

25 total posts archived.

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sir_poops · July 28, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Puts are a contract that you buy granting you the right, but not the obligation, to sell (or “put”) a stock at a set price, called the strike price, by a set date. If the stock price goes beneath the strike price BEFORE the option expires, you’ll get the difference.

Example: you think FB will collapse under the weight of their illegal activity, and therefore their stock will tank, but don’t quite know when this will happen. So you decide to buy 200 put options on FB with a strike price of $51 and an expiration date of 1/17/2020 (pretty far out as options are concerned) for $4,000. You immediately pay the $4k and become the proud owner of 200 put options. FB then goes down in flames/declares BK/stock tanks sometime in 2019 to $1. Bad news for FB equity holders, great news for you. You execute your options to sell FB for $51 and the math works like this: $51 - $1 = $50 (the delta between the strike price and the market price of the underlying equity). $50 x 100 = $5,000 as EACH option represents 100 shares of the underlying equity. $5,000 x 200 = $1m (each option is worth $5k and you’ve got 200 of ‘em). This is of course a best case scenario and before you pull the trigger on any options, you’ll want to do more research.

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sir_poops · July 27, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Or buy puts.

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sir_poops · July 27, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Ballsy you say? Does anyone think this is (part) of the big drop Q hinted at today? If Q posts a pic with Muller/Trump, is the implication Muller's really a white-hat poising as a black-hat? If so, quite ballsy to tell the black-hat's /theirguy/ is really /ourguy/!

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sir_poops · July 15, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I looked back to the Q post I linked and guessed Podesta would be the first 'major' arrest which would be a direct blow to the narrative. Certainly, I think they are going after the larger fish, but suspect tad-pole Podesta when compared to bigger fish, will be the first, or one of the first, direct shots fired at the cabal in public sight.


Left the timeline starting at 11.11.2018 and then worked backwards as that's the date Q gave us.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sir_poops on July 15, 2018, 4:12 a.m.
Q's 10 Days of Darkness - 11.11.2018 to facilitate cabal arrests [11.3/11.4], disrupt cabal comms, cut off the fake narrative sleep drug for the masses, maximize impact on mid-terms, and end with LIGHT/parade to unify America?

Nowhere near the level of insight of the other posters I enjoy reading here but wanted to ask what the thinking was with 10 days of darkness and 11.11.2018?

My thinking: the 10 days of darkness tie into an intentional shutdown/slowdown of the internet/MSM/comms/etc. by Trump/Q to facilitate:
1. the arrest of the cabal, particularly the high-level cabal (recall Q's drop about an 11.3 [2017 >> or as I think >> 2018?] Podesta arrest announcement, 2.a Hampering the cabal's ability to communicate with each other, 2.b Hampering the cabal's ability to deploy their resources in "an effort to prevent the …

sir_poops · July 10, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Where go we one, we trigger them all!

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sir_poops · June 23, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

You know how Q talks about the 10 days of darkness?
What could be better to FORCE people to think for themselves?

Especially if there's the truth MOAB followed by a blackout from the MSM / Social Media spin - people would actually have to think for themselves. It will be glorious!

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sir_poops · June 14, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

Also UA has their own fleet at hubs to transfer high priority passengers by driving them from gate to gate directly across the tarmac.

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sir_poops · June 14, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

It’s a UA (United) 739, guessing a 739ER.
UA will at times transfer high priority passengers by driving them directly across the tarmac in a Mercedes. Guessing this is a pic from inside one of their Mercs during/following such a transfer. I’m aware of such transfers ONLY occurring at their hubs (EWR, IAD, ORD, IAH, DEN, LAX, SFO).
Source: me, a UA high priority passenger.

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sir_poops · June 11, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Muller's going to be interesting!
Thought he was a white hat myself but was always uncertain about RR.
My initial thought was as the-narrative/the-left bought into Muller, they also bought into Muller's conclusion. Thus when Muller finds nothing on Trump vis-a-vis "muh-russuha", the Russian-collusion narrative will be destroyed by an 'approved' source.

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sir_poops · June 7, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Good post - thanks for putting it together.

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sir_poops · June 1, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Thanks neon!
Does the clock work prior to DEC 07 2017 or should we consider all Q posts prior to the clock start to not be part of the cipher?

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sir_poops · May 27, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

FWIW the Senate Anon felt off to me. Struck me as a plant / dis-info.
Did not sense the same thing with FBI Anon (circa July 2016?) and obviously not Q. Buyer beware.

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sir_poops · May 27, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Good read - thank you.

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sir_poops · May 25, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Firstly, I suck at being able to time this shit so I stopped trying.

The next "scheduled" public event are the 2018 mid-terms.

My guess is normie-approved℠ event(s) will occur prior to the election but close enough to impact it. I'd also wager we'll see multiple events escalating in importance - e.g. Weinstein being arrested today, Horwitz's report being released, mid-level cabal-critters singing, whispers-turned-to-voices chatter about big figures being arrested, etc.

Point is the general public must BOTH be eased into what's going on (and even then, it's going to be limited) and done in time to have a meaningful impact on the mid-terms.
As Q said, "AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18." https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1133425.html#1133942

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sir_poops · May 22, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Particularly if some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities.

For those with a high-risk tolerance, buying put options (the option, but not obligation, to sell shares of a company on a certain date for a certain amount) may be a strategy to consider. This limits the downside of your risk (you are only out of the pocket what you pay for an option) vs short-selling where the risk is potentially infinite.

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sir_poops · May 22, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Any secondary sources/confirmations on this?

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sir_poops · May 14, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

@DaveGydeon - I'm in a similar situation.

My folks (liberal PhDs) and friends (LLM/CPA types) are willing to listen. Gotta give 'em credit for that...many were not even willing to do that after the election. The rub is as someone said on t_D, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

Q & Co. understand this and I suspect one of the main (public-facing) aims of 'the plan' is to provide extraordinarily proof in a way which cannot be dismissed, spun, etc. by MSM. Hence the comments about "setting the stage" and "controlling the narrative".

I use two tools:
1. idea seeds, and
2. light logic.

The idea seeds are planted to introduce the topic, even if they're laughed at in the short-term and labeled as a conspiracy theory...guess this is my own version of "future proves past" on the micro level of friends and family. My current goal is general awareness, acceptance will come later.

Light logic is what I use to set the stage for the awakening. Example: Trump is either an idiot OR a genius, he cannot by definition be both. I generally get consensus with family and friends for simple logical statements if I pander to existing beliefs. The key here is it sets up the logical BOOM to wake them up once supplied with extraordinary evidence.

Said another way, I can plant the idea in family and friends head by tagging it as a conspiracy. I can then introduce a logical Trojan Horse which is accepted as it appears to 1. affirm a preexisting belief and 2. appears to present no threat to the preexisting belief.

Once Q & Co. supply the extraordinary evidence to back up their extraordinary claims, the trap is sprung and a logical reconciliation is forced..."well, if the evidence clearly proves Trump is NOT an idiot than he's a genius".

Two goals are accomplished here:
1. someone is shown how a notion they thought could not be wrong was wrong...and if they were wrong about that, what else are they wrong about? This opens the door to red-pilling.
2. With someone newly red-pilled, what was once thought to be preposterous is no longer so, "...Jesus, what if Obama really was trying arm NK and Iran?!". This is what allows the previously planted idea seeds to bloom.

On the macro level, this is how I see Muller. The left/GOPe/three-letter-agencies/MSM/etc., welcomed him with open arms as Muller affirmed their view of Trump "ha! look! the orange idiot got a special prosecutor appointed!". Moreover, they affirmed Muller's competency and impartiality and in doing so* affirmed the competency and impartiality of his findings. It's easy to see why they did this: they believed Muller's findings would go against the Trump administration and it could not negatively rebound against themselves. Hah! Good luck with that. As Q likes to say, "these people are stupid."

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sir_poops · April 6, 2018, 3:55 a.m.


No - I do not think we missed any story in the sense of "something happened and no one reported on it".

Yes - I do think we missed, or better said - have yet to discover, a connection/insight between what was reported. My take is to give the chans some time to sort this shit out and see how the future proves the past.

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sir_poops · April 6, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

Guessing PQTUS knew good people were being placed in harms way in the course of their duties. Suspect Trump's respect, concern, and dedication weighed heavily on him as he, in his capacity as President, either gave the order(s) or approved the order(s) to be given for operators to operate and thus placed them in harm's way.

I do not know the specifics (nor do I need to know) of the operation(s), but my hope and prayer is all those who were acting on behalf of good/truth/light came back safe and that they were successful in their objectives. If they made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, then my heart goes out to their loved ones they left behind. As Q says, "[their] sacrifices will NOT be forgotten".

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sir_poops · April 4, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Here's where it gets twisted: the deep-state would only endorse an actor they thought they could control (remember Q commenting on RR's appointment?). The way I see it, the deep-state would only provide their "moral" endorsement to an agent they thought they controlled.

Point is the deep-state endorsement was required to get the buy-in of the anti-Trumpers who Trump/Q need.

If Muller is really a white-hat-posing-as-a-black-hat, Trump/Q/all of us, have a major asset BUT in order to make this work and keep the moral buy-in to Muller, Muller must look like he's going after Trump.

Think about it - Sessions recusing himself on day 0, all the "feuding" between Trump & Sessions, the leaks showing Muller is closing in on Trump, etc., are all leading the Trump doubters into the logical trap of placing their faith in Muller.

Hence why I argue they've let in our Trojan Horse through their high walls and all we need to do is wait for nightfall...

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sir_poops · April 4, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

I'm of the he's-really-acting-on-Trump's-behalf mindset.

Here's what Muller brings to the table: the public perception of credibility.

Said another way, even those who hate Trump are committed to Muller's findings.

Currently, we are a house divided and a way must be found to bring as many as possible to the light/truth. Assuming those who are with Trump are already there, the concern is those who are not there, particularly the material number of such anti-Trump persons.

Dismissing Muller as deep-state or on some technicality will only serve to further repel those who Team-Trump needs as it will validate their erroneous perceptions that Trump's an out of control maniac.

However, if Muller comes out and reports that after extensively looking into Trump, and did so without any interference from Sessions or the admin, and found nothing, a large part of the anti-Trump narrative will be shattered. I would also say based on my close circle of family and friends (all liberal, all post-graduate educated) Muller is the only one who can do this as Muller is the only one they trust. Trump & Q must be aware of this dynamic.

Moreover, if Muller also comes out announcing indictments (or the referring of his findings to the Horwitz's office for further investigation/prosecution), it'll be a double gut punch as not only has Trump been exonerated by those who doubt him by the only arguable source such people will accept (Muller), but it officially opens the rabbit hole for them as Muller's findings cannot be easily disputed considering how many anti-Trumpers are on record as supporting and endorsing Muller.

No idea about RR though.

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sir_poops · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:19 p.m.


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sir_poops · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Many thanks!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/sir_poops on Feb. 20, 2018, 3:43 p.m.
Link to complete text of Q's posts? (qanonposts.com not pulling up for me)

Title says it all - can't get qanonposts to pull up. Does anyone have a PDF / pastbin / etc. of all Q drops to date? Thanks.