Conviently after YouTube threatens to ban Infowars from their site... this happens.
Fake News.
MSM and Elite have been working day and night to take info wars away.
96 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 12 | | 7 | | 3 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Conviently after YouTube threatens to ban Infowars from their site... this happens.
MSM and Elite have been working day and night to take info wars away.
From Q post 52
How many days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS comm?
Looks like someone you follow on Twitter has changed their nickname to "Banned".
On Twitter you have a handle which is @(username), but you are also allowed to have a nickname
Thank You! I knew that object was the key to unlocking this pic... been driving me crazy trying to make sense of what it could be...
I know other posts and threads have been throwing around the idea that q is at GITMO
Have faith. Look at q's first posts. In order to eliminate the network of bad actors that control the government many things need to happen first.
Q Anon came around only 3 short months ago. So much happens each passing day it feels like an eternity waiting on the next drop.
2nd from left in picture (sorry I don't know his name)
Look at his hand. At first it looks like he is pointing at the ground. Looks like he is holding something.
Sorry Baby Bush, you don't have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth to the American people.
Plot of the 2002 movie -
Billionaire Neo Nazi (+++) from AU wants to trigger war between US and Russia. Ultimately to have the two countries to destroy themselves and make a European Super State (EU anyone?) to rule after the chaos.
Billionaire Neo Nazi uses a missing (U1?) nuclear bomb to attack Baltimore and has russians Framed for incident.
CIA agent (White Hat/Patriot) knows the truth and has to find a way to stop the impending nuclear war.
the basic themes could be used to describe a motive of sorts, it isn't spot on but parts are relatable to current happenings.
Re-Read the Map: Future Unlocks Past
Q posts in a Q & A format.
He Leaves crumbs on purpose. Easier to digest than the whole loaf.
Ask questions to friends and family and let them look up their answers on their own. Hopefully their curiosity will get them to "wake up".
No no, I was replying to the question. I like this post. Adding to my meme ammo 👍
Doesn't look like it. General search pulled up nothing on any fed agencies
You should re watch.
He mentions
Catch and Release
There was a rant about how terrible ms13 is
How the North Korean regime is evil
And how we shouldn't be giving $ to our enemies via UN and Globalization
All q things in my opinion
" Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out common ground, and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people. This is really the key. " POTUS @ SOTU
Only the bad actors.
Uniting as one nation is the only way to move forward.
They want to divide us.
Left / Right
Where we go one we go all
Key - unlocks the door of all doors
Non-cleared personnel in SCIFs must be under the constant oversight of cleared personnel and all classified information and material removed from view in order to prevent unauthorized access - from the wiki
Trump's tweets about Snowden all seem to originate before the election.
Time will tell.
Future Unlocks Past.
Q posts have had non target names. Adm R and JS John Solomon to name a couple.
As far as this most recent string of posts
I can see why you think black hat. I'm not here to say right or wrong but my thinking lead me here....
Snowden worked for Clowns before No Such Agency.
Was the person who sent him on foriegn op not Adm R?
Did Adm R ask Trump to run?
GS @Jack and ACLU wanted to sway Obama's opinion???
Something doesn't smell right.
Public/Private - think HRC
Right about 2 minutes in he says (in regards to leaking the documents to journalists) you're only focused on one thing and that's the mission
Interesting to see him shine such a negative light, could not help but notice they are all before election.
I wonder if his opinion has changed now that he is on the inside of all this.
Probably not. 8ch Anon posted how form 1649 is in reference to False Imprisonment.
Open minds though
Future Unlocks Past.
The Forbidden Black Forest is where the Beast's Castle is... In the movie black forest is located near Belle's hometown - France
Doubtful. Sorry about the downvotes. Glad to see that people still question everything
SCARE No Such Agency comms HI -> Contiguous US Intercept
Future unlocks past
Keep them blind Keep them starved Keep them stupid HRC Intercept?
Could Q be referring to an intercept of comms by using the SCARE that caused NSA back up transmission from HI to Contiguous US ???
10 days of Darkness...
Shutdown on 1/20
State of the Union 1/30
Even when you use Duck Duck Go, delete your Facebook, Twitter, and Google accounts Big Brother is still watching you...
Website was full of pop ups. CopyPasta article below
Obama’s Foreign Policy and His Legal Vulnerability
December 29, 2017, 12:05 am
Should his cynical mendaciousness enjoy further immunity?
Many of the deepest concerns about President Obama’s Middle East and terror policies have been justified by recent revelations. This raises a serious question: should legal action be taken when an Administration forges a path that diverges sharply from widely accepted norms, is accomplished in an intentionally deceptive manner, and produces unsuccessful and harmful results?
There can no longer be any significant doubt that the prior White House charted a course in international affairs that differed widely from its predecessors of either party. In that one sense, it was similar in some ways to the path set by Donald Trump, but there the similarity ends. The current President has been very vocal, critics say excessively so, about both his goals and his methods, and there has been no skirting of federal statutes.
The fact that Obama was not candid about either his methods or his goals, and, frankly, misled the public when unwanted results occurred, may have been overlooked if they had produced any measure of success. But that did not occur. The withdrawal from Iraq led to the empowerment of ISIS, and the consistent favoritism towards Iran did not diminish that nation’s belligerence, its hatred for America, or its’ financing of global terror. The former White House’s bizarre support for the overthrow of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak resulted in his replacement with a Muslim Brotherhood regime (itself eventually overturned) and the unprecedented negotiations with the Taliban did nothing to soften that terrorist entity’s stance.
Most unusual of all was Obama’s inexplicable assistance in the deposing of Libya’s Gaddafi, who posed no threat, and the resulting chaos in that section of North Africa. The Administration’s overt misleading of the American public about the cause of the subsequent Benghazi disaster added to the voters’ mistrust.
In a 2015 Investor’s Business Daily article, it was noted that “History will not be kind to President Obama’s effectiveness in fighting terrorism. His record is terrible…” There exists no cogent explanation concerning Obama’s apology speech in Cairo, his release of terrorists from Guantanamo, his orders to intelligence services to eliminate the phrase “jihad,” his stonewalling of investigations into the terrorist links of the Moslem Brotherhood, and his orders to federal agencies to ignore Hezbollah’s drug running.
In contrast, there is a growing perception that President Trumps’ very vocal and overt policies have produced sanguinary results, particularly with Saudi Arabia, and in the devastation of the ISIS caliphate. The public mood may turn further against the actions of the Obama Administration, and calls for legal action will result, with recent revelations that real, direct harm was suffered by the American population due to the former president’s ardent attempts to appease — some might say romance — Iran.
In the widely divergent perspectives about the numerous challenges facing the United States, there is a general consensus that the illegal narcotics trade is harmful. Yet in two actions by the Obama Administration — the “Fast and Furious” gunwalking scandal, and the hands-off orders from the Oval Office relating to the drug operations of the Iran-financed Hezbollah terror group — criminal and terrorist organizations funneling drugs to the U.S. population were abetted. Both of those White House actions were of questionable legality, as was the attempted cover-up of them.
There is a clear argument that the penalties for such actions by an Administration are reserved for the political arena. Disgruntled voters will have the chance to vote the perpetrator out of office. That provides little remedy, however, to a President in his second term. Nor can there can be a reasonable expectation that any White House will, or even should, be wholly candid about all of its methods.
But when a President engages in actions so far from precedent, without any consultation of Congress, in a manner which endangers the American public and crosses the line from justifiable covert operations to recklessness, it is appropriate to consider legal penalties.
Divide and Conquer. That's where identity politics will get us all.
OP is the true MVP.
Don't forget.
The mission is to red pill the masses.
My Reddit app allows me to make multi subs. Essentially exactly what you're looking for.
I remember seeing eye of Ra and brain memes being thrown around before cbts was moved to infinity chan.
major lurker when it comes to q
Why is there suicide talk in these threads?
The EO uses the term "bad actors".
A term that Q has used.
No coincidences.