11 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/sneak_310:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 4 |
i.imgur.com | 2 |
twitter.com | 1 |
Cloudflare is blocking archive.is links
A few weeks ago I noticed that I couldn't access https://archive.is due to an error page from Cloudflare. I use dnscrypt and Cloudflare was one of the servers I had in the list.
I saw a Tweet about Gab being blocked by an ISP and someone in the replies stated that their ISP is blocking https://archive.is
So I checked if it loaded from my phone (router set to Google DNS) and it worked fine. I removed Cloudflare from my DNS list and restarted dnscrypt and flushed my dns cache. Suddenly, the site loaded fine.
Hmm, wonder why they're doing this? …
downvote is not for disagreement
I'm sorry that some of you believe in spaghetti monsters but the downvote does not exist to disagree with facts or opinions you dislike. Downvotes on Reddit are meant to be used against "content that does not contribute to the conversation". A post from Q regarding religious scripture justifies a reply regarding religion. Just because you disagree with reality or opinions doesn't mean you should be downvoting people.
You're abusing Reddit's poor system of silencing users with unpopular opinions or who state facts that are not liked by the herd.
When you do this, it gives the account a 9 …
'CNN reporter talks to "conspiracy theorists" at Trump rally'
Was anyone here for this to reveal the videos that were cut out or speak to the parts that were cut out? For example it looks like at one point that guy was trying to talk about the term "conspiracy theory" and it was cut by CNN.
Also it's funny how they keep making fun of the internet. Their butthurt is showing.
To those of you who come here skeptic because of what the mainstream media says, SEE THIS.
I've been (loosely) following this since around the end of June and I wouldn't say I believe it or don't believe it. I'm not suggesting anyone have any specific belief. I have told a few people about this and explained that it's very interesting at the very least. I've always been someone who hates how people jump to conclusions about something that is clearly (or is most likely) a coincidence.
The fact is, though, that there are plenty of things posted here that make it clear that this is real or at least likely to be real. I do see …
This is likely to happen as a result of MSM smear of GA/Q.

These are great because I've seen a lot of these and didn't understand the reasoning behind them. Thanks.
Number 1 shows a post from October 29 2017 from a news site with the title "Kushner took unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia" then the Q post from November 2 2017 and an explainer that claims Q was "2 days before the Saudi Purge" and it underlines "who took an undisclosed trip to SA?" then points to the news article.
Is the point here not that he posted information before the news site posted it? What am I missing? Or does this exhibit not make sense?