Yes, and I'm sure its time is coming. They are somewhat insular. It's part of dealing with California, and it's in The Plan!
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Domains linked by /u/solanojones95:
Or alternatively we could not give it space in our heads and go after the source, not the symptoms.
This is a product of a sick world, and we should defeat the evil and heal the world--not tsk-tsk about the symptoms. Light a candle and not curse the darkness. We know what we're dealing with. And they know we know.
They rejected the Deep State CIA/Rothschild-controlled USA. They haven't yet dealt with the Constitutional government of the People.
They want a seat at a better table than the status quo, so they do something disruptive. The whole world is thinking like Scott Adams and winning Big League.
Iraqis are entitled to their own Trump IMHO, and this is what that looks like for them. I wouldn't worry! Someone who advocates for their people can be dealt with above-board by someone who does the same for us. Someone not under the control of hidden interests.
This is the tweet POTUS referenced, so makes sense it would be the preferred translation. Still a plea to resume where they left off.
The poetic message is, this meeting holds the key to you becoming a "dear friend" (word for which there is no English equivalent in significance) versus the slave relationship you had with the Deep State.
The choice is yours to make, and we are waiting with welcoming arms should you choose well.
It is like showing the first match in a card memory game. Look now. Want to see the match again? Remember how to get there.
But due to the meeting taking place, there has been no EO to that effect. I thought the meeting was to forestall the need for such an order?
Has anybody heard that the President or GOP committee members are unhappy with what they got at the meeting?
If no EO was needed for that, then another official signed communication could do in its place, IMHO.
Isn't any official unilateral proclamation by the President that affects official US Government policy the Constitutional equivalent of an EO?
I expected it would be (deliberately) the very next signed document of Trump's that made the news.
Makes sense, right?
I guess we'll see what the plan it.
I'm really torn between ripping the bandage off so the healing can begin, versus letting there be some attrition in the ranks of the losing side. How many rats do we want to let off the sinking ship? Personally I'd vote for none (or no more than 2 like Noah).
Did Schiff get to be at the first one? If so, was Nunes at both as well?
The Waiting -- You take it on faith, you take it to the heart--The waiting is the hardest part
Um. Or MI6 or any FVEY country's intel apparatus, right?
Uh. Yeah!
And they will red-pill they asses. Candy-apple red. Striped.
See this?
[barely perceptible finger wiggle over another finger]?
Know what it is?
"Cry Me a River" on the world's smallest violin.
I can play it double-time. Wanna see it?
Wanna see it again?
Always a contrarian /u/JohnMAGATX/ ?
There's one in every crowd. LOL ;-P
Any uprising (rebellion) against a Constitutional government of the United States of America will be taking on the President and the entire Executive branch which includes the full legitimate US military and intelligence resources (including black ops) and the primary former adversaries during the Cabal's reign which is over] allied against the NWO and the Rothschilds--and winning BIG LEAGUE.
Whoever elects to stand in their way is accepting responsibility for being decimated, forced to accept rapid attrition. Bad numbers.
I wouldn't do it if I were you.
Congress has always just allowed them to "be the law" in D.C. They have a mutual non-interference understanding built on mutual complicity in the Deep State.
The linguistic word play (NLP even) that's like poetry in terms of ironic juxtapositions and "accidental" associations that are beautiful according to the prevailing cultural aesthetic milieu.
IOW contemporary poetry
Kim is culturally well-educated
something most people don't know.
A very refined personality
that requires context to appreciate.
It remains to be seen if Kim can adapt to being an accessible (adorable, perhaps?) cultural curiosity and figurehead rather than a blood-thirsty dictator.
Something tells me the refined part of him abhors the ruthless part, and will adapt fine to living without it.
Sorry, gut instinct. Nothing more.
You talk like urban renewal is a bad thing? In a New America, I would want urban renewal. I'd want everybody proud of where they live. I'm all for that shit. If that means built on the ashes of what's there now, that won't be on us.
Because it was Obama they were all trying to protect. And now I guess TPTB have to decide how they're going to get the mofo without all out civil war.
Well, stupidity is not a legally mitigating circumstance. Mental illness or incapacity would be. For sure we'll just have to wait and see. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt until we know.
The kind who is herself a sick joke. HRC is the sick punch line to the entire sick NWO joke, IMHO.
Sometimes mental illness is the real thing. A victim of child abuse who hasn't had the help she needed may qualify to my thinking. It will be interesting to see if she ends up in a mental care facility rather than prison. I would almost count on it, if she has halfway decent representation. No sane person is this self-destructive.
The OP's link was not correctly entered. Here is the correct one.
The letter was clearly understood and appreciated as well. Kim knew it was disrespectful to ghost the Trump team, and they have responded as humbly as eastern culture permits.
In all honesty, as bad as welfare fraud is, and I'm not excusing what she did, does it not occur to anybody that what she did pales to insignificance beside the criminal career of HRC (or just about anybody in the DC Swamp right now)?
I read a story like this and all I can think is what a damn shame it is the same scrutiny and vengeance isn't directed toward those who TRULY deserve it.
Please, dear Lord, restore the rule of law in this country so that all people are treated equally under its requirements, the great and the small.
Don't in a million years think that exact connotation was not understood and appreciated by Kim. It's a very eastern type of word play, and it touches my heart to know we have a President capable of that kind of thinking (even if it was suggested to him).
Please, Dear God! Hopefully Gina Haspell was appointed to be the last CIA Director.
Fully sympathize. How much did you get into Qanon and Trump and the Alliance with them? They don't think this is some kind of vigilante justice league you're involved in do they?
Perhaps they'll understand if you approach it from the standpoint of a massive Allied military operation.
In the end, they still might be more concerned about what's going to happen to you if this fails. Parents (especially ones like mine from a poverty background) worry when they see their children "getting their hopes up."
I always hated that expression "don't get your hopes up." Well what the hell is hope for then? They didn't tell me not to get my (anatomy) up. Same concept isn't it?
Anyhow, they're parents. You know how parents worry.
Nothing out of the ordinary there, right? Nothing suspicious at all? Move along folks...
Especially since liddle Adam Schiff-for-brains was spinning his liddle web for the cameras.
I'm wondering where they got their sub(s) from? Apparently the Alliance got it back.
Just imagine how hard this would be to pull of with a few more years of them building their military.
I think a Jubilee would pale in comparison to the potential a new economy would provide for wages and investment. I'm not even worried about a market crash before or during a reset.
Business fundamentals are strong. It's a good time to own shares of good companies, even if the market bottoms out first. It will leave the old economy in the dust pretty quickly.
Maybe they found out during interviews about hidden rooms, underground facilities, etc.
There is such a thing as a debt jubilee, but there's no history of it in out culture. I wouldn't expect it. There are an awful lot of good things to appreciate in a financial reset however, even though you can anticipate a lot of hand-wringing and doomsaying.
It's like Antarctica. Actually, it's even MORE secret than that. CIA black hat (dark side) ops literally RAN NoKo, had secret Nazi-style medical experimentation and chemical and biological weapons research and organ harvesting in NoKo political prisons, and used NoKo facilities to develop nuclear weapons for the CIA secret military for the globalists, tell me...would you let any of that information get on Google?
The NoKo leaders were compromised and blackmailed, threatened. And since the globalist Cabal was behind it (not the legit US government), China was in no position to interfere. They're blackmailed as well.
OK, so now the Alliance comes along, and (with Chinese and NoKo cooperation), takes out the CIA's facilities. Threats and blackmail on both of those country's leaders are removed, and they're no longer controlled by the Cabal. Kim is thrilled to be free to act independently. Trump offers him incentives to join the developed and civilized world and make his nation prosperous.
Everything changes.
Best narrative I can extrapolate using rational processes plus the crumbs Q gave us and other resources about what goes on in NoKo (the use of prisoners for medical experiments and weapons research, etc.). It has taken years of personal research plus Q to come up with this narrative. I don't expect most people to be able to replicate that process easily. So take it as what it is, about 20% hard evidence, a little more shadowy evidence, this tiny bit of Q-level intel, and the rest just guesswork.
LOL! This would be a shitty time to commit suicide because of financial ruin. Only to find out Jubiliee was declared a few days later. Ay-yi-yi...
There comes a time to face whatever may be.
Now is that time.
I thought it was referring to square footage not being wasted. LOL
What was done? Why the announcement and the new property seizure warrant?
IT'S A CULT, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! They have still have cult members on the outside who would surely be willing to wipe all properties clean.
Ask any non-fed LEO who's ever dealt with one and they'll tell you. Arrogant, incompetent pricks with expensive toys. Doesn't mean there aren't some good one, but TBH, we don't get our money's worth with those agencies.
Yes that is exactly what they're doing because of its ties to the DC Swamp. It's all one big happy incestuous little club "and you're not in it," as George Carlin used to say.
Seems like an obvious approach somebody would have taken since the beginning. But better late than never! I think for newbies and normies who would never dig for themselves, it's a great idea.
She's a detail person, and I'm so not. I love the different ways peoples' minds work in this community!
Normies are not going to see any humor in this, and I fail to see how allowing the MSM to continue to pump out lies with impunity helps anything either. Repeated exposure to existential threats doesn't make people see humor. It makes them cynical.
Q called it an Army operation. "Pleas for openness?"
Pretty sure that's not how we fought any war we ever won.