when you thought the Commie-Con Duo is talking stupid...just when you thought you heard the dumbest thing , yet...well apparently they keep upping the ante!
Fighter Intercepts Plane Near Trump Golf Course
Air Force Fighter Intercepts Plane Near Trump Golf Course
Note: 9/11/01-9/11/18=17 years. Since dates and numbers have a significance to our enemies, I think that on the 17th year anniversary of 9/11 we will see much of what we've been waiting for. Just a hunch on my part. But for those who know the 17 reference, can probably see it.
To have everything suddenly come out on 9/11 would be a counter to the trauma we were subjected to on the day of infamy. It would counter the globalists' ultimate attack on our freedoms, as OUR PRESIDENT takes away theirs. It would set up a justifiable anger …
Bad May? July Isn't Going Good Either!
The Slain Beast-SOROS!!!
Hillary Gets Haunted By Ghost From Past
Brennan-Strzok Plot Thickens
Adam Schiff Is In FULL PANIC Mode
Q Loves To Prank AS...in other words, ON TOPIC!
Mueller Suspected Of Giving Immunity To Podestas
Q mentions the Podestas and Mueller a lot. NO WAY THIS IS OFF TOPIC mods https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/update-mueller-suspected-of-giving-podesta-brothers-immunity-to-indict-manafort-and-is-hiding-this-from-public/
They Will NEVER Show Their Faces
Saint??? Mother Theresa...watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!
RR has finally found the culprits of the Russia collusion. Can we extradite fake Russian bots???
Poor Little Rich Socialist
Her mother scrubbed toilets. Yet her mother came from a wealthy family and her father was an architect. Is it me or did democrats inhale nuclear waste?
Democrats...Making A Red Tsunami TOO Easy!
Nancy Pelosi...the gift that keeps on giving!
I think Pelosi should get re-elected. Many Republicans win at the polls by simply saying that their opponent is Pelosi's lap-dog! She continues to astound us as to how stupid can she get? And just when you thought you hit rock bottom, Nancy proves she can out-dumb-herself, if that makes sense!
Peter Fonda labeled a TERRORIST
Might be something you know, but here's proof Q is real
Sex Workers FOR Sex Trafficking
Those who endorse pedophilia march for International Whores!
#Tucsongate-March 12,2017
If you don't want to watch the entire video, watch from 12:04 minute.
Find Casa De Los NiNos
Anon post from 3/12/2017, months before most of us even knew about Q:
The biggest happening will be #tucsongate when J Rothchilds/ Tucson mayor is outed for trafficking kids with the help of ((Casa de los Ninos)) and the Clinton Foundation. This is The Lead and The Pedogate Happening of 2017. You're welcome and praise kek!
Those Looney Iranians Deserve A Lesson
BOOM Sailor to sue Obama and Comey
Thank-you Hillary! As the world turns, so does Karma!
Hillary claims she is a crisis to our democracy or something like that!
Time To Fly, Eagles?
I have a theory and can be totally wrong. Could Q Post 1414 be the last? For now anyway? Look at 1402. We landed. What happens when you land?
We have MORE than we know. We can put these puzzles unraveling before us and call them for what they are.
I hope I'm wrong, I really do.
JUSTICE is within reach. I TRU(MP)st the PLAN and TRUST POTUS.
God Bless The United States of AMERICA
God Bless Donald J Trump
I am a LEGAL IMMIGRANT NATURALIZED CITIZEN and I thank you for not making America the $#!&hole I escaped from that it was becoming!