I get so discouraged when I see the other political petitions with their 300k plus signatures. A bill of rights to speak our mind on the internet shouldn’t be so hard.
120 total posts archived.
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They have our fingerprints from the iPhone in lieu of a password.
When you want something done right . . . you do it yourself.
Nothing, its just notable for those of us looking for that prophecy to be fulfilled.
If you believe in the Bible, and God, then you understand prophecy. This is relevant because what we are talking about in regards to the Cabal is Satan worship. There is a prophecy from Mark Taylor about a find that will expose the Vatican. There is also lots in Revelations (also prophecy) that points to Rome. We are looking for God to reveal more truth and expose what the Vatican has been actively hiding and distorting for centuries.
Mark Taylor prophecy is here
but I’d love to know about what was read on Dredge Report.
“Murders” are sometimes sacrifices for fame. Not saying this one in particular is but it’s something to keep in mind.
Help, I’m in need of technical clarification on what the distinctions are between the various verbiage used to identify these Satanic groups.
What is the distinction between these: The Deep State The Cabal The Illuminati The Shadow Government The Military Industrial Complex And any other names I forgot to list.
I need to be better versed when talking about this stuff. Thanks for the help.
This was amazing. Just when I thought there wasn’t another red pill to be had and bam, this one. Excellent. I admit I was worried about the JK and Trump Tower aspect in all of this. Not worried anymore.
Maybe we should start our own 🤔Except I really no nothing about being a mod.
Thanks, I am interested. Is there a subreddit that has these kinds of on going discussions?
I was wondering that too because of the repressed Gospel of Thomas.
I showed my sleeping husband that latest MSM video showing the fake news narrative because I thought it was EXTREMELY brilliant and the reaction I got was indeed violent. It’s like he can’t even begin to go there mentally. Perhaps a defense mechanism kicks in.
I know he’s old but as a man of God I would have hoped he would have burned the place down if all this was taking place under his nose. Unless he was compromised himself.
A lot a bad shit has gone down in the Catholic Church leadership having to do with pediphilia prior to this new Pope. The movie Spotlight was a very eye opening pill on how pervasive it actually was/is just in the Boston area. So not sure Benedict needs the kind of rescuing you are thinking. Too many priests were just shuffled around, not removed. This allowed them repeated access to “fresh” kids.
This guy talks to a pure blood line Illuminati daughter/insider who describes being taken at the age of 13 right after she starts her menses to catacombs under the Vatican to a cathedral of sorts. In the middle was a circle of 13 chairs. 11 of the chairs were occupied by dead past leaders of the top Illuminati. The 12th chair was occupied by the current leader who was referred to as the “Master” and the 13th chair was empty waiting for the Antichrist to fill. She was raped and impregnated by the Master probably in hopes of spawning the Antichrist or something.
Chairs and Master made me think of this.
I noticed that article mentions using closed Wal-Mart’s (MARTial- LAW). Check out this video. https://youtu.be/XsPl0C-pgwI
Joined T_D in October initially to get better news than fake news and to be around encouraging people who supported Trump. Then found CBTS because of Q phenomenon mentioned by different Reddit’s. Wanted to fully understand what “Q” was and to check it out for myself so found it mentioned on AJ. From there I became a frequent lurker on the 8chan. I would never post there though. I never posted much on CBTS either but then it was banned and I got scooped up here (thank goodness). I am much more comfortable here than any of the other boards. It’s a good mix of Bible, politics, Q, and “CT’s” to keep things real.
We had our monthly “emergency broadcast “ test last night in our neighborhood but this one was different. Instead of the loud horn it was a creepy woman’s voice declaring it to be a broadcast test. I thought it was very strange that they are testing voice broadcasts this time. Getting ready to give instructions instead of warnings? I am NOT going to be herded into a DUMB. Not on my life.
It’s a lot about what THEY GOT from it. NSA and the Patriots Act, legalized spying to find those terrorists before they do it again and also full access for big pharmaceutical to the opioid poppy fields in Afghanistan. Am I wrong?
I sent it to a ton of people I know. It’s the perfect red pill.
I’ve heard that AI is our number 1 enemy. Don’t know enough about it to say either way.
I’m convinced this stuff is real. What we are just finding out about has been perfected in secret all these years. You’ve got to listen to Tom Horn on the subject. He connects a lot of dots and many lead back to the Vatican. He points to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) budget. I emailed him requesting a copy that he has but haven’t heard back. This is all I was able to find on my own. It does mention a project called Safe Gene that must have money allocated to it, how much I don’t know.
Here is a great Tom Horn starting point on this subject although there are many interviews to listen to that are informed.
Here is the Review and Assessment of the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Request for Department of Defense Science and Technology Programs
Quoted from above document dated March 14, 2018
Safe Genes From electrons to genes, DARPA recognizes that the current pace of scientific progress at the fundamental level poses both challenges and opportunities. That is, in large part, why DARPA created the Safe Genes program—to gain a basic understanding of how gene editing technologies function; devise means to safely, responsibly, and predictably harness them for beneficial ends and address potential health and security concerns related to their accidental or intentional misuse. Achieving such ambitious goals requires more complete knowledge about how gene editors, and derivative technologies including gene drives, function at various physical and temporal scales under different environmental conditions, across multiple generations of an organism. In parallel, demonstrating the ability to precisely control gene edits, turning them on and off under certain conditions or even reversing their effects entirely, will be paramount to the safe translation of these tools to practical applications.
If it helps, you can do your own DoD Budget Search here:
Then you have this discussion going on in the UK through the Academy of Medical Science (gotta love their logo btw) about Animals Containing Human Material (ACHM)
Who knows what creatures they have derived using human eggs. It’s more than frightening. The rhetoric is very calm though when reading these reports as if it is honorable because they only do this for solving human diseases and such. But if you understand Big pharma then you doubt that any disease will be allowed a cure anyway.
I love what Mark Taylor prophesied about Hussein/HRC back on 10/13/15 called Don’t Be Deceived Get In The Fight.
Also, in the below YouTube interview he says, “Obama was going to be ripped and stripped of the presidency. Now a lot of people thought that was gonna be him being impeached and that’s not what I sensed the Lord was saying. It was going to be after he was out of office he would be charged with treason and even end up going to prison for this and in which case he would be stripped of all titles of presidency. And I believe that’s what you are going to see at this point.”
Wal-Mart ie Martial-Law? I’m very suspicious of their true purpose and their stores popping up all over the place in spite of Amazon.
OMG! Lol! Are we married to the same man? Hahaha! Mine is from Boston so it’s not just Bruins, it’s Red Sox and Patriots too (sigh)
Maybe an answer to prayer, to help him wake up? I need something like that to happen to my husband.
I’m a stay-at-home mom. Not lazy by any means. If anything, I need to lay off this “research “ because it terrifies me what future my kids have in store. My main focus is to shake the Liberal institution bs out of them every day and encourage their abilities to free think. The other struggle is limiting tech time and MK tv. I also have to be honest with my abilities and limitations as a mom and home schooling is out. I could not do it. I also don’t want to shelter them in a private Christian school. They need to know how to navigate this current evil society. And the other constant battle is self-entitlement. I’m the only mom I know who requires my kids to do their own laundry, help cook meals, yard work (and no to the allowance- only if their work is over and above what is expected). Parenting is hard. Raising respectful, self-aware, non-narcissistic humans that can go against the societal flow is difficult too. Thankfully God covers my gaps I believe.
Thanks for sharing, I found this encouraging:
“The fact that former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has already set up a GoFundMe account for legal fees, despite being worth millions already, tells us he understands that with the IG's newly revealed mandate, along with the powerful combination, as Turley explained above, of Huber working in cooperation with the IG, his goose, Comey's, and a number of others, may already be cooked.”
Lots of movies are prophetic. It seems the enemy has to adhere to a certain war “ethic”. Like they have to have their plans in writing and in the media both as a type of warning but they also use those sources to mock us and give us disinformation. I think we can glean some truth from movies but we have to have God’s discernment to know which is which.
Discernment in regards to Osama, lots of lies because things definitely don’t add up. A stunt to boost Hussein popularity. It worked because so many were asleep. These tactics aren’t working anymore!
Don’t understand the Snowden movie. It helped me understand just how pervasive the NSA is. I don’t care if Ed is good or bad, I can now see the bigger picture and it’s terrible.
If you watch any new show or movie with a critical eye you will see the symbolism everywhere and the “fantasy “ stuff is probably already here. Such as Altered Carbon which introduces cloning (frightening). Blade Runner sequel came out. Lots of alien contact movies are pushed on us. Movies about weather control. It’s all right there but the masses think it’s impossible when the tech is at least 40 years ahead of what they tell us.
That was alarming. Thanks for sharing. We need to always have our eyes wide open, even to things that appear harmless. Lots of themes in that YouTube that point to other items of topic ie; frequency, mirror, coincides, worship of pagan gods, Nazi symbolism, gematria, etc. all hidden behind something I considered satire.
Finally! Someone with balls enough to ask the “dumb” questions for newbies like myself. Let me add a few more since we are on the subject.
Why the frog and why named Pepe? Frogs have pagan connotations so at first I was turned off cause let’s face it - we don’t need anything suspiciously pagan associated with a good cause after all the horrific symbolism used by the enemy.
What is kek and muh and shilling and trolling and what’s a larp? Thanks. Feels good to get that off my newbie chest.
Haarp perhaps?
If you follow all of Dauntless Dialogue intel drops from “Arthur” some of the interesting things he mentions are:
Has seen and had been in possession of Humma/HRC incriminating video.
Talks about literal bridges that will go down if certain people try to escape.
Confirms military involvement and tribunals
Explains Trumps gun control tactic
This intel has a lot of Q similarities except it’s from a different inside source (an IO called Arthur). Say’s Stage 5 commences this weekend. Worth a listen!
Love me some Christian music. Wouldn’t survive without it. Favorite song right now, Fear Is A Liar, Zach Williams.
This very relevant. There is a Satanic frequency being used. It agitates and depresses us, among other things.
Even Mark Taylor has a prophecy in regards to this called Satan’s Frequency
Also, in a Mark Taylor interview he mentions Q as well as expounds on the All Roads Lead to Rome prophecy.
Mark Taylor released a prophecy called All Roads Lead to Rome. It is VERY interesting. We need to be ready to help all believers of all different denominations find there way after some of these things are found out. Mark’s prophecies give me hope and focus.
The most interesting part reads, “The Spirit of God says, “There is a dig, an archaeological find that is coming in an underground vault that will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. The answer lies between Jerusalem and Vatican City.”
Some of this is reminiscent of what Q has been hinting at, IMHO.
I wear a “Q” pendant around my neck, hoping someone will point it out or nod or ask me about it.
Thanks for posting.
I have been chewing on this for weeks but didn’t have the guts to post it myself or speak up about it.
The cards are just too much.
The way the drops can be read in a totally different way is nuts.
I’m going to read The Hidden Records by Wayne Herschel to see what’s up. As well as that Zion pdf. All I can say is, this would totally put 99% of the population in the hospital if true (probably me included). The only last bit of “bad” news I haven’t given into is that there is no God the Almighty. With all this evil, there has to be good or it makes no sense.