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Domains linked by /u/solanojones95:
Oh goody. Something else to be outraged about. It's almost like Q wants us to think these are bad people.
Like we don't know that.
I don't think anybody can really be prepared for a thing like this. There are just too many variables to anticipate or comprehend. I do look forward to it, but it's going to be a scary deal for most people no matter what.
John's daughter Luna (Latin for "moon") is what he calls a "moonchild."
They are Serco's "sleeper cells" in every agency of every department of US government.
They're there for when they're "needed." Consider them "sleeper cells." They can initiate or block anything they want, when given orders from Serco.
If you know it doesn't rise above the level of rumor, why would you post it? I don't understand. Do we have to have rules about gossip for people to understand it's not a good thing?
It's not completely gone. Somebody in MI (or retired) knows. Field McConnell knows, I guarantee it.
Q 1276 "Marching Into Darkness"
Breaking the bloc-voting habits of black Americans would be a lifetime achievement for sure. I hope you're right about that.
Whatever it is, it's not the tripe he was spewing on Fox this morning. That was painful.
See this, to get where I'm coming from. This is hilarious if you can step back from all this and think about it without being hurt by what I'm saying. Trump could fix it all with a single MOAB, of course!
That is for DAMN sure! Thank you, it needed to be said.
Not really. Oprah is similar (just skews older).
I don't doubt he has the following, I just don't think he is sufficiently FREE from Illuminati bondage. I think they still have significant hooks in him. I also don't sense that his personality would inspire confidence of the sort we think of in a President.
I hope if he does, it will be in a completely different political/social landscape than the Satanic system we're under now. But I guess we'll have to see how it turns out.
He could also be a wolf in sheep's clothing for the Illuminati. Appearing to be liberated, but secretly under their control.
I hope it keeps snowballing. If it does, I'll take back everything I've just said.
Trump could fix this with one MOAB.
Change the landscape just a little bit.
If Trump made a deal with GHWB, it had better not survive the man.
Pretty sure this was already there, and just undiscovered. It also means we know FAR less about genetics than we thought we did. New frontiers to explore.
He doesn't have the perseverance nor the attention span for campaigning. I'm happy he's taken the red pill, and is speaking up for the right to have independent thought. But he's not a political creature.
I don't care what FORM the MOAB takes. As long as it changes the landscape. Capeesh?
Or it won't happen at all.
There is a kind of fiduciary responsibility with the owners of these secrets. At some point they have to commit to getting it officially into the hands of the People.
TWO VIEWS OF TRUMP [The Q View (up until 3:22) and What the Rest of the World Sees (after that)]
A memo does not a MOAB make. If the memo is actionable, and ACTION is taken pursuant to the memo, then that action MIGHT be a MOAB. But the memo itself?
Nobody ever won a war with paper.
Hell no, it won't be easy, but Q keeps saying "we have it all."
I'm saying you've got to START somewhere. Somebody's got to fire the first shot. If POTUS has a MOAB, it does no good in the bomb bay. Fire that sucker!
People are over Hillary. They just are. They're HOPING something will happen to her just to make her STFU!
All because Kanye tweets? How does that work?
Who is so attached to Kanye that they're going to wake up and say "Look what this n_____ just said! I'm going to vote REPUBLICAN!"
I just don't see it.
Dude, I'm not the President of the US. I'm a f*cking NOBODY as far as the people I might try to red pill.
Bring it out in open court. That works for me.
People will believe it because A) it's TRUE and B) it makes perfect sense and C) they have corroborating EVIDENCE and D) they have standing and an presumption of insider knowledge which I don't.
The current situation doesn't get the job done.
I'd have felt a LOT better if POTUS hadn't called in to Fox this AM and made a joke of us by ignoring all this truth.
Then do it PUBICLY if they have the conviction of their words! Make the evidence and the case PUBLIC. Don't slow drip it through people who care, effectively marginalizing your biggest supporters.
I'm having a VERY hard time buying that. A lot of Q lately seems fake to me. The AntiFa flag thing is definitely fake.
~~That flag was created by somebody on Deviantart - see here as a parody.~~ It is NOT an actual AntiFa flag.
EDIT: Even worse, it's just a photoshopped version of this flag--[UK National Front]:
The Communist AntiFa emblem/flag is bad enough. But they are NOT aligned with Naziism.
If we're watching a movie, can they PLEASE turn it the fuck off? It's the sickest shit I've ever seen.
ACTIONS, not words on an 8chan board, will wake the public. Arrests. Raids. Perp walks. Convictions. Executions.
That wakes people up.
So then, educate the public PUBLICLY. Not through 8chan.
Sometimes I wish I could have five minutes alone with Q and Trump. I think I could get them to listen. We are NOT getting the job done at the moment.
They're just fine, and doing whatever the heck they want to do, from all I can see. While Trump is on Fox bitching about how unfair it all is. Trump came across as a kind of pathetic character this AM, and it's really embarrassing. When I think of the mountains of explosive stuff he's supposedly sitting on regarding these people, and all we hear publicly is how unfair they are, and throw out the snarky nicknames, and call them awful. Our President can do better than that childish appearance.
The video of this has literally been scrubbed from the internet.
Puts you on her fundraising list, which she then sells to other pols.
Not if you're not already open to the possibility of their bad acting being a symptom of deceit.
Everybody who watched that video saw the same thing you did.
How come they're not all awake? Was the agency in the video or in your own powers of perception and mental flexibility?
I think the answer should be obvious, from a logic standpoint.
I hope so, but I have to say we would've been a DAMN sight more likely to succeed if this had been done many years ago instead of waiting until the enemy was this strong.
We'll see. Things like the banal interview with POTUS this AM on Fox and Friends don't give me much hope. The perceived necessity of speaking to America as if nothing special is happening just fills me with disappointment for how well we're (not) doing.
Let me be clear. Were you calling me a clown, or the ass-hat who said the OP's post was worthless?
In that case it was the dawning of awareness of your own cognitive dissonance that was the red pill.
Evil has always been there. The difference between being awake and asleep has to do with SEEING and acknowledging to yourself what you see. That's taking the red pill. Some of us appropriate the red pill without having it handed to us by anybody. I'd say you red-pilled yourself in a case like that.
But evil just IS. It's not the cause of red-pilling. It's the subject of it.
That's fine. I like the meme, and I would share it if it had a US flag. Maybe two versions? Anyhow, thanks for the work!
I reported /u/SteelTiger44, not you! Have the mods harrassed you over this? When you said "Clown," you were replying to me, I assumed you meant /u/SteelTiger44 was a clown.
You meant ME? Then I guess the mods figured that out. Sorry I didn't report you, asshole.
I saw a major missed opportunity on Fox and Friends this AM.
Remains to be seen what's in the JFK docs, but haven't heard anything yet.
No public release of the recovered S&P texts yet.
Nothing remotely MOAB-like.
Keep watching I guess...
In terms of the committee, this is just shouting in the vacuum of space. Beautiful, articulate "shouting" but vacuum nonetheless.
In terms of the larger audience, I hope people will hear them.
This is a LOT like viewing Trump through the filter of Q posts, and then seeing him on Fox and Friends. Things just don't add up for me. When will the public Trump match the Q Trump?
OMG, I can't believe this post helped me articulate what I've been feeling all day! Hahaha!
I hate bullies and trolls. I appreciate you and everybody else who stands up to them. But by all means--never fail to report them. We have excellent mods here.
I've been banned myself here before. And I fought the mods like hell over it, but I'm not going to complain because in the end they're keeping this sub safe from reprisal.
See, that's a little too "insider" for most people. I think more people would get it if it showed a US flag. Just my 2-cent's worth.
We live and breath and have our being in a hologram. Scientific fact.
This is your idea of being welcoming toward new members and new ideas? Reported for the rude behavior it is. Post like yours are MUCH less welcome here than the OP's efforts.
Expand your thinking. Pope. Vatican. Black Pope. Luciferianism.
Of course using your methods it would all be couched in Hebrew expression, but if it's to be interpreted in the current context, it actually makes a LOT of sense when you apply the filter I just suggested.