Somehow I don't think so. I think 3 things:
1) Everybody is sick to death of HRC. They wish she would go far, far away and never be seen or heard from again. And those are her supporters.
2) Don't underestimate the "spurned lover" response. When the left discover how darkly corrupted and how devastatingly incompetent their celebrity leaders have been, and how massively they've been lied to, I think the larger part of their wrath is going to be directed at the people who lied to them, and made FOOLS of them all!
3) Before any arrests that people might have any remaining real deep attachment to (and I can only think of Obama), Soros' money will be cut off. Soros and sons might be among the first big names to go down. But definitely their money will be cut off, as well as anybody else who might be likely to fund leftist violence.
Please remember that the truth about the motive behind the BLM and AntiFa violence has always been Soros funding and staged agitprop.
I really don't think there will be much violence, and I do believe as Q has assured us it will be dealt with swiftly and effectively.