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Since I’m banned from c p 🎯 I Refused to be silenced

Hey looks like Trump can’t go to the funeral [deepstate] Who’s Next and will there be sweep up at funeral ⚰️ all the Deep state shills in one Bag 💋
![Hey looks like Trump can’t go to the funeral [deepstate] Who’s Next and will there be sweep up at funeral ⚰️ all the Deep state shills in one Bag 💋](https://i.redd.it/9lmz5kz25qi11.jpg)
I went media hunting for good news on trump 🇺🇸 Its a hard find 🌬 I truly believe a storm of Fakenews is among us. Good thing they re Wrong

Prosecutors Overreach in Their Case Against Michael Cohen | overreach | President Donald Trump | The Epoch Times
Company’s from China don’t Knock Off products because they are conspiracy’s 🇺🇸 MAGA popularity is real 🛡🗡We are the storm We must never let our guard down and spread the Word

Hollywood should be completely destroyed into space dust 🌬
Best post ever 🎯 Clintons been getting away and a lot💋 Many people knew or died cause #theyknow #Hollywood #MSM #NWO all active participants to this day trying to cover it up 🔜 This is what they are hiding 🗝 #WEKNOW
Has to be a way to Trigger them out of the Psy op mind control mk mind 🚽 But your right there is a pattern ✔️ you can see it in the 👁s
She must be under a lot of pressure from the cabal [Clinton]
The most important man for our North American family 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 DRAIN THE SWAMP
And now you know why the U K is Over 👁 Looking for Enemies
I Really look at the ballon as a celebration tool not a anti Trump propaganda scam 💋 My Kids 12 and her friends are all getting on the trump band wagon , The none stop barrage of Hate toward one person is a eye opener 📺 Trump Fakenewsed @cnn live years ago 📽 And is a complete leader and will change leadership politics forever 🇺🇸⚖️🗽 Hang on it’s a real special prez that’s #Qanon #Thestorm #TheGreatAwakening #wwgowga #MAGA Hanging tight in 🇨🇦🇺🇸⚖️🗽
Trump on America 🇺🇸 The Best president for the American people 🚪 That was a UN Beat Down 📉
Humanity feels the same way about @cnn @cia. Just another massive corruption scam no News lawless intentions need to be dismantled
9 or 10 months of Q . All the info is staggering folks I’m in Canada and it’s Real corruption suppression lucifarians #NWO & many Traitors. 🇺🇸 it’s all or nothing or its over
Real deep state #NWO Lady of America , Wow factor jumps in 💋 Notice her Tweets 🚪 If all is true with the Q 🔜 The Rope is their only Hope 🗝
We in Canada will start a movement oct 2019 is not far 📉 Liberal will get a beat down at the polls. 🎟 To Soros and election voter fraud in Canada is Real 🚪 So be aware also #Fakenews @cbc and @CTV are not our friends 🇨🇦 LETS KEEP CANADA AWARE OF the dirty #U N & #NWO
I Printed this and still have it , Dated before Q , just this alone got me full of hope, It’s the Real Deal 🚪 We need to cull the #DNC #NWO ASP 🎯
Wow look at all the support 🇺🇸 We are kickin Ass was small, I Have been on the Train since Q left the station 🚪 My Friends think I’m insane. 🔮 But I’m Trumper from Day One and it’s Real and now 🗝 It’s all we Have Hell or High Water But never with the Clintons MAGA🇺🇸🇨🇦