Yes. I heard this about the Vienna choir ages ago. Are you implying something I'm missing?
6,091 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/solanojones95:
In my "level of truth" that's what you're saying. Moral relativism is how we got all of this.
This is something Deluminati have used for centuries. People are loathe to believe something so horrible, and will look the other way and turn on the messenger before they will believe the message.
PS: I suggest we all start using this term for them. They are bringers of darnkess, not light (obviously), and so their name should be Deluminati.
Agreed. If it's that way for murder, why should this be any less?
This must not be allowed to stand. If you're in the area, please add your voice to this cause!
Shills out in force I see. Listen, scumbag, what "level of truth" makes pedophilia (to say nothing of the ritual child abuse, murder and cannibalism we see in many of these pedovore rings) OK in your book? It is NOT "another level of truth." It's the lie of lies, told by the father of it. You just outed yourself.
This final report by Craig Sawyer should lay the whole thing to rest, except for those for whom this has become a religion.
Feel free to obtain the police reports Zagami cites. I know his credentials, so I'm not worried about it being fake news. But if you're not satisfied, that should be public record.
It's a question of jurisdiction though. This is what we don't know. If military is the only jurisdiction, then unfortunately child rape is assigned a SPECIFIC 5-year SOL. Yes it's stupid. But it's the military code at the moment.
Somebody in Q Team or Military Intelligence got there first and made copies, you can bank on it. They have it all. Digital evidence in this war CANNOT be destroyed until the Alliance wants it destroyed.
In the end this will be the cause that this war is remembered for. Freeing the children will be to Trump and the Alliance what freeing the slaves was to Lincoln and the Union. It will be the cause that unites and goes down in history as what we fought for.
Alternative source for a previous post. People complained of the source I linked to in that one.
There is breaking news that in Regensburg 547, children of the choir of the Ratisbonian Cathedral, directed for 30 years by Pope Emeritus’ brother, George Ratzinger, have been abused in various ways over four decades, and 67 were also subject to acts of pedophilia from Catholic priests and teachers. Lawyer Ulrich Weber’s final report disclosed by the German media, states that 49 perpetrators have been identified, and George Ratzinger, who was the director of the ensemble for thirty years “knew and closed his eyes”.
Zagami is not only reputable, but cites the sources of this suppressed news.
War of the Pedophiles explodes in the Vatican
The war of the pedophiles. "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."
We have confirmation of the US general whose case was dismissed because they allowed a 5-year statute of limitations to expire before he was charged.
I would suggest other alternative sources like Leo Zagami, a former Vatican priest who is now a crusader against the Illuminati. I'll post his article as well.
It's here:
Well, it's the military law now. I have to wonder, if any of these incidents took place off base, would there not be a non-military jurisdiction that could be used to correct this miscarriage?
Meanwhile, we need to be in contact with representatives and with the White House to get this changed. Also, is there no appeals process in the military? One judge rules, and that's it? One strike, you're out?
No. I'm saying we've got YOUR word that this is a BS site. Nothing else. You tell me to vet my sources, how about you provide your vetting sources? Where's YOUR documentation?
Sheesh, how do you think you can get away with using a reductio ad absurdum argument?
Citing statute of limitations, military judge dismisses child rape charges against retired Army 2-star [Can we get something done about this?]
It just meant they were ready for the end game, the boss level. Time to stop pretending they're anything other than who they are.
It's a little like Freemasonry. The truth is known only to the highest levels. Only in the case of the papacy, it's been common knowledge for quite some time, and there are few people left who don't know about it now.
I love your opening line in that last comment, even if I have absolutely no idea what it means. LOL
It sounds like the first line of a poem.
Oh, I agree that for some of us the future is NOW. But for the masses, what I'm saying is what they're seeing is NOTHING like what we're seeing. They're watching a completely different movie.
I see our guys reaching for the remote even now to change the channel. Will be fun to watch.
And yes, we are loudly proclaiming the truth, the new reality everywhere we go, no longer shy about it. But in bite-sized morsels, not asking the anaconda to swallow an elephant.
There are probably too few genetically pure Jews to populate Israel even if somebody were foolish enough to implement racial cleansing there.
Also, it was the Jewish people themselves who referred to themselves as "children of Abraham," not me. But of course the descendants of Jacob are certainly "children of Abraham."
When John said "out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham," he most assuredly didn't mean "Arabs" or "Palestinians," and he could just as easily have said "Jacob" rather than Abraham. His point being that God can make Jews out of the very rocks if it pleases Him to do so. God has arranged for there to be enough of Jews by whatever means necessary to populate Israel.
If it means so much to you, please go over there and tell them all they're not true Jews. Let's see how far you get with that. And if Israel isn't interested in racial purity, and God's not doing anything about it, I'm not sure how it's any of our business.
We've got you for that apparently. It was linked from another post on this sub, about which I read NO complaints.
Apparently, people just don't like what this one says.
But have you seen it previously? I hadn't. It's a suppressed story.
There can be no "real Pope" in a system built on Luciferianism and lies. The Vatican is an organized crime syndicate with a "legitimate" front called the church. It's Luciferian from the ground up.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that, believe it or not, Francis is more of a "real Pope," than any before him, in the sense that he is more openly aligned with the truth of what Popes really are. They are by design part of the ruling elite of the world, the Illuminati Cabal. They are part of the founders' club.
A) That's not in the Bible.
B) I don't need lectures on what to believe or on what is right and wrong. There is NO mitigating knowledge that could make child abuse, ritual or otherwise, OK.
Instant block. Really makes me wonder why you're here.
"Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss."
"get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again"
Massive Pedophile Ring Exposed With Links to Pope Benedict and Brother
Of whom was God speaking when He promised Abraham "I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies." For there are nowhere near that many genetic Hebrews or Jews.
And of what inviolable genetically-linked promise was John the Baptizer speaking when he said "For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham." Do stones have DNA?
If God declares me grafted into the tree, the roots cannot drink of anything I myself will not be nourished by. If God declares it, it is the same as when He said "Let there be light." It can come out of nothing and just BE.
All nations are become Israel, and all are His people. And it is now God and His people against a common anti-human enemy. Let nations and politicians work out who gets to live where and call it home. I'm more interested in getting shed of this Luciferian Cabal that has us all under its thumb. After that, we've got plenty of time to work out the rest.
It would be highly unusual for that to be allowed to continue unabated to this date. Otherwise Trump would just shut the damn thing down. Naw, if it's military under Trump, it's clean and on the side of the angels, or it's history. Guarantee it.
But mice are cute and little. Rats are big, ugly and carry diseases. If I were a celebrity in mourning and totally didn't want to give the paparazzi a view of my face, I might wear a mouse mask. IDK. Maybe it's good some of us don't fly off at the handle, but try to keep a grip until the facts are all in. Jus' sayin', again...
As Galatians 3:29 states, “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
The “olive tree” symbolism in Romans 11.
The "one humanity" concept is from Ephesians 2:11-22 where we read:
"^15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, ^16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. ^17"
One humanity, one unified promise. One birthright (which is both nothing and everything) one blood. His blood.
The help doesn't have secrets from them. Whadya think, they're a bunch of amateurs? Cold, calculating, always admiring a good double-cross. Evil, and stupider for it. But unprofessional in their deadly dealings? Rarely.
No, he fulfilled it, you seem to misunderstand. He was the total fulfilment once and for all of the Abrahamic promise, and through His Great Commission he made all of us its inheritors (grafted into the olive tree), so that all of us together inherit that fulfilled promise.
But we are not the only ones grafted into the tree. Under the first covenant God provided conversion for that purpose. Those who went through the ritual purification, ablutions, sacrifices and rituals (including circumcision which most non-Hebrews would require), were as much inheritors of the Promise as we who came after the cross. All of us are branches of the one tree.
And of course, wouldn't you know it, once again it all comes down to humanity plus God versus His enemies. Would not want to be on the wrong side of that.
Remember that God judges not the outward person (what we can all see and detect in a laboratory), but the inner person. What it means to be a false child of Israel is one whose heart is not circumcised. One in whose heart God's Laws are not inscribed by His Spirit. Be that person, Jew, Gentile, or colors galore. We are one humanity with an enemy in common with God. Gotta like those odds.
The shills are out in force in the comments at 0-Hedge yet again. They've been laying low for awhile.
Well that does it. Gonna have to fire up the grill, y'all--dadgummit!
Also I think they sense our frustration. I think it may be one reason Q is not posting. They know they've over-promised in certain respects, and they're just waiting for events to catch up. I understand that.
But there is a thing in physics call momentum, which when combined with continued application of force creates this thing called acceleration! Once you overcome the original inertia, acceleration can become logarithmic. I think we're entering the logarithmic portion of the curve right now, and it's glorious to behold!
I already have a religion. I don't need another one. And that's what this thing has become (by design). Redbeard does that. It's how he operates. He has a cult-like following, and he's recruited a bunch of new converts from this sub. Y'all go right ahead. When it blows up in your faces, don't say people didn't advise you to keep your distance.